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Idea: Hacking teams for new members

Soul Saint

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When I originally came here, I was a bit surprised that this forum didn't have a team system like one on PokeCommunity. Coming from there I'm more of a writer, and only just decided to get back into attempting to hack again yesterday. Maps I can make, everything else I need to work on more.

Here is my proposal: For new members to form groups and work on at least one small-scale hack together, with the help of a veteran to act as a mentor. The new members would decide what they'll do for a hack, with a mentor to guide them along in understanding what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. This makes the place feel a bit more welcoming, and people can get to know each other on top of learning how to hack a FE ROM. The members can also talk over what they're doing with each other, and explain how they did something if someone else is having trouble doing the same thing. Each member, except the mentor, takes a turn in making a map/event/etc - When they have an issue, they can ask someone in their group how they did their task(If it is the same they're working on of course), or their mentor. Mentors offer tips/advise and answer questions that come up. Ground rules can be established, such as a "Ask three people before you ask me" rule.


-New members work together on a small-scale hack, 10 chapters at most

-Each member, except the mentor, takes a turn doing a task needed to make a hack: Map-making/Map-inserting/Events/etc

-Mentors offer advise/tips they have, answer questions that are asked, and look over the work that is done as it is done

-If a veteran is willing to mentor, they should post some basic ground-rules they have(If any)

Maps maybe should start out simple, same with sprites. If the members of a group feel like working together after on another small-scale hack, that'd be one where they can explore more creative ideas - A mentor wouldn't really be needed, but if the mentor wants to and the members would like them around still, they can of course do that. This will also help in making a more general help-list when things come up that a mentor is confused about that may occur. The question and post by the mentor in this thread would be an example of how a question should be posted, including all the information given on what was done, screen-shots, etc within the post, since new members don't always know/remember what to add to their post. Or what to title it as I've noticed.

Archiblad has already said he'd mentor a group, if any new members are interested in forming one then post here. If any veterans here would like to mentor just post on here. How a group meets would be up to them, though Skype is honestly the easiest.

Any thoughts/questions/concerns? Feel free to post. The above are just ideas of mine to form this and I'd love feedback/ideas on how to improve it.

[ Current Willing Mentors ]

Archiblad - [spoiler=Info] As he hasn't given me much except through a PM when I shared the base idea, all I can put here is this: He's interested in this idea and he'd like to help a group over Skype. Once there's more info, I'll put it here.

CT075(Cam/Camtech) - [spoiler=Info]Ground Rules:

1. Consider asking me as a last resort

2. Don't be afraid to ask if you're actually stuck

What to expect:

-If your stuff sucks, I will tell you so

-I won't walk you through how to do things

Contact Info:

Skype - camtech075

Edit: Added one thing to the summary list

Edit 2: I put up a list of current willing-mentors. If anyone willing to mentor wants to, post a bit about what you're willing to do as one.

Edited by Soul Saint
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I think instead of having people rotate positions have them state what they want to learn and or what they already have some knowledge of and create groups that are balanced

edit: it might also be wise to have a pair of mentors one for the artists and one for the hackers

Edited by Ignis Draco
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I think instead of having people rotate positions have them state what they want to learn and or what they already have some knowledge of and create groups that are balanced

That could be an option a group could do if they wanted to. What I proposed was meant to help people learn what they need to for the various positions, so they could at least get progress on personal endeavors in the future. From what I've gathered from posts I've read in this sub-forum, most people want to see progress being done rather than simply reading an idea for a hack that may be discontinued. It'd help new hackers to be able to get stuff up and running, show progress, and get interest/help from others in the community here. The way you suggested is pretty much the PC way - Writers that could also make maps would come up with stories, and request others to fill in the other areas. It's difficult and all to learn, but this is also for people that are new to hacking. So, if people wanna do that they can. All I've proposed is made for people that are new to hacking or wanna try it out.

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i had a long post explaining why this wouldn't work and then actually read the OP and changed my mind (i have it archived for posterity if anyone wants to read it)

i suppose i could mentor (although i personally prefer to help people one-on-one as opposed to a group) but i'm kind of time-starved already


my only issue is that it'd probably be best for the mentor to stay as disconnected as possible (i'm of the firm opinion that anybody can learn how to do this shit without actual personal help)

Edited by CT075
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my only issue is that it'd probably be best for the mentor to stay as disconnected as possible (i'm of the firm opinion that anybody can learn how to do this shit without actual personal help)

That's why I mentioned the mentor looks over the stuff that's done, and the ground rules that could be established. I didn't add it to the summary list, the ground rules, but I'll do that now. I'll also add this: If a veteran is willing to mentor, they should post some basic ground-rules they have(If any). It'll let people know a bit about what to expect from someone they may choose as a mentor or before joining a group with one. As you prefer one-on-one, you could give it a shot if you're willing to do that with someone. Time permitting you, that is.

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if you have a list going you can add me to that i guess, i usually have enough time to answer quick questions from whoever (although >implying anybody would actually want me as a mentor)

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I don't get exactly what the point is for the "mentoring" but I answer any questions people ask me when I'm on my forum chatbox, so maybe that's the same thing?

The point of mentoring is to pretty much be a guiding hand, helping a group of new members to make a small-scale hack. Something I came up with when I made the post was the bit about helping to form a list of questions when something comes up that a mentor doesn't happen to know, and wants a second opinion or five from others - To show how a question/request for help should be made. Looking over this sub-forum showed a lot of people not including information they should, in both the post and the topic title. A mentor acts as a role-model in that sense, when/if it comes up while their group is working on their mini-hack. Aside from that, they give pointers/tips when it comes to doing a task, and look over the progress that is made. It helps new members/hackers find friends here, even make a bit of a name for themselves based on the work they do for when they work on their own hack or offer to help someone else with theirs. Their mentor can also be asked about them I'd say, to figure out how they worked with the rest of the group at the time if they don't really know the person.

CT, I'll add you then. If you end up changing your mind due to your time being too restricted, just say so.

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