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1. two options -

a) dissect the LYN_END event code and see how it does the graphic

b) re-insert the screen as a CG using FEditor and display it via your events that way

i would personally use the second option

2. there are better ways to edit the palette

i think the most recent version of GBAGE disabled editing palettes because there were issues with compressed palettes and stuff

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i think the most recent version of GBAGE disabled editing palettes because there were issues with compressed palettes and stuff

What kind of issues would you be talking about? I've edited at least 2 dozen or so palettes by now, and haven't had any issues with it. But i've only used GBAGE for palettes and weapon icons, so maybe inserting other graphics could be an issue?

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What kind of issues would you be talking about? I've edited at least 2 dozen or so palettes by now, and haven't had any issues with it. But i've only used GBAGE for palettes and weapon icons, so maybe inserting other graphics could be an issue?

weapon icons aren't compressed

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