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So, what are your favorite songs in FE13?

Ice Sage

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This game's soundtrack wowed me. it's so good lol. it made me love the story a lot more.

so, what are your favorites? mine are

this song fit the chapter so well.

Amazing final battle theme. I love it XD
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I love Id sorrow, "running wont save you from you fate", Chaos, Conquest, "dont you dare mock my sister's words", Divine Decree, Divine Decree (ablaze), Destiny, id(purpose) and id(return).

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TBH the whole soundtrack, but without repeating the beautiful "don't speak her name" too many times, one of my favorites is "you have power...like mine". And I love both versions of Expedition!

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I like the final battle theme Id (Purpose) , it's so pretty, and I really love how it has the clasic Fire Emblem theme cool.gif

And this track from the DLCs because it make me laugh


But when I hear that music, this picture comes to my mind...


But actually, all the soundtrack is beautifull laugh.gif

Edited by SniperGYS
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  1. "Don't you dare mock my sister's words!" (English localization: "Don't speak her name!")
    Made me freaking cry.
    Piano Arrangement:

  2. 「I」~為 [Localization: Id (Purpose)]
  3. Chaos (Ablaze) Man those percussions.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Let's see...




-Is this really going to work

-Humans have no choice but to fight each other!

-Onslaught (Reminds you of a super hero game where the aliens fire laser guns)

-Attack (Especially cool with all of the Dark Pegs firing Thron Laser tomes making them UFO's in the process.)

-Let's prepare for battle (Preparations screen)

-Corpse, Soldiers, even here (Start of the first prologue during the bandit invasion)

-This guy wants a war (Whenever you see Gangrel, Aversa, Cervantes, etc at a meeting)

-Formidable foe beginning (Whenever you engage battle with Cervantes, etc)

-I've had forgotten I'd done that (During some support convos)


This one has to be my utmost favorite in the game! Especially good listening to this while your outside in the dark. :evil:

Edited by Katarina
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I like the final battle theme Id (Purpose) , it's so pretty, and I really love how it has the clasic Fire Emblem theme cool.gif

And this track from the DLCs because it make me laugh

But actually, all the soundtrack is beautifull laugh.gif

yeah, this game's soundtrack is amazing. I love it a lot

that gif made me lol XD.

  1. "Don't you dare mock my sister's words!" (English localization: "Don't speak her name!")
    Made me freaking cry.
    Piano Arrangement:

ah, I remember this piano arrangement. Its Beautiful. It fits the atmosphere so well.

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Conquest (regular and Ablaze) and Divine Decree (regular and Ablaze) are my top favorites. But especially Divine Decree, mother of god. It is the most epic-sounding Fire Emblem map/battle music ever. So full of tension and power, it makes even simple skirmishes feel like awesome struggles against fate. So awesome.

I love the "wedding" music that plays in most S-Rank supports, too. It's just so sweet, and it's a perfect conclusion for a romantic conversation.

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I love all the music in this game, a few stick out to me though.

Mastermind/Nemesis is my favorite track in the game, it's a shame you only hear it for a total of 3 battles in the game.

Divine Decree is my official skirmish support grinding music.

Chaos (ablaze) has a really awesome drum in it.

And last but not least is Id (Purpose) for being one of the best final chapter musics in any game I've played.

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Id (Purpose) has to be one of the most epic songs ever.

Also, believe or not, not that big of a fan for "Don't speak her name". It's a great song, not going to lie, but I dare someone to play on repeat Umineko's "Thank Your For Being Born" in that chapter. (Actually, that would also work for Chrom + Lucina A, the part when he says how grateful he is to have met her.)

Other songs I enjoy-

Conquest- For a song called that, it's rather relaxing, even its Ablazed remix. Perfect for Challenges!

You may call me Marth- PIANO. I HAVE AN OBSESSION WITH PIANO SONGS. *cough* Beautiful and enigmatic, just like our Masked Marth!

Champion- IKE'S RESOLUTION. Although Chrom dethroned Ike as my favorite FE guy, Ike will always have a special place in my heart, because of how simple he stayed in a crazy world. Also, Ablazed version is as epic.

And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals?- PIANO. VIOLIN. *foams at mouth* I prefer this one to "Don't speak her name"!

You have power... like mine- SHUT UP, TIKI'S THEME IS EPIC. I kinda wanted a remix of Gatoh's theme, too, if only for that remix I found at OCRemix.

Mastermind- I don't know WHY I like it, it's just... there's this aggression, even in the chanting, and that distortion part, it's my favorite boss music! Even more than Monstrosity!

Id (Serenity)- HOLY SHIT THE LAYTON-NESS! Seriously, it would fit right in a Professor Layton game.

I'm sure there's some more, but I couldn't find them.

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Divine Decree (Ablaze) seriously kicks my ass! Hnnnngh!

Chaos (Ablaze) wins my face.

Champion and its Ablazed brother give me the feels so much. Once i discovered that song, i nearly had a supreme fangasm. It is now my grinding music because yes. :awesome: The manly tears of nostalgia feels.

I do love Conquest(s).

Theres a lot of songs that rock my smallclothes in this game.

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I am quite fond of Chaos, particularly Chaos Ablaze.

And You Can Call Me Marth is also really cool.

I was rather disappointed with the lack of Together We Ride, though. It's actually hearing that song in Smash Bros that first got me interested in Fire Emblem.

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It's actually hearing that song in Smash Bros that first got me interested in Fire Emblem.

Amazing that a simple franchise gets the entire western shores to get to know and start playing this series which Nintendo has entirely retconned for about 12 years. It's the utmost incredible decision that Nintendo has ever done to include Marth and Roy in our games. Without this occurrence, there wouldn't be as much youtube videos of this series. There wouldn't be no FE Fusion, Planet, FESS, and definitely no Serenes. Some like me have actually discovered this series from my bro while reading the series on rpgamer.com. Cuz there wasn't any FESS and Serenes at the time.

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