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Who did you give your Boots to?

On my first play-through I gave them to Chrom just because.

Buuuut on my 2nd play-through I'm considering giving them to Olivia (reclassed a bunch of times, ending as a Dancer), Nah (reclassed a bunch of times, ending as a Manakete) or perhaps Chrom again.

Any suggestions?

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I accidentally used the one I found on Morgan (and he also have that movement +1 skill as well so lol). After that, I'm being crazy and grinding the renown for the second pair of boots. Still haven't decided who it should be given to, but after looking at the units, Olivia deserves it. She only has 5 movement while all other units I used has 6+

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I just keep it. Not a fan of using limited items.

I also never use important weapons for this reason, unless I can use them without depleting them.

I gave them to my Avatar right away, but I think that is a case of favoratism. Is there any way to get more than the one gained via story and the one from renown?

No, 2 is the maximum amount of Boots you can get per playthrough.

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I usually give them to Lucina, or Iron clads. First run gave them to Cynthia. As I've made her a General in the end. Second Run, Lucina. As I've never re-classed her.

Edited by Katarina
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On my first (Normal) run, I just held onto them throughout the main story and eventually gave them to my maxed Dark Knight MU in postgame. Didn't get them at all on my following Hard and Lunatic runs on the Japanese version, but I got them again on my American Hard run and gave them to Swordmaster Sully.

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We get boots? No seriously, when do you get boots? I think I missed it my 2nd time I was probably too focused on getting destroyed. IIRC I gave it to Olivia my first time because dancer+boots is OP or give it to a Darkflier, with Galeforce it feels like it gives +4 move

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