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Small Aesthetic Gripes in a Wonderful Game


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THUNDERATION! ... They could have used a few more voice samples for the peasants.

Is it just me, or is there no way any playable character but Anna can actually pull off the Trickster look? Ye gods. The enemies have a great coloration for Trickster... Ylisse, not so much. Go ahead, try it if you haven't. (Is there anyone besides Anna and Gangrel who gets a special suit for that? 'cause... blech...)

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The only aesthetic gripe for me was the feet, but I got over that pretty fast.....I actually haven't tried using anyone other than Anna and Gangrel as trickters since I've heard no one does it better, but it can't look that different from them or the enemies....can they???

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My gripe is that Chrom's sprite doesn't update after he promoted to great lord. HIS GREAT LORD UNIFORM IS AWESOME. D8

As for trickers, I think they ALL look silly. Anna looks like her butt is huge.

Edited by MagicLeafy
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I love the battle animations but the characters look like they are constantly walking, fighting on a waxed floor. There's just no traction whatsoever :\

Also no one has feet! Rather, their feet are so freakin' small! No wonder Sumia trips all the time. It's like their legs go to their shins then there is a little stubble that they call feet...

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I wish everyone kept their unique color schemes even if they're reclassed. D8 My first file has both Ricken and a Ricken-fathered Morgan as Sages, and I'd find it hard to tell them apart were it not for the hat the former wears.

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There are quite a few gripes in this aspect for me.

First, there's the clipping problem. War cleric holding an axe? The axe gets clipped into the dress. Two flying units with dual guard? Massive clip. Apparently, having your neighbour's griffon's wings flap over your head is a fun thing to do. At least make them move away from each other after guarding. I think sages' legs clip with their robes too.

And then there are the battle scenes. I know the 3DS isn't that powerful and this game is already doing great, but come on. If you have 2D bitmap trees and grass, don't zoom your camera into those.

Trickster's idle animation looks rather weird. No one stands like that.

I wish everyone kept their unique color schemes even if they're reclassed. D8 My first file has both Ricken and a Ricken-fathered Morgan as Sages, and I'd find it hard to tell them apart were it not for the hat the former wears.

Reclass both Lissa and Emmeryn to sages. Now you have two green-robed, yellow-haired sages.

But yeah, if making unique models for everyone is too much work, at least make them keep their colour schemes.

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There are quite a few gripes in this aspect for me.

First, there's the clipping problem. War cleric holding an axe? The axe gets clipped into the dress. Two flying units with dual guard? Massive clip. Apparently, having your neighbour's griffon's wings flap over your head is a fun thing to do. At least make them move away from each other after guarding. I think sages' legs clip with their robes too.

And then there are the battle scenes. I know the 3DS isn't that powerful and this game is already doing great, but come on. If you have 2D bitmap trees and grass, don't zoom your camera into those.

Trickster's idle animation looks rather weird. No one stands like that.

Reclass both Lissa and Emmeryn to sages. Now you have two green-robed, yellow-haired sages.

But yeah, if making unique models for everyone is too much work, at least make them keep their colour schemes.

I'm pretty sure Lissa's outfit is an intentional reference in that case, just like Miriel and Laurent's hats.

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