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Which skill is recommended for Avatar oto pass down?


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Being as Female Avatar can access Galeforce, that's a duh-duh-duh I assume. But what about throwing down Rainbow Cry? I mean Morgan with Male!Avatar as dad can just get Galeforce herself, but with a Avatar as a mom wouldn't get Galeforce so yea.

I know it varies with wife to wide/husband to husband, but some general suggestions are recommended.

Also consider this my RTU variant, Pass the Skill!

Male!Avatar: Rainbow Cry?

Female Avatar: Galeforce?

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All the male avatar's kids can get Rainbow cry by themselves by reclassing to Tactician and Grandmaster.

If you want to pass down a male gender restricted skill, I'd go for Counter or Rally Strength as an option. Though skills like Gamble (horrible), Wrath, and Axefaire is an option too.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Yeah, you definitely want to have a female Avatar pass down Galeforce to Male Mark. But as far as Male Avatar to Female Morgan? I wouldn't do Rally Spectrum, seeing as Morgan can already learn that at any time. Rather, I would pick Counter to pass down to Female Morgan, as the ability to return damage automatically to your attacker seems like a godsend of an ability. I would say it kind of nullifies the purpose of nosferatanking, should you decide to push Morgan down that route, but it would definitely help for other classes and grinding to get abilities. Try it out and see what happens.

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Wrath or Axefaire if anything exclusive. Otherwise, I would send down Ignis just to save the time having to go down that path. I wouldn't do the Raly skills since the kids are your super units so you don't really want to have them rally when other inferior units can do the same job... IMO.

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I opted to give Morgan Aptitude and Pavise.

My male MU passed down pavise and her mother passed down Aptitude.

Since Aptitude just sorta says: 'screw you lvl ups' and breaks any character without the hassle of reclassing 6 times to reach max stats it was the close toss up between that and Weak beats Strong. But I figured it was better having three characters with Aptitude and break them with as little effort as possible instead of slaving away on characters I'll probably delete later in creating a new game.

(my focus is much less on storyline characters and more on MUs-- my streetpass team consists of 7 MUs with Donnel, Severa [Donnel's daughter], and Chrom as the last three... Severa having inherited Galeforce and Aptitude and on her way to getting Lifeabsorb so I can finally make her a dark pegasus. Why did I pass down galeforce if I was just gonna make her a dark pegasus anyway? because why wait for the strongest (female) skill in the game when the character can just start with it? xD)

Edited by Raine
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