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PS4 Announced!


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So, the PS4 was just announced like... a while ago?

So, anyway, are you excited? (I'm not really. I won't be getting one for forever...)

Even though there's no Fire Emblem...

(Please don't kill me if there was already a topic for this... I checked, and couldn't find one.)

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I dunno. It really turns to the games for me, if they start putting Gran Turismo and other games out there, maybe I'm interested, but really with the crazy lineup that nintendo is bringing soon, Wii U is gonna be my next console.

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I'm completely consumed by this console it's absolutely beautiful looking I watched the majority of the live stream the games on it are insane

Go figure I love Sony.. <3 but Nintendo is pretty amazing too

But this console has so much power it's able to host diablo III on it so it should be pretty amazing.

the controller with motion and touchscreen

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PS4 lacks any kind of backwards compatibility it seems, except for buying downloads/installs from the PSN. Which is a complete assfuck to PS3 game lovers because they'll be forced to re-buy every game they have on disc, or at the very least, keep ahold of their old console and forefeit save importing to game sequels on nextgen(Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc.)

If X-Box's nextgen offers BC, I may just go for that.

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I'm completely consumed by this console it's absolutely beautiful looking I watched the majority of the live stream the games on it are insane

Oh I'm sorry, the console was beautiful? I didn't see any console pics because there WERE NONE. A "new" gamepad with a nice little nifty share button, a tiny little touchpad that's supposed to do... something? A bunch of CGI trailers for games, only one of which looked good (Watch Dogs, by the way. Do some googling because that is going to be the next Deus Ex) although it'll be available on at least PC and probably one of the other consoles too so that's not even incentive. What else was interesting? Almost nothing. x86 processor, okay. Big bunch of beefed up specs still incomparable to a good gaming rig from today, but still some effort there. Square Enix pulled the usual bullshit by yelling "WE'VE GOT A NEW GAME COMING!" and then showing nothing at all. The last noteworthy thing was the elimination of load times and the ability to play games while you're downloading tthem, which implies to me that they're going to try and phase out disc content?


I hope they realize that by doing that, they've lost their entire consumer base that has no decent internet. And if they aren't, then I guess that won't even apply to people like me anyway so why am I bitching?

Overall, this is one of the most disappointing showings they've ever made, color me unimpressed.

Edited for clarity on who I was responding to |B

Edited by Klok
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Oh I'm sorry, the console was beautiful? I didn't see any console pics because there WERE NONE. A "new" gamepad with a nice little nifty share button, a tiny little touchpad that's supposed to do... something? A bunch of CGI trailers for games, only one of which looked good (Watch Dogs, by the way. Do some googling because that is going to be the next Deus Ex) although it'll be available on at least PC and probably one of the other consoles too so that's not even incentive. What else was interesting? Almost nothing. x86 processor, okay. Big bunch of beefed up specs still incomparable to a good gaming rig from today, but still some effort there. Square Enix pulled the usual bullshit by yelling "WE'VE GOT A NEW GAME COMING!" and then showing nothing at all. The last noteworthy thing was the elimination of load times and the ability to play games while you're downloading tthem, which implies to me that they're going to try and phase out disc content?


I hope they realize that by doing that, they've lost their entire consumer base that has no decent internet. And if they aren't, then I guess that won't even apply to people like me anyway so why am I bitching?

Overall, this is one of the most disappointing showings they've ever made, color me unimpressed.

Like you basically said your a Bitch. sorry to offend if it does but seriously. Make a CGI trailer and make it impressive to me. You build a system and impress me with it how about you make something with so many Pieces in and and be a small box like the PS3. I'm assuming the PS4 isn't a huge box.

Anyways Sorry the console is beautiful could be referring to the specs and the capabilities. I mean honestly the touch screen is really innovative the share button is really cool and genius.

Not sure about you and this isn't just because I'm a Sony fan but this will be fantastic and be supportive of many more console not to mention the gigantic list of publishers.

Also it's not a tower where I can fit massive parts into a box it's supposed to be convenient and decently sized.

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Oh wow, it's beautiful! You know what else is beautiful? The movie Toy Story. But Toy Story isn't a good video game, and I wouldn't spend hundreds of dollars to watch Toy Story. To shell out that kind of money the actual game needs to be good, and without that, there's no sale, and they didn't show anything about that, just a bunch of pretty movies.

Edited by Paperblade
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Make a CGI trailer and make it impressive to me.

Give me a million dollars and a dev team. Np.

Anyways Sorry the console is beautiful could be referring to the specs and the capabilities

Improved specs are supposed to be a given. "Beautiful" is innovative new features, none of which were described at the conference.

There's still E3 though, maybe they just decided to hold off on all the "good stuff" till then. Still, WiiU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS4 so far.

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The most interesting part to me was the ability to "jump" into your friends' games. With the rumors that Sony was going to try to phase out used games, it was surprising to hear that they're more or less supporting you playing other peoples' games with their permission. If there are no restrictions on this and the only requirement is that they have to be on your friends list or something, that is a ridiculously cool feature. It's like back when we were kids, passing the controller around and taking turns, lol.

Other than that, Knack and InFAMOUS were the only games that interested me, but I'm sure more launch titles will be announced as time goes on.

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Give me a million dollars and a dev team. Np.

Improved specs are supposed to be a given. "Beautiful" is innovative new features, none of which were described at the conference.

There's still E3 though, maybe they just decided to hold off on all the "good stuff" till then. Still, WiiU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS4 so far.

Sorry you don't regularly have millions of dollars and a development team don't complain?

Not to hate on the Wii U since I own one but their online could be better. >.<

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Oh wow, it's beautiful! You know what else is beautiful? The movie Toy Story. But Toy Story isn't a good video game, and I wouldn't spend hundreds of dollars to watch Toy Story. To shell out that kind of money the actual game needs to be good, and without that, there's no sale, and they didn't show anything about that, just a bunch of pretty movies.

A lot of people love the aesthetically pleasing though, so I don't get what point you're trying to make.

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We've had touch screens for a while now. Get with the program.

I just hope the console isn't region locked.

That's pretty much the only reason I got a PS3.

I didn't say we haven't had it for a while but it's a touchscreen where the main focus isn't on the touch screen it's a functioning controller with a touch screen to aide. Get with the program

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The PS4's announcement was worse than Lemonparty. Even so, if Tangerine is right about playing older games, that should be an incentive to buy it that I didn't get to see. I didn't get to wach the whole thing so I'd love a link to the stream from the beginning, if anyone has it.

It's not for "old" games, I'm not sure if that feature will be available for retail PS3 games. It works like this from the way it was described:

1. Your friend owns a game and is playing it.

2. You can watch your friend play the game as long as you are on eachothers' friend list, and also take control of the game with their permission. I'm not sure if you can actually join it if the game supports offline multi-player.

Essentially you can play any game that your friend owns, and you can play even single player games together by taking turns. It's probably the single coolest feature I've seen on a console if that's exactly how it works. Apart from PSN/Live, of course :P.

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Seems like... that would just encourage piracy on the grandest possible scale? What incentive would there even be to buy games if you can just get a friend to buy it and share it with his 800 other friends? I doubt it works like that. Though I do HOPE it does.

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I'd imagine the same way going over to play my friend's copy of a game isn't viewed as an insidious act of piracy, because eventually that friend is going to want to actually play something else on their own dang system, and they're going to tell me to go get your own damn copy you're getting pizza grease on my controllers

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A lot of people love the aesthetically pleasing though, so I don't get what point you're trying to make.

My point is that a game looking good doesn't mean the game is good, like some people in this thread are implying.

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Well you can't just play their game whenever you want, your friend has to be playing the game and invite you. It's a very, very neat feature.

OH I gotcha, I thought you meant that you downloaded the game or something, but streaming it and playing at the same time is not nearly the same. Yeah, I would use the hell out of that feature.

Also it benefits them because after getting the free demo with a friend, you'll probably love the game and want to buy it yourself. Creative!

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But this console has so much power it's able to host diablo III on it so it should be pretty amazing

You mean like the Ps3 and god forbid I mention the PC from a year ago? So powerful.

the controller with motion and touchscreen

This sounds oh so familiar.

No backwards compatability (besides lol stream everything what bandwidth limit?) and (the typical Sony) overhyped trailers and promises? No thanks.

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