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"But the odds were in your favor!!"


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Got critted twice on two separate occasions by a fighter on Paralogue 1 of Lunatic+ within 30 minutes of each other. The first time it had a 29% chance of hitting and a 7% crit and the second one had 100% hit and 7% crit. If the rng is calculated like it used to be, that means a 2% chance for the first one and a 7% for the second one. It really sucked because those were two of the times when I got reasonable skills.

Wait, I know this was how the RNG in the GBA games worked, but is it true for RD and Awakening as well?

Maybe not.

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Fighting Jaffar's Streetpass team. Last guy on the map was an Assassin with a Killer Bow. He had a 50-someodd chance to hit, and a 2% chance to crit and kill Lon'qu. And he did. He hit and crit.

Also, I can no longer trust anything higher than 30% chance to hit, even then, that's pushing it.

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I've just realized that on Lunatic+ and in Another Story: The Strongest One's Name DLC map (on any difficulty) has enemies that have Hawkeye skill which will always strike their enemies. For this reason, Katarina is the hardest character to recruit in the game!

Edited by Katarina
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First time in the final chapter, on normal, I have this stupid idea to RUSH at the boss on the first turn. Avatar paired with Cynthia, Cynthia flies up as far as she can, Olivia with boots dances for Cynthia, Avatar attacks boss... Boss does quite a lot of damage... Now it's the enemy phase... The first two enemies hit and I'm left with 11 hp. The next enemies to attack can all kill me. "I'm dead...or not... I'm dead...or not... I'M DEAD!! ....Or not?!" They all missed. The last enemy to attack actually hits for 10 damage, so I'm left with one hp. Now it's the player phase.

...Unfortunately I can't remember what I did next. My avatar didn't die, that's all I know. ONE HP LEFT!

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I'm not 100% certain if it stayed the same for this game, or even if it was this way for PoR/RD, but the GBA Fire Emblem games had a psuedo RNG, not an actual RNG.

What I mean is, the way that hit and miss, specifically, were calculated was different than one would think a regular RNG would work. Here's what I mean:

One would think that for a 70% chance to hit, you'd simply roll a hypothetical 100 sided die and if the result was equal to or less than 70, you hit. And this is how FE RNGs for the GBA games worked for most things, level ups, crits, etc. But not hitting and missing. For hitting and missing they'd roll two of these hypothetical dice, then average them and if that result was equal to or less than 70 in this scenario, you would hit. What this means is that numbers at the extremes are made less relevant -- to hit 1% you don't need a 1/100 chance, you need a 1/10,000 chance, since you have to hit exactly 1 twice at 1% likelihood each time. As it moves towards 50% the likelihood increases for a given number. What this also means is that missing at 99% hit chance is possible but so unlikely many people have never had it happen to them despite probably seeing that % chance more then enough times to have on average seen that result.

Having said all that, though, I don't know if Awakening, Shadow Dragon that the comic is based off, or even PoR/RD still use this method of calculating odds.

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Having said all that, though, I don't know if Awakening, Shadow Dragon that the comic is based off, or even PoR/RD still use this method of calculating odds.

For Shadow Dragon, I think the hit percentage was a lie altogether. All enemies had a 95% chance of hitting regardless of what the hit percentage said. You couldn't ever count on a unit actually dodging an attack. Having a character actually DODGE an attack was a treat to see. However, this didn't seem to hold true to YOUR hit percentage.

Or at least, that was MY experience with the game.

Thankfully, this game is better, but I'm still missing the GBA method seeing ridiculously low hit percentages hit.

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"Oh hey look, an Entombed! Lets beat on it and kick its ass for all of that sweet sweet experience! Hells yeah! Come on Maribelle! You got a shot and you can win this!!!"

Maribelle owns Entombed....


Maribelle dies...

Good thing it was Casual mode....but incognito Counter happened in my Classic mode file too....


Panne is dodging. Shes dodging all the things. Archer with a 4% to hit....

Da fuck....really? How in the world did that even happen?? I wonder if this game has "True Hit".

Gerome is kickin it as a Sniper. A Warrior saunters up with a Killer Bow and a 73% to hit and a 30% crit chance..with a lot of damage incoming. Plus hes got some crazy skill like Luna on him. Gerome dodges and crits the fuck out of that guy. I love that shit.

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Whenever Chrom dies it goes in super duper ultra mega slow motion as his corpse flies through the air, just to rub it in.

On an unrelated note, I've always found so devious the way the enemy would hit you and leave a unit with like 2 HP, then of COURSE the AI proceeds to move all of the irrelevant across the map units and saves the killing blow to your guy for very last. IS you bastards.

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"Oh hey look, an Entombed! Lets beat on it and kick its ass for all of that sweet sweet experience! Hells yeah! Come on Maribelle! You got a shot and you can win this!!!"

Maribelle owns Entombed....


Maribelle dies...

Good thing it was Casual mode....but incognito Counter happened in my Classic mode file too....


Something similar with me...

I was leveling up little Morgan, he was able to kill an Entombed in two hits...

Morgan attacked, Entombed activated Counter

Morgan survived with less than 20 hp

Entombed attacked and missed

Morgan attacked...


Both Morgan and Entombed die Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Edited by SniperGYS
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Something similar with me...

I was leveling up little Morgan, he was able to kill an Entombed in two hits...

Morgan attacked, Entombed activated Counter

Morgan survived with less than 20 hp

Entombed attacked and missed

Morgan attacked...


Both Morgan and Entombed die Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

That....doesn't make any sense. Counter doesn't activate if the enemy with said skill is killed.

Aside from that, I had Boyd actually hit something with ~20% hit ra- Oh wait, wrong game

Speaking of Counter, I was against Spotpass Lyn and didn't pay too much attention to the skills of the warriors and sent out Gaius with my Avatar to plow through the battle. Gaius activated Astra and turned out that the warrior had Counter. He would have died if he didn't crit on the third strike. That man is damn hell lucky.

Morgan faced a similar fate except it was him being Luna'd by enemies like they were his bosses. Thank god for his waifu, Lucina. Two near death experience of father and son in the same day. They both gave me a heart attack.

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Got a nice one not long ago. I had L'Arachel and Micaiah as hero with brave sword paired up to take on some axe using enemy. L'Arachel is down to a couple of HP when suddenly, a general with nearly maxed defense and a forged silver lance attack her. Seeing that General having 83% chance of hitting, I goes "Oh God, why?" when... Micaiah block the hit (less than 15% chances of defending) and the fight goes on:

L'Arachel activate Sol and hit for 0 damage

Micaiah attack (with dual attack at ~25%) 2 times (thanks to the brave sword) for 0 damage

L'Arachel activate Sol again for 0 damage

Micaiah attack and hit 2 times

L'Arachel re-activate Sol

Micaiah attack again and hit both time

L'Arachel activate Sol for the last time

Micaiah attack too.

Guess that L'Arachel still has her godlike luck from FE8 (Well even if they didn't do a single damage to the enemy, it was really funny)

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1. Whenever Chrom dies it goes in super duper ultra mega slow motion as his corpse flies through the air, just to rub it in.

2. On an unrelated note, I've always found so devious the way the enemy would hit you and leave a unit with like 2 HP, then of COURSE the AI proceeds to move all of the irrelevant across the map units and saves the killing blow to your guy for very last. IS you bastards.

1. Yeah, just a way to rub it in your face. x.x

2. I also hate it when the AI does this. Moving all of their irrelevant troops to weaken your powerful troop then sends the deadliest unit, or the boss to initiate the killing blow that is enough to kill your troop.

Edited by Katarina
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On an unrelated note, I've always found so devious the way the enemy would hit you and leave a unit with like 2 HP, then of COURSE the AI proceeds to move all of the irrelevant across the map units and saves the killing blow to your guy for very last. IS you bastards.

Right? T_T And the games have ALWAYS been like that.

Also, yesterday I was beating the final boss again. I saved just before the final turn (casual mode ftw) and had Chrom, Lucina and Avatar attack Grima one by one, just to see their boss conversations. Lucina's was first, and she pulled an aether twice. Chrom was next, pulling an aether and then critting. The avatar failed to do real damage. I then reset for a third time and had Lucina attack the final boss again. She aether'd twice, just like the first time. (Though it could be that the RNG for her battle had already determined she would aether twice, and it would have done so regardless of how many times I reset...)

Also, I love how archers have a 100% chance of hitting a pegasus knight, regardless of what that hit percentage says. ESPECIALLY when it'll kill the PK. >_>

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Something similar with me...

I was leveling up little Morgan, he was able to kill an Entombed in two hits...

Morgan attacked, Entombed activated Counter

Morgan survived with less than 20 hp

Entombed attacked and missed

Morgan attacked...


Both Morgan and Entombed die Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Are you sure it wasn't one of those Miracle-Counter Entombed, it probably survived with 1 HP which is why Morgan died.

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That....doesn't make any sense. Counter doesn't activate if the enemy with said skill is killed.

Are you sure it wasn't one of those Miracle-Counter Entombed, it probably survived with 1 HP which is why Morgan died.

Ah! Maybe that was what happened! Actually I turned off my 3ds after saw the word "counter" in the screen again, so I just thought that the Entombed died too... But, I don't remember to saw the word "Miracle" in the screen too huh.gif .

But then, that is worst, because I get 2 skill activated at the same time and one of them was activated 2 times too mellow.gif

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