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FE: Awakening Characters Similarilarities to Tales of Symphonia Characters?


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I've been playing Akinator (http://en.akinator.com), having him try to guess various FE: Awakening Characters. Chrom and Lucina it got pretty easily, but for Tharja and Lissa both he guessed Sheena and Colette respectively. Admittedly, I can see where these characters are somewhat similar. Lissa and Colette both seem like blonde tomboyish girls while Tharja and Sheena are both mature (attractive) girls with dark , somewhat spiky hair who could easily kill you.

When Sheena popped up as a guess for Tharja, I assumed that it was because there are so many characters out there that some are bound to have similarities, but when Colette popped up as a guess for Lissa, It got me to thinking about what tropes these characters share, and by extension what tropes the games may share.

So far It looks like Lissa and Colette are both "The Chick", the almost token girl character who is with you from the beginning of the story, who tends to be a princess or have princess like attributes (despite the fact that Lissa is also a bit of a tomboy). Tharja and Sheena appear to be "The Sixth Ranger" A character you meet mid story, who fights against the good guys (or fights only for themselves) until they are uncovered as a good guy, or are recruited. These can turn out to be "sixth ranger traitors when they turn against you (Tharja threatening to kill you, anyone?). These characters also are frequently the girl/boyfriend of the main character (Tharja supports with main characters, can't speak to this aspect about Sheena since i haven't played Symphonia myself and only know basic plot about it from watching some livestream and reading the tvtropes page for it).

The games both have: A world tree, Try not to die (in fact Henry says this exact phase when supporting allies) and Half-human hybrids (manketes/taguel vs half-elves and chick with angel wings) among others I'm sure.

They also have "Another X hair colored swordsman" In Fire Emblem, its blue. In Tales games, its red.

Lunatic + is also a prime example of "The computer is a cheating bastard", with weapons buffed higher than 8 intervals and ridiculous (sometimes even "illegal") skill sets.

Pretty interesting, although I'm sure I missed some.

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In regards to a Fire Emblem: Awakening character who is similar to Colette of Tales of Symphonia, I think that Sumia fits the characteristics of Colette more than Lissa does. Both Colette and Sumia are known klutzes and many other similarities.

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In regards to a Fire Emblem: Awakening character who is similar to Colette of Tales of Symphonia, I think that Sumia fits the characteristics of Colette more than Lissa does. Both Colette and Sumia are known klutzes and many other similarities.

They also "get their wings" during the story, although Colette gets them a bit more literally than Sumia, and both get them metaphorically. Its interesting how Colette is a lot like Lissa appearance wise and Sumia personality wise.

Sumia and Colette, if i'm not mistaken, are both also somewhat shy and uncertain of their abilities. On a side note, Sumia's face plants are pretty epic-ally animated.

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They also "get their wings" during the story, although Colette gets them a bit more literally than Sumia, and both get them metaphorically. Its interesting how Colette is a lot like Lissa appearance wise and Sumia personality wise.

Sumia and Colette, if i'm not mistaken, are both also somewhat shy and uncertain of their abilities. On a side note, Sumia's face plants are pretty epic-ally animated.

Yeah. They're both shy and uncertain of their abilities. I agree, Sumia's tripping over nothing faceplant was well animated. XD I guess another thing that Colette and Sumia have in common are that they're both seen as the main love-interest of the main character (Chrom and Lloyd) of each game.

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Well, I wasn't ever expecting to see Fire emblem and Tales of Symphonia in the same place, but yay! These are probably one of my two favorite series!

As for character similarities, I feel that Cordelia is far more similar to Sheena than Tharja in my opinion. They're both strong, independent, no-nonsense type of people that have secret unrequited crushes on the main character(Chrom and Lloyd) and (this is all in my view) can have love/hate relationships with the "funny" guy of the party (Zelos and Sheena in TOS; Vaike and Cordelia in FE:Awakening).....both of which I happen to ship. XD

Although, now that I think about it, the Zelos x Sheena relationship seems to be more like Inigo x Severa now that I'm transcribing that support...

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Zelos = Virion. Hits on women and does not get taken seriously. Seriously. My friend, when I forced her to pick a husband beforehand, she was looking at the description and instantly fell in love for Virion due to the fact that he hits on women, shrugs them off if he gets rejected, and doesn't care if he constantly gets rejected. Just like Zelos. And let me tell you, she is absolutely in love with Zelos.

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Zelos = Virion. Hits on women and does not get taken seriously. Seriously. My friend, when I forced her to pick a husband beforehand, she was looking at the description and instantly fell in love for Virion due to the fact that he hits on women, shrugs them off if he gets rejected, and doesn't care if he constantly gets rejected. Just like Zelos. And let me tell you, she is absolutely in love with Zelos.

Virion seems more gentlemanly to me. Zelos is...... well, to put it nicely, a lot more crude. =P

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Which is why I think Zelos is more like Inigo. Virion is a flirt, but more of gentleman and overly romantic type; Inigo, while still certainly being less crude than Zelos, is more likely to score with the ladies with that cool, suave side to him and seems much less likely to be rejected in general (at least I think he does). I'm not sure about his other supports, but when he hits on Severa, its like Sheelos all over again; he flirts, she snaps at him (like a true tsundere), he doesn't get the idea and keeps coming back, and she finally softens up to him but still retains that banter and edge with him. I don't know why, but I really like funny pairings like those!

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Oh man Colette and Sumia tripping O_o

Mithos is... very, VERY slightly like Walhart, because they're both kind of trying to destroy Grima, but one's trying to unite everyone through war and the other... well, isn't... it's a very remote similarity in that there's a bit of grey morality there, but that's about it lol look-wise they're about as opposite as you get

...that's about it, tbh I don't see too many similarities XD

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is it just me or Chrom= Loyd both have a very strong sense of justice both kill them selves over Emmeryn/Colette blaming them selves over and over again no matter how you look at it Colette=Sumia Cordelia=Sheena both have unrequited love for Chrom/Loyd Ricken=Genis and Lucina=presea? I don't know they just in my mind seems like it Raine=Miriel Zelos=Inigo to me and the weird one of mine Marta=Thraja yes weird but they quickly develops fangirlish crushs on Avatar/Emil, wanting her/him to be just like the the dream person they imagines her/him to be

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