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Is this a glitch?


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So like i've been playing on the EXP DLC just to try out some stuff and noticed that with a Levin Sword and a Bolt Axe, that when my character (In this case Lissa) crits with those, their cut scene does not come in for when you do a crit or activate a skill.

However if they activate a skill while equipped with either of those two their cut scene will show. Is this a glitch or was it intentional?

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I noticed this too.

I just attributed it to IS's general laziness regarding magic weapon-related critical hits in the series, so it may be intentional or just an oversight, but I don't think it's a glitch.

Speaking of the DLC, though, when you replay them they'll often use the challenge map music instead of their own legacy tracks. It's kind of an interesting little detail.

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I noticed this too.

I just attributed it to IS's general laziness regarding magic weapon-related critical hits in the series, so it may be intentional or just an oversight, but I don't think it's a glitch.

Speaking of the DLC, though, when you replay them they'll often use the challenge map music instead of their own legacy tracks. It's kind of an interesting little detail.

Huh, well if that's the case then whew. I thought maybe there was something wrong with my copy or something. Thanks!!

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If Chrom activates Aether with a Javelin or Levin Sword from long range, it's weird.

If he activates Aether AND a crit, the cut-in sometimes shows up twice. Even saying the same thing sometimes. It's hilarious.

Sometimes the cut in doesn't even show up with the Levin Sword.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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If Chrom activates Aether, it's weird.

But that's kind of offtopic. I personally haven't seen Chrom pull a second cut-in when he Luna/Aether-crits, but why would these things happen just sometimes...? I dunno, strange. (Yeah, I have nothing to say here ^-^;)
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Second cut-ins and the lack of cut-ins happen often. Sometimes it's dependent on the situation (fast-forwarding seems to prevent the second cut-in from showing up...?), and there are cases where the cut-in will certainly not show up (2nd cut-in for swordmaster crit, crit cut-in for Bolt Axe...).

My theory: they have a "no cut-in" flag set right after the attacker's turn and first cut-in, and Bolt Axe crit animation starts too early (before the flag is cleared), unintentionally making it have no cut-in.

If he activates Aether AND a crit, the cut-in sometimes shows up twice. Even saying the same thing sometimes. It's hilarious.

俺は魔剣! 俺は魔剣!

Yes we know, Chrom. You don't have to say that again.

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I personally haven't seen Chrom pull a second cut-in when he Luna/Aether-crits, but why would these things happen just sometimes...? I dunno, strange. (Yeah, I have nothing to say here ^-^;)

俺は魔剣! 俺は魔剣!

Yes we know, Chrom. You don't have to say that again.

Chrom is a demon sword won't lose.

He's just making a point you know.

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