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Cursor at random point in the map except for Hectors character slot.


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I searched and searched but terms like "cursor" and "position" are too widely used to get anything. So I'm just going to make a topic to ask. I wrote over Hector and Eliwood with my own characters. Hector was the first Character to show up in my prologue that's my only clue I have to go on.

But basically I just inserted my Chapter 1 map and events, Loaded the character who was in Eliwoods slot and every time it's the players phase, the cursor goes way off to some random point on the map. Same point every time. I tested this also with another character who was in the prologue as an NPC and one I'm using in the current chapter.

Only when Hectors character is on the map does the Cursor return to him at the start of the players turn and not some weird point in the middle of the map.

Does anyone know either what causes this or what method to fix cursor positioning at the start of the players turn?

I guess I should add some details but there isn't much to go on. The event assembler files are generally the same and there's nothing special about either of them. Just standard, summoning units, a talk conversation, and in the prologue some area and condition codes but that's it. Can't see anything in Nightmare that I know of that would cause it. Wish I could be more detailed but I'm just in general stumped.

Edited by JFierce
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Two things: 1. are you still in lyn mode? 2. are you sure all of your alliances have UNIT Empty at the end of each of them in the event file? Other than that, it's hard to tell without more info/seeing it personally. I would suggest posting your script in the EA question thread and seeing if anyone there can help.

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the other way is to force autocursor off either via asm memory shenanigans (i would do this for you if you asked nicely) or putting in a readme disclaimer saying "DON'T TURN AUTOCURSOR ON"

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"Would be"

So it'll be stuck on some redundant square that stays constant as opposed to another square no?

Also what about the status menu? Who does it say the "leader" is there? I believe the data it uses for that and the auto cursor are related... Or rather, one and the same

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Made my post late yesterday all sorts of questions to answer but I just saw Burnings post I think you just hit the nail on the head. It's Hectors character as lead. To the other questions yes, it's Lyn mode. I patched it to change to Eliwoods mode though first but that didn't change anything. But the leader thing is probably the issue.

I thought in the load unit I put the leader as Eliwood and tested that but it didn't work so I didn't think that was the issue. Forgot to check the status screen to make sure he changed. Let me try to see if I can change it.

Edit: Is the first character deemed as leader forced into that position?

For instance this is what I'm using to load my "other main character" that's Eliwood. I thought I remember reading Leader goes after class and before level. I tried changing that to 0x01 which is Eliwoods character I believe but nothings changed. Still Hector who was leader in the prologue.

Unit Eliwood EliwoodLord 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [17,11] [17,11]

[ironSword,SteelSword,Vulnerary,0x9A] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

Going to be reading to see if I can find the fix myself as well as it's probably been covered before.

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"Would be"

So it'll be stuck on some redundant square that stays constant as opposed to another square no?

Also what about the status menu? Who does it say the "leader" is there? I believe the data it uses for that and the auto cursor are related... Or rather, one and the same

Yeah, it will be.

It says who is the main lord. (Which, in this case would be Renair)

Using UNCM on the lord makes the auto cursor/status screen makes the first person on the prep screen to be the "leader".

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UNCM what, may I ask?

For the record I fixed this problem in TLP's post-game but I did it with ASM very specific to my hack which essentially temporarily replaced the main character's data with my character's and changed the location of that hidden character every turn, then reloaded back the actual character's data once the chapter was done. But as I said, it's very specific to my hack, so it's not very useful, and coding a generic version would likely be a lot harder/I kind of quit hacking anyhow so

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Yeah I'm curious myself. Looking in the Language docs for EA and around forums and all I find is this. One of these corresponds to Autocursor?


0x00 = Normal

0x01 = Invis

0x02 = Greyed out

0x04 = Not in the status menu or unit data

0x08 = The same as 0x04 apparently

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Invis didn't do anything sadly. Tried it when he wasn't on the map, tried it after assigning him to the map. He's still always leader. I'm tempted to just go through every number I can blind. But I don't want to mess with something I don't understand. I've created bugs that way already which I didn't know the cause.

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UNCM what, may I ask?

For the record I fixed this problem in TLP's post-game but I did it with ASM very specific to my hack which essentially temporarily replaced the main character's data with my character's and changed the location of that hidden character every turn, then reloaded back the actual character's data once the chapter was done. But as I said, it's very specific to my hack, so it's not very useful, and coding a generic version would likely be a lot harder/I kind of quit hacking anyhow so


It makes the character disappear from the prep screen with their stats/equips intact. Works for even the lord, surprisingly.

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I'll leave this tasty tidbit here for reference

Was going to fiddle around with this eventually but forgot.

I'm guessing if you UNCM your entire roster and loaded in a brand new unit they would then become the leader/autocursor person?

Because that's exactly what I need haha.

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I'll have to try this once I can. Working on the hectic World Map Events which I'm not used to.

Hoping it works. It'd be nice to not have a forced main character lol.

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Question: Does this only work if you have a prep screen?

My first few chapters for obvious reasons won't have them.

So if that's the case then I suppose I'll just have to work around it until I get to that point.

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