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Final Blow - SPOILERS

Nayr Farros

Final Blow Poll  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Who did you let take the final blow against Grima?

    • Chrom - {Grima falls back into slumber and will return}
    • The Avatar - {Grima is destroyed forever at risk to the Avatar's life.}

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Yeah I chose for my avatar to take the final blow. Seemed like the right thing to do. One life lost is better than letting another potential apocalypse happen.

[spoiler=Ending detail]

My Avatar survived because the bonds he had with everyone were strong. And Chrom and Lissa found him in the field where they did the first time.

I wonder what the circumstances are that make him die. No supports at all?

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Given that sacrificing yourself doesn't actually, like, remove Avatar from postgameability (even if you do die forever or something, it's not like the game saves after the final chapter), there's not much reason to let Chrom do it other than if you just want to see the text that goes on there IMO.

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nope, Avatar always survives in the end if you choose that path

If you recruit Morgan (M), it wouldn't even make sense for Avatar to die.

That cutscene at the end is a load of crap, though. If they really found Avatar again, they wouldn't be like "What should we do?" They'd be more "HOLY SHIT AVATAR WE FOUND YOU YOU'RE BACK!" Especially if Avatar marries Chrom or Lissa. Mine was married to Chrom, so it's like "Hey, after all this searching, I finally found my wife, whom could have possibly been dead, lying in an open field. What should I do?"

Also, since this topic is clearly marked as having spoilers (as if the title doesn't heavily suggest them), why are we talking in spoilers?

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The avatar delivered the final blow, best ending IMO.

I wish there was extra text when Chrom has you promise him whether or not you'll deliver the final blow if you married him. He made a large deal about wanting Lucina to grow up with her whole family, and yet he doesn't really care that the mother sacrifices herself. I wish he said some of that, as it would have made that moment at the end much more dramatic since he already had negative feelings about the avatar being in favor for the sacrifice.

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I took the road less traveled and opted for Chrom to take the final blow. While I'm not really done playing on my file yet (gotta get loads more supports and DLC) I wanted to beat it once to unlock the extras and support menu, with the intention of beating it again once I did everything else I wanted to in the game (supports, spotpass characters, DLC, etc). Therefore, this is sort of a fake ending overall for me at the moment, but it was still meaningful for Chrom and I to put faith in our descendants to save the world again when the time came. And hey, at least it sparks sequel bait unlike the finality of the other ending. Needless to say, I will be beating it again at some point for the Avatar ending.

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That cutscene at the end is a load of crap, though. If they really found Avatar again, they wouldn't be like "What should we do?" They'd be more "HOLY SHIT AVATAR WE FOUND YOU YOU'RE BACK!" Especially if Avatar marries Chrom or Lissa. Mine was married to Chrom, so it's like "Hey, after all this searching, I finally found my wife, whom could have possibly been dead, lying in an open field. What should I do?"

I think it's more that Chrom and Lissa are trying to be funny(Given Lissa's love of jokes, it was probably her idea.) And probably meant by the developers to make the player wonder if they really found him/her or if history is repeating itself(like maybe the Avatar landed in a variant of the world and has to redo everything,)

But once Chrom pulls you up, you see the brand of Grima is gone, and he tells you it's over. Confirming that they did indeed find you.

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I chose to let the Avatar take the final hit. It was sad, but it needed to be done to save the world.

And I don't think any supports etc. will affect his return. I think that's automatic.

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Chrom taking the final hit is all: ... wait... that's it?

Avatar taking the final hit is all: Damn, MU's so awesome!

final verdict: they could have made a bit more of an effort to make which ending is canon a little more controversial.

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If you recruit Morgan (M), it wouldn't even make sense for Avatar to die.

That cutscene at the end is a load of crap, though. If they really found Avatar again, they wouldn't be like "What should we do?" They'd be more "HOLY SHIT AVATAR WE FOUND YOU YOU'RE BACK!" Especially if Avatar marries Chrom or Lissa. Mine was married to Chrom, so it's like "Hey, after all this searching, I finally found my wife, whom could have possibly been dead, lying in an open field. What should I do?"

Also, since this topic is clearly marked as having spoilers (as if the title doesn't heavily suggest them), why are we talking in spoilers?

I agree. I also think Chrom should have been more emotional in the "Well, the war has ended, thanks to avatar..." scene.

Unless he's so distraught he's emotionally numbed. I CAN easily imagine him voicing the text with a monotone voice, lol.

I justify that cutscene by saying they were acting. Maybe they tried waking up the avatar in some other way, and then Lissa was like "Maybe if we act out what we said the first time."

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