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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Haha, that's hilarious. XD And yeah, our Avatars can fly because Rene rides a wyvern and Kelli rides a Pegasus.

Male Robin was floating in the air in his Smash trailer too, so it actually does appear that he and female Robin can fly on their own using wind magic. :o

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I am not mini-modding, that wasn't necessary to say.

It's common courtesy, Ana.

I've had daughteru's art posted here without credit before.

I'm just calling it out.

I even did the sourcing for her.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think it is important that we source the original artists as much as possible as they put a lot of hard work into their drawing, it's only fair. That said, we shouldn't be too critical of people if they can't find the original source if they made a good attempt to find it.

EDIT: I think I might start posting stuff I see on the Art Academy Sketchpad Community on Miiverse, a lot of that stuff is pretty good and we don't pick up on it. Awakening fan art aplenty unfortunately, but some is still pretty good. I have no special fondness for this one but I needed something to open with, I guess it's nice.


Edited by Knight
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Actually I originally found it on cheezburger...but yeah. From now on I will put a source link, although...it doesnt say to do so in the OP of this thread. Common courtesy, yeah, but you can't expect it to happen all the time if a rule wasn't made about it.

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I wonder why.

Hmmm... *whistles*




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Rey, was this a commission?



[10:25:38 AM] SupReid FaNgirl Molly Renata: ....was that commissioned or did you just happen to stumble across it?

[10:25:47 AM] Rey: The artist refused a commission

[10:25:52 AM] Rey: because they loved Awakening

[10:25:54 AM] Rey: they did it for free

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So, I'm back now.

There are some of you who might be wondering where I've been. There are probably more of you who want to know what the "forbidden image" was. My ban notice should answer those questions.


Now, you may be wondering, "Did you know that your image contained that? Well, partially. I knew the image was gory. That much was obvious. As for the other part... I had no idea. So imagine my surprise when I found out I was given a temporary ban. Just to let you know, you can't do anything while you are banned. This includes the simple action of logging out.

Now some of you want to see the image. Go find it for yourself. I have no desire to seek the image again, and I deleted it from the image sharing site.

Now, I leave you with an image that will "scar you for life".


And now it's time to explain something about myself. I am very sarcastic. This means I say things that I intend to not be taken seriously. Now, I have mentioned a certain explicit image which contains Robin, Tharja, and Lucina having sex. Guess what? I am never going to post that image. In fact, I never had the intention of doing so.

So, in the future, If I am vague about my warning, that means I am probably being sarcastic. This makes sense, since there would be nothing to warn about. If I am specific, then that means I am giving you fair warning.

Another thing I should explain about myself is the fact that I like dark things. I might be a shameless shipper, but I do enjoy dark things. Hence, the rather bloody image I shared on page 114 and the image that got me a temporary ban. Of course, with images like that, you never know what these images might have, and that bit me in the ass this time. So yeah, going to double check what I'm posting before I post it.

I am sorry for any offense I have caused. It won't happen again.

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Watch yourself, man. Complaining about your temp-bans is the first step on a slippery slope that leads to more temp-bans and eventually getting perma-banned. I've seen plenty of people go down the same road.

Back to images: Here's Matthew and Leila




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Watch yourself, man. Complaining about your temp-bans is the first step on a slippery slope that leads to more temp-bans and eventually getting perma-banned. I've seen plenty of people go down the same road.

I'm not complaining, the ban was completely justified. I screwed up. That was me apologizing for my screw-up.

Now for another image. This... well it exists.


Edit: Source

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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Haha, show him Lucius! The best bishie shall not be denied.

I find these comics talking about how Marth looks like a girl extremely amusing because, according to my mother, he looks just like me (his hairstyle definitely does). Unfortunately I'm not pretty enough to look like a girl... :sob:

Anyway, here's something I'm sure we've all experienced many times. Oh Boyd, you're such a clown.


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You guys missed some of the best Sumia fanart. Figures, I guess I'm the guy in charge of patrolling Pixiv.

[spoiler=Large image]



[spoiler=Also large]



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