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About KMT4ever

  • Birthday 04/25/1997


  • Member Title
    Time to even the odds! Proud father of Morgan.

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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KMT4ever's Achievements

  1. Red for Overseas Memories. 4* Knoll: No. Green for Summer Refreshes. 5* Summer!Wolt: Even better than I hoped. +Res/-Spd is awful though. One full circle from the ARA banner. 84 orbs isn't enough for more. 3* Effie: No. 3* Silas: Reposition fodder. 3* Raven: No. 3* Kaze: No. 5* Rearmed!Tana: There we go. +Res/-Atk is terrible, so merge fodder for my +1 +Atk copy once I fodder off the Rearmed skills. Very nice. Grey for Weekly Revival 28. 3* Priscilla: No. Red for Weekly Revival 54. 3* Seliph: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 83. 3* Clair: No. Green for Attuned Eirika's banner to see I can get her from the tickets. 3* Cecilia: No. 3* Echidna: No. 4* Python: No. 4* Bartre: No. 4* Cath: Reposition fodder. Oh well. Let's see what I get from the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Nyx: Meh. +Res/-Spd, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.
  2. Grey for the HoF revival. 4* Priscilla: No. Red for Summer Firsts. 4* Sophia: No. Grey for Taken by the Tide. 4* Lucius: No. Green for L&M Remix 1. 3* Boey: No. Blue for Remix 2. 4* Marcia: No. Green for Summer's Dream. 3* Raigh: Or not. Red for Weekly Revival 27. 4* Eirika: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 53. 4* Benny: No. Green for Weekly Revival 82. 3* Camilla: No. That was disappointing. Now to resume sniping for Harmonic!Goldmary. 78 orbs on hand. 42 orbs to get a merge for Goldmary is fine by me. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* B!Dimitri: Not bad at all. +Def/-HP is a great base, so time to merge in my neutral copy.
  3. Grey for Summer Returns. 4* Odin: Or not. Blue for Summer's Arrival. 3* Ilyana: No. Blue for Ylissean Summer. 4* Tatiana: No. Red for the TT banner. 3* Guy: No. Green for Weekly Revival 26. 4* Mustafa: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 52. 4* Lena: No. Sniping reds for Weekly Revival 81 so I can get the last merge for Fallen!M!Morgan to be +10. 221 orbs on hand... That actually went faster than I expected. It only cost me 9 orbs to get the last merge I needed. Now red for the New Power banner. 3* Hayato: He's actually new, which I apparently had forgotten. +Atk/-Def is a great base, so welcome to the barracks. That was nice. Now to see if I can find Goldmary and Bernadetta with 212 orbs. Starting with one full (non-green) circle for fun... Well, I'm down to 1 single orb. That actually went very well. One copy each of Harmonic!Goldmary and Petra, a 4* copy of Clanne, and merges for Saber, Hapi, and regular Petra. I'll have to come back here in a few weeks, but for now I'm happy. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Apotheosis!Anna: Sure. +Res/-Atk, so merge fodder for my +1 +Def copy.
  4. Red for the first VG banner... 4* Ogma: No. ...And for the second. 3* Ogma: Really? One full circle from the Double Special banner. 243 orbs on hand. 3* Palla: No. 4* Eirika: No. 3* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder. 4* Tatiana: No. 4* Dwyer: No. Well, that was awful. Moving on, red for Summer Vibrance. 3* Olivia: No. Green for Summer Passing. 4* Ross: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 25. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder. Grey for Weekly Revival 51. 4* Lucius: No. Red for Weekly Revival 80. 3* Tanith: No. Blue for the Luna banner. 5* B!Gullveig: Yay. +Spd/-HP is a better base than my current +1 neutral copy, so merge time it is. Grey for Byleth and Rhea's BHB banner. 4* Roy: Or not. Some pulls from Emblem!Celica's banner, starting with a full circle. 228 orbs left. Not a bad result. 88 orbs and 22 pulls got me Embla and Ascendant!Merric, both new units. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* M!Grima: Okay. +Res/-HP, so might as well merge into my current +Res/-Atk copy.
  5. Blue for Summer Longing. 5* Duessel: A 4* Special instead. +Spd/-Res is bad, so merge fodder for my +1 +Res copy. Grey for the HoF banner. 3* Setsuna: No. Grey for Summer Vacation. 4* Summer!Claude: That works too. +HP/-Atk isn't great, but at least he's new. Blue for the Clash banner. 3* Odin: No. Green for Weekly Revival 24. 4* Camilla: No. Red for Weekly Revival 50. 3* Athena: No. Red for Weekly Revival 79. 4* Guy: No. And now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Charlotte: Sure. +Spd/-Res is perfect, so time to merge in my +2 +Def copy.
  6. Grey for Rearmed!Ingrid's revival. 4* Lissa: No. Red for Rearmed!Chrom's revival. 4* Yuliya: She finally showed up. +Spd/-Def is fine, but I'd prefer a better asset. Green for Hei∂r's revival. 3* Bartre: No. Red for Eitr's revival. 4* Seliph: No. Red for Weekly Revival 23. 4* Ogma: No. Red for Weekly Revival 49. 4* A!Tiki: No. Red for Weekly Revival 78. 4* Athena: No. Red for the TT banner. 3* Lapis: No. One full circle from the new summer banner just to try my luck. 87 orbs isn't enough for anything else. 4* Raigh: No. 4* Knoll: No. 3* Peri: No. 5* Summer!Hríd: Very nice. Of course he had to be +Spd/-Atk like his base version... 5* Summer!Olivia: Now's that's some luck! +Atk/-Def is excellent as well. I guess I'm on one of my lucky streaks. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Gerik: Sure. +Atk/-Def, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.
  7. Doing things a bit out of turn due to the spam of revival banners. Green for the New Power banner. 4* Seth: Or not. Red for Sei∂r's revival. 4* Stahl: No. Blue for the Engage revival. 4* Marcia: No. Blue for Ascendant!Elincia's revival. 4* Florina: No. Blue for Rearmed Tana's revival. 4* Sophia: Or not. As for the Double AHR, there's a ton of premium units, so I'll go for the spark and see what that gets me. 201 orbs on hand. That went pretty well. I got two copies of Duo!Byleth and one copy of Duo!Sei∂r for 130 orbs, and sparking for Altina means I'm coming out of this banner with three excellent new units.
  8. A ton of banners this week. First, grey for Bridal Beloveds. 4* Klein: No. Blue for Bridal Belonging. 3* Est: No. Red for Bridal Bloom. 3* Laslow: No. Grey for Bridal Blessings. 4* Tanya: No. Red for Rearmed Lif's revival. 4* Hinata: No. Grey for Rearmed Robin's revival. 3* Boey: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 22. 4* Elice: No. Red for Weekly Revival 48. 4* A!Tiki: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 77. 4* Tanya: No. Green for Rearmed Ganglöt's revival. 4* Soren: No. Grey for the Dawn Brigade banner. 5* Leonardo: Sure, I'll take you. +Atk/-Spd isn't great. 4* Leonardo: That'll fix the Speed flaw. Sniping green now instead. 5* B!Soren: Not quite right, but great nonetheless. +Res/-Atk, so merge fodder for my +Res/-HP copy. 5* Ascendant!Tiki: Okay then. +Def/-HP, so I think I'll keep my current neutral copy. 3* Lachesis: No. That was ridiculously good for a single banner's worth of free pulls. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Julian: A new arrival, just in time for his refine. +Spd/-Res is excellent too.
  9. Hey look, the Dawn Brigade's finally in the game! They're missing Nolan for some inane reason, but at least Edward and Leonardo made it in. I'm not surprised to see Sothe in his Whisper outfit, but I am extremely annoyed that Micaiah is in a brand-new green outfit rather than her blue Light Sage attire which is still missing from the game. I get they were going for the pair routine with Sothe, but come on. Jarod can join the overabundance of GHB lance units. I do feel the need to point out that this is a New Heroes banner with 3 guys and 1 girl. Genuine question, when's the last time this happened?
  10. Grey for the CYL7 revival. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder. 4* Chad: No. 4* Lachesis: No. 5* B!Gullveig: That works too. +HP/-Atk, so I'll just merge into my neutral copy. 3* Laurent: No. Nice. Blue for the Menace banner. 5* Rinkah: 4* Special time. +Def/-Atk, so I think I'll merge in my +3 +Spd copy. Red for the Clash of Darkness VG banner. 5* Hugh: I am on a hot streak today. +Spd/-Def, so merge fodder for my +1 +Spd copy. Green for Bridal Grace. 3* Nino: No. Red for Weekly Revival 47. 4* Sophia: No. Red again for Weekly Revival 76. 3* Erk: No. Green for Weekly Revival 89. 5* B!Gatekeeper: Well this is just silly. +Spd/-HP, so merge fodder for my neutral copy. As for the current Legendary banner, it looks extremely tempting since L!F!Alear's the only unit from it that I have. 211 orbs, let's see how luck treats me. That could definitely have gone better, but in the end it wasn't too bad. Rearmed!Lucina and L!Fae are new, plus merges for Katarina and Laevatein, all for 135 orbs. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Elise: Okay. +Atk/-HP is better than my current neutral copy, so merge it is.
  11. Grey for Bridal Dreams. 4* Saul: No. Red for Bridal Blossoms. 3* A!Tiki: No. Red for the HoF banner. 4* Mae: Not even one red or green... Green for Weekly Revival 21. 4* Cherche: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 46. 3* Hawkeye: No. Green for Weekly Revival 75. 5* Shamir: Yay. +HP/-Res, so merge fodder for my +2 +Spd copy. Because I'm feeling ambitious, some pulls from the Ascendant & Rearmed banner. 208 orbs on hand, not being picky. That went better than I'd hoped. Four full circles got me Rearmed Ingrid and Sonya, both new to the barracks. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Celica: I just got you three weeks ago. +Def/-Res isn't even good. Merge fodder for my +5 +Spd copy.
  12. Fire: Charmander, both for being my first ever Pokémon and for evolving into Charizard. Torchic and Fennekin get honorable mentions. Water: Mudkip, because Swampert and the Water-Ground typing in general are cool. Honorable mention to Totodile. Grass: Sprigatito, because it's cute and I like Meowscarada's trickster theme. Honestly a tough one because I'm not a big fan of the Grass type as a whole. Overall: This was a really tough choice. I think a lot of the generations are very good (1, 3, 4, 6, 9), but none stand out to me as particularly amazing enough to put them above the rest. In the end I went with Gen 1 for nostalgia's sake.
  13. Green for L&M Remix 1. 3* Gunter: No. Red for Remix 2. 3* Laslow: No. Grey for the Push banner. 5* Ascendant!Florina: There we go! +Def/-Spd is terrible, but better to have her than not. Red for Kaze and Midori's BHB. 3* Erk: No. Red for Weekly Revival 45. 4* Bantu: No. Blue for Weekly Revival 74. 3* Karin: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 88. 3* Dwyer: No. Grey again for the TT banner. 4* Brady: No. And now to pull for Sharena and Veronica. 185 orbs on hand. Starting with one full circle to try my luck... That went exceptionally well. 50 orbs got me one copy each of Duo!Sharena and Nel (at 5* too), plus a merge for Louise and B!Eirika. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Midori: Appropriate given her BHB is running right now. +Def/-Atk, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.
  14. Grey for the New Power banner. 4* Serra: No. Blue for the HoF revival. 4* Clair: No. Green for Weekly Revival 20. 4* Python: No. Grey for Weekly Revival 44. 5* B!Camilla: Nice. +Spd/-Def is much better than my current +1 +Res copy, so new base copy it is. Green for Weekly Revival 73. 3* Lex: Reposition fodder. Grey for the new Fallen banner. 3* Elice: No. 4* Elice: Really? 4* Gaius: No. 4* Sakura: No. 4* Sothe: No. Oh well. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* B!Lysithea: Alright. +HP/-Res, so merge fodder for my +1 +Spd copy.
  15. Green for the Catch banner. 5* Myrrh: Hey, a 4* Special. Full neutral, so merge fodder for my +4 +Atk copy. Grey for A Season for Picnics. 3* Lissa: No. Green for Weekly Revival 72. 4* Fae: No. Green again for Weekly Revival 87. 5* Charlotte: Very nice. Of course she's +Res/-Spd, so merge fodder for my +1 +Def copy. One full circle from Mythic!Loki's banner for fun. 94 orbs on hand. 4* Hinata: No. 4* Lapis: No. 4* Lukas: No. 4* Florina: No. 4* Phila: No. That was a waste. I've already gotten very lucky today though, so fair enough. Now for the weekly Arena ticket. 5* Celica: Meh. +Def/-Res, so merge fodder for my +4 +Spd copy.
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