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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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I for one like FemKamui's design a lot, for what has been seen of it.

Same here. Except we barely know anything about both Kamui's designs. Sure, it was briefly shown in the trailer, but it wasn't very obvious.

First off, if someone has an opinion that ticks you off, let them keep it and don't bother with it. No need to make them think otherwise and spend a whole two pages of a forum topic doing so. It gets boring and always ends the same way.

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Those are the shiniest metallic looking thighs that I've ever seen. Are you being sarcastic here or does that really appear to be leggings/tights to you? Also is english your second language? I ask because without punctuation, it's difficult to take your arguments seriously, and I have a hard time discerning counterargument vs sarcasm from your words.

i'm 90% sure he's being sarcastic. The label of "totes not armor" on the armor legs sounds pretty facetious to me.

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Those are the shiniest metallic looking thighs that I've ever seen. Are you being sarcastic here or does that really appear to be leggings/tights to you? Also is english your second language? I ask because without punctuation, it's difficult to take your arguments seriously, and I have a hard time discerning counterargument vs sarcasm from your words.

You also made me think of Stahl, which brings this to the table, courtesy of mikesfabulousbooty.tumblr.com


To answer your question it was sarcasm

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I didn't say it was limited to Japanese only, but if it came off that way, sorry about that. I'm sure you're right that it happens here too, but I don't think it happens nearly as much. I mean, compare the women in our cartoons to some women in anime, for example. I see a lot more huge-ass breasts and revealing clothing in anime than American cartoons. And I don't even watch much anime, I just happen to see a lot of screenshots throughout the net.

BECAUSE DAWG ECCHI IS THE ONLY GENRE THE EXISTS ("FMA:B and Berserk are totaly sexist") again if you werent so shallow and lacked observasion I would take things you say seriously but you dont you are ridicolus

Except it isn't unusual for a man to be shirtless when he's going to bed or going to the pool or working out or something. And he has an eight pack, actually. It IS unusual and impractical for a woman to be going into battle wearing what that female Kamui art is (it isn't just the exposed thighs either, btw).

How do you know that are you a male im preety sure you are female do you know what every man in the world thinks right now no stop makking accusations and being shirtless when you go to sleep is diffrent when you go shirtless outside (and the fact that man dont have any intimate parts on there upper body) I dont see any man flailing there dick around the streets saying I AM JESUS I AM JESUS

Also you realize that thighs are not something out of the ordinary (what are you religoes) she is light weight so this armor is perfect for her she isnt a night she might be a dark mage and such too dont fucking accuse or create superstitions on fields you have 0 understanding of

Not to beat the poor horse, but Berserk, while its designs aren't uniformly exploitative or anything, isn't exactly the first anime (or manga, definitely not the manga) that jumps to my mind as far as "won't skeeve Anacybelle out vis a vis its treatment of (some of its) female characters" goes.

(Miura getting a turn at designing FE characters, though... hoooooo boy would I ever preorder that)

FMA's creator draws herself as a cow. automatic free pass imo

Edited by Rehab
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Poor Lucy

At least Palutena is a nice person (well, a nice goddess).

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I'd contest that point. She is good, but she's a little too fond of trolling people to really be called nice.

FE Lords on parade




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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I'd contest that point. She is good, but she's a little too fond of trolling people to really be called nice.

FE Lords on parade




At least she won't kill Lucy in her sleep.

Intentionally anyway.

Also what is Micaiah doing in that pic?

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I bring stoof.






[spoiler=Lucina and Dancer]



Cute pink-haired Morgan




This pic's an interesting case, since it's clearly a Tusia piece, but it wasn't posted to Tusia's Twitter or Tumblr. Whatever, it's still pretty.

[spoiler=Exalt Lucina]



Edited by The Geek
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Admit it, this has happened to you before.

[spoiler=Comic: Mild Blood Warning]q6VKpgt.jpgEfv1Bv7.jpgboaozhr.jpgKfOpHrC.jpgzQksBLt.jpg

Imgur GallerySource

This happened to me on my first file and I was so devastated that I deleted Awakening and stopped playing for almost a year until I downloaded it later. Edited by Rabbattack
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Owaining made me crack a smile. So did the pic under it where he's acting out who knows what standing on the table. And Donny dragging the cow lol...

Who are the guys next to Virion and Sully though, and where's Frederick I wonder...

Edited by Dragoncat
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