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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Someone actually made FE13 Micaiah look ok? I'm impressed. That Titania though looks gorgeous.

Very good pic Lucina looks freakin gorgeous.

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Is SMT X FE fair game to post here?

Oh well, thought these were pretty funny, posting em.

[spoiler=Jack frost Sigurd]9_24_14_sigurdfrost_by_roninreaver-d80nm

[spoiler=Jack Frost Ephraim]rr_e_phrai_hee_by_roninreaver-d6gqgl3.jp

[spoiler=Jack frost marth]a0e361a5276f74020952b9626151ff65-d5tbkn0

[spoiler=how the fuck is this crossover gonna work]shin_megami_tensei_x_fire_emblem_by_garg

[spoiler=seriously who thought of this]qEdJY1s.jpg

I lol'd

Shim Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem Fanart? I'll join in too!

Demi-Find vs Ephriam (Artist doesn't allow reposts).

Marth vs Daisoujou (Who is notoriously broken in SMT III Nocturne:



Flynn (Shin Megami Tensei IV) vs Chrom



Anna and Jack Frost



Gangrel and Adachi


Nanako and Mist



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Time to crank the amount of art posted UP TO ELEVEN!

Bride Cordelia: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36920881

Nurse Lucina (The original source to this picture isn't linked.): http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/902204-fire-emblem

Awkward Zombie Comic: http://www.awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=022315

Cynthia and Owain Comic: http://imgur.com/NPgHgH7

Dancer Girl: http://too-much-green.tumblr.com/post/108624131364/returns-from-the-dead-to-contribute-to-the-fe

Celica: http://hq-emblem.deviantart.com/art/Fire-Emblem-Celica-of-Valencia-177234210

Magical Girl Severa: http://kidshiro.tumblr.com/post/108324724687/magical-girl-severa-might-do-lucina-next

Emmeryn: http://kidshiro.tumblr.com/post/108417765712/young-emmeryn-fashion-study

More Dancer Girl: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48183085

Pegasus Sisters of FE7: http://selenicpisumsativum.tumblr.com/post/106049867034/fireemblemzine-by-moonpea

Greil and Elena: http://fireemblem-fans.deviantart.com/art/Greil-Elena-488643888

Katarina GBA Sprite: http://arcfalchion.deviantart.com/art/Katarina-204585809

Eirika and Seth: http://fireemblem-fans.deviantart.com/art/Day-19-Favorite-character-s-ending-464122546

Night of Farewells: Artwork Edition: http://fireemblem-fans.deviantart.com/art/Night-of-Farwells-488044431

Hector and Lyn: http://fireemblem-fans.deviantart.com/art/Day-20-Favorite-Lord-s-pairing-467029755

FE13 Girls: http://assortedart.deviantart.com/art/Fe13-children-the-girls-506995440

Leanne: http://fireemblem-fans.deviantart.com/art/Princess-of-Serenes-451103228

Anna: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=32303623

Kid Owain and Lissa: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49123637

Larcei and Lana: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48681574

Lucina as a dancer: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47465482

Mist: (The original source to this image isn't posted either): http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/867969-fire-emblem

Kjelle without armor (The artist has some censored images, so you should probably have your filter on.): http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46812290

And last but not least...

Fire Emblem and Gurren Lagann crossover: http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/852649-fire-emblem

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Dat Cynthia and Owain comic...yeah, that's a big oops on IS' part. Making it so Lucina and Owain couldnt get together but neglecting to add that to the code for Cynthia and Kjelle. I think those are the only other two female cousins Owain can have...anyway, I bet now they're going to move to Jugdral where that's the norm xD

And now I'm trying to figure out how the artist couldve made Gregor sound more, well, Gregor. "That's considered normal, take it from Gregor". That'd work.

Edited by Dragoncat
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Looks like a younger teenaged Lonky. Maybe that's how he looked when Basilio found him? Loving the shooting stars in the background to reference Astra.

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That Lon'qu does look somewhat younger. :P But very well drawn!

Someday I need to draw Frederick as a kid, maybe even a baby. XD I already did draw a young Ike and a young Elincia a long time ago (though those pieces are kind of bad now...lol).

Oh gods, now I'm imagining how Chrom and Lissa would react to a picture of Frederick as a baby.

Lissa: Aww, wittle Freddy is sooo cute, isn't he, Chrom?

Chrom: Ha, it's hard to tell this adorable baby became our stern, hard-working knight, especially with that teddy bear in the blue bow!

Frederick: *in a ball in the corner* Why is this happening to me, Naga?

looool! XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Someday I need to draw Frederick as a kid, maybe even a baby. XD I already did draw a young Ike and a young Elincia a long time ago (though those pieces are kind of bad now...lol).

Oh gods, now I'm imagining how Chrom and Lissa would react to a picture of Frederick as a baby.

Lissa: Aww, wittle Freddy is sooo cute, isn't he, Chrom?

Chrom: Ha, it's hard to tell this adorable baby became our stern, hard-working knight, especially with that teddy bear in the blue bow!

Frederick: *in a ball in the corner* Why is this happening to me, Naga?

looool! XD

And then Freddy burns all his baby pictures before Chrom posts them all over Ylisse as payback for the naked posters... LOL!

That's a good idea for a comic.

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Omg, that IS a good idea for a comic. XD If only I had comic-drawing skills... I mean, I can draw pretty well, but I'm so slow at it that a comic would take me forever to do. xP

But still, that settles it, I'm eventually going to draw baby Frederick. :P

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Yeah, good idea! I should throw Frederick's mom in there too. "Freddy always did love that teddy bear!" XD

This is getting off topic though... Ah yes, I'd wanted to post some Ike pics I saw on one of his two Facebook pages awhile back (yes, Ike is so awesome, he needs not one, but TWO Facebook pages. :3)!


And this is another reason for Ike to NOT wear Chrom's colors. lol



I'm afraid the Facebook posts don't show the sources...

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LOL at both throwing his mom in there and the first pic you posted. Why is Chrom laying on the ground? xD

"I suppose I'll get my chance another day"


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Probably in reference to him being on the ground the whole time in the Robin/Lucina Smash trailer. lol Maybe Ike was the one that beat him to a pulp that time! ^^

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