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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Kat's right, Ein. I do agree that SOME people have gone as far as to pick on me for my pairing preferences (but not anyone in here, really), but I do see what Kat means now. So let's just get back on topic here, please. xP

CUTE Severa pic. lol And yay for Frederick as her dad. ^^ And that's the translation of the Japanese on there? OMG LOL. XD

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Ohhhh I'm sorry. :< XD

No worries! XD

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=37122267 <-Cynthia and Owain doing poses.

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36309218 <-Cynthia and Nah

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Because no body likes Rolf

Even I'm not that big a fan of Rolf, and I'm an archer fanboy. *shrugs*

But I do ship Rolf/Mist! Onward to the train, Ana!

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One of yours, I think the Danbooru one, didn't show up under the spoiler, ftr.

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Speaking of Cynthia...


I don't ship GaiusxSumia, but OMG this is cute and little Cynthia is cute in that candy dress. XD

Gaius, get some peanut butter, quick! lol


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Yeah, so no one mistakenly assumes that I ship or don't ship a certain pairing. And I'm not the only person in this thread that has used that phrase, you know.

He meant every single time you post something.

Not to be rude, but when you constantly do that, it can sound like you can't or don't appreciate a nice piece of work if it doesn't feature a pairing you like. (I'm not saying this is true...)

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He meant every single time you post something.

Not to be rude, but when you constantly do that, it can sound like you can't or don't appreciate a nice piece of work if it doesn't feature a pairing you like. (I'm not saying this is true...)

I just said the picture was cute anyway. How is that not appreciating it?

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I just said the picture was cute anyway. How is that not appreciating it?

I think what they're trying to say is that there's no need to preface it each time. ^^ I'll admit to using the phrase myself (I did with the Henry-Panne comic I posted in fact), but not each time I've posted something.

When you do it each time, however, it can come across as 'this is nice, but it's flawed' with that 'flaw' being only that you don't like the pairing. Does that make more sense?

Edit - Shoot, posted before I could quote and ask. Shadowofchaos? Do you mind translating the Japanese in the ChromxSumia picture you posted? The picture is adorable, but I'm curious if it adds to it or not.

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I think what they're trying to say is that there's no need to preface it each time. ^^ I'll admit to using the phrase myself (I did with the Henry-Panne comic I posted in fact), but not each time I've posted something.

When you do it each time, however, it can come across as 'this is nice, but it's flawed' with that 'flaw' being only that you don't like the pairing. Does that make more sense?

Edit - Shoot, posted before I could quote and ask. Shadowofchaos? Do you mind translating the Japanese in the ChromxSumia picture you posted? The picture is adorable, but I'm curious if it adds to it or not.

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say. ^^;

"Sumimasen" is written twice. That means "I'm sorry", I think. I'm not sure what the text with the arrow is saying.

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