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If Soren was canonically female, I actually probably wouldn't mind that ship. The two ARE quite close friends, after all, and it's kinda hard not to pair up a guy and girl that would be that close.

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If Soren was canonically female, I actually probably wouldn't mind that ship. The two ARE quite close friends, after all, and it's kinda hard not to pair up a guy and girl that would be that close.

It's a great ship regardless of Soren's gender, in my opinion, but if Soren was a girl, I'm sure the pairing would get a lot less flak than it does now. :\

It's not that hard, depending on the context of their relationship, actually, but I see what you mean and sometimes I have that problem myself. Silvia/Lon'qu is killing me. KILLING.

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I guess I'll post something.



I've not posted in here in a long time...


Well, the lady is rather notable for sleeping in...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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It's a great ship regardless of Soren's gender, in my opinion, but if Soren was a girl, I'm sure the pairing would get a lot less flak than it does now. :\

It's not that hard, depending on the context of their relationship, actually, but I see what you mean and sometimes I have that problem myself. Silvia/Lon'qu is killing me. KILLING.

Well, I don't like the pairing because I'm not into yaoi and yuri and its fans annoy the hell out of me. They always go "it's SO canon!" when nothing has proven it to be and crap. :/ Yes, Soren's ending changes if he has an A support with Ike at the end of RD, but it's not a romantic one.

That pic of Tiki is cute. :o I see the artist sized down her breasts a bit too, nice.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, I don't like the pairing because I'm not into yaoi and yuri and its fans annoy the hell out of me. They always go "it's SO canon!" when nothing has proven it to be and crap. :/ Yes, Soren's ending changes if he has an A support with Ike at the end of RD, but it's not a romantic one.

Careful on wording, Ana. That first part of the sentence COULD be taken in a... rather bad light (if you want me to go into slightly more detail, feel free to pm). I'll agree with the second half of the first sentence and the second sentence. Keep in mind that some do take the ending as romantic (imo, it can be taken as romantic or platonic given preference).

To be on topic, though:

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36627302 Not a fan of the pairing, but this is a good comic, imo. And it's in english. (Related to the Bad Future, I think).

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Why? What's wrong with not being into yaoi or yuri? Am I not allowed to prefer hetero pairings? I'm not saying I hate gay/lesbian people or anything. xP

But I'm sorry if I offended anyone, as it was not my intent at all. I swear.

And I don't support that pairing either, but that pic is cute! :D

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Why? What's wrong with not being into yaoi or yuri? Am I not allowed to prefer hetero pairings? I'm not saying I hate gay/lesbian people or anything. xP

But I'm sorry if I offended anyone, as it was not my intent at all. I swear.

And I don't support that pairing either, but that pic is cute! :D

No, but the way you worded it could be constructed as that. (Trust me. Friend read it over my shoulder and I spent about five minutes calming her down.) That's why I said to be careful.

It's a comic, not just a pic, btw. Should I link to where you can read the comic without an account? (I think you can do that, at least?)

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How so? Your friend was seriously overreacting. I didn't say or imply anywhere that I had a problem with gay/lesbians. :/ If your friend likes yaoi and yuri and now hates me because I dislike it, then good for her.

But I still don't understand what your friend got so upset at or why. Sorry, I'm just tired of so many people calling me out just because I prefer hetero pairings to homosexual ones. They call me homophobe and crap and I'm definitely not that (I've had gay friends before and they were cool dudes. I also have a lesbian friend). So this has become a sensitive subject for me.

And it's a comic? I'd love to see it! :o

Edited by Anacybele
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Context, Ana. It's a thing.

Well, how unfortunate. I guess I might as well never use the words "yaoi" or "yuri" at all, because no matter how I do so, it offends SOMEBODY.

Anyway, to get back on topic, I just figured out how to view the whole comic and I nearly shed a tear. That was just wow. O_O

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Well, how unfortunate. I guess I might as well never use the words "yaoi" or "yuri" at all, because no matter how I do so, it offends SOMEBODY.

And again... you're missing the context.

"its fans annoy the hell out of me" while you're generalizing.

"Fanfiction writers and Ike fangirls annoy the hell out of me".

Does that make it clearer to you?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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And again... you're missing the context.

"its fans annoy the hell out of me" while you're generalizing.

"Fanfiction writers and Ike fangirls annoy the hell out of me".

Does that make it clearer to you?

Oh that's what you meant. Yes, it is now. But I'm not offended if you say fanfiction writers and Ike fangirls annoy you. I'm sure there are some that are annoying.

Edited by Anacybele
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The most fitting fe art i could find. Anacybele never ceases to amaze.

It's not what you feel yourself what you have to think about, SoC is trying to say that you should post with other people their feelings in mind. That you should think about what you say because it might offend people even if it isn't your intention.

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I do think about what I say, actually. But it still seems that I offend somebody. Also, there's no need to make fun of me. But look, I'm not in a very good mood now, so can I just be left alone?

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How so? Your friend was seriously overreacting. I didn't say or imply anywhere that I had a problem with gay/lesbians. :/ If your friend likes yaoi and yuri and now hates me because I dislike it, then good for her.

...Darling, I'm trying to state that the way you worded it made it seem like you were... against same-sex pairings. You didn't intend that, I'm sure, but the way you worded it made it seem as if you did. Once I explained, she calmed down, but the WAY IT WAS WORDED was taken out of context.

You prefer heterosexual couples in works and dislike the vocal, rabid minority that exist in fandoms, particularly the yaoi and yuri ones. That's fine and NOT THE PROBLEM I was trying to address, but was obviously to vague at communicating. The problem lies it the way you worded it. Again, the way you worded it could seem (and did to my friend) that you were against same-sex pairings in their entirety, not just in works of fiction.

Like Shadowofchaos said, the context really made it bad.

(Sorry for repeating so much, but I want to make sure I'M being clear. I'll leave you alone after this.)

To be on topic still (or try to be, at least):

http://24.media.tumblr.com/d56c2f1965bae05663e7c0d2b57118ea/tumblr_mo0apyNsdd1spii8po1_1280.jpg <-Same artist who did the Henry-Panne comic and I think was the one who did the Lon'qu-Lissa comic posted MANY posts back by... I think Shadowofchaos?

Edited by Kat
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What the fuck are you guys talking about? I didn't see anything that suggested Ana was against same sex people.

Stop picking on her for God's sake.

...Just because you didn't doesn't mean others couldn't. That was SORTA the point of the whole debate/argument/whatever-it-was.

Picture of Severa in an attempt to just bury whatever just happened - http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38169529

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Picture of Severa in an attempt to just bury whatever just happened - http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38169529

Description: お父さんはお肉でした

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "Her father is 'the meat'"... Frederick. xD

Edited by shadowofchaos
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