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This game is sharting all over me


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Okay so I started a Lunatic Avatar Only playthrough, aka This is Fricken Impossibru Without Grinding, the game.

It would be going to much better if I wasn't constantly getting hit when the odds were in my favor.

At least 10 times today has the game let my characters be hit by 20~30% attacks, and none of the enemies even have the hit+ skills.

Y U DO DIS 2 MI GAEM. I'm getting pretty annoyed at my schitty luck here.

Anyone have any rants about the game just taking a royal dump on you?

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Okay so I started a Lunatic Avatar Only playthrough, aka This is Fricken Impossibru Without Grinding, the game.

It would be going to much better if I wasn't constantly getting hit when the odds were in my favor.

At least 10 times today has the game let my characters be hit by 20~30% attacks, and none of the enemies even have the hit+ skills.

Y U DO DIS 2 MI GAEM. I'm getting pretty annoyed at my schitty luck here.

Anyone have any rants about the game just taking a royal dump on you?

I'm on normal mode.

And my characters are ALWAYS getting hit by 20-30% attacks.

In fact, the only time I actually expect my characters to dodge is when it's below 20% :/ I think awkward zombie needs to make a Part 2 of "Against the odds" and change those percentages to 20-30%. "YOU HAD A SEVENTY PERCENT CHANCE OF DODGING! THE ODDS WERE IN YOUR FAVOR!!!"

oh and if the attack is going to kill your unit?

It will hit 95% of the time. T_T

Edited by MagicLeafy
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Hmm... the worst thing that I've run into is Vantage+, Pavise+, and Aegis+. I look at that and I just facepalm and shake my head as Fredrick gets mauled in the face.

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ITT: Someone needs to schedule an appointment with Paperblade. :P:

I have the opposite problem, and that is my 85%+ attacks missing more often than not.

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This game is like FE10 hard mode, I think I've played through most of Lunatic so I can say that safely. The first 4 to 5 chapters are hard due to the fact that your characters are seriously underleveled, then, once you either A. train up MU like you are doing, or B, make all the units you're using catch up between 5-16, and it should be an easy ride. Until chapter 17, in which the difficulty spikes on you and becomes the 3-6 from Radiant Dawn. Chapter 18 and 19 are relatively easy if you abuse the Rescue staff and Rally Spectrum (from one of MU's child)but the rest I am not sure of. (I actually haven't beaten chapter 17 yet, so my ideas for 18 and 19 are only what makes the chapter seem super easy on paper. Although if you have crappy luck (like I had on chapter 15 when I would get bombarded by 40-50% moves and all of them would hit and cause Lon'qu to die) then, naturally, you will have a hard time.

So yeah, if you can beat FE10, you can beat FE13. The game is hard but people overstated the difficulty for this game.

Edited by Quick
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RD HM has nothing on this. At least, I didn't need to rig precise RNG strings to beat the first few maps in RD. Awakening Ch 2 is just painful.

RD also throws more powerful units at you than Awakening. There's no equivalent for the likes of Sothe (not even Frederick), Tauroneo, Muarim, Nailah, BK, etc in Awakening.

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RD HM has nothing on this. At least, I didn't need to rig precise RNG strings to beat the first few maps in RD. Awakening Ch 2 is just painful.

RD also throws more powerful units at you than Awakening. There's no equivalent for the likes of Sothe (not even Frederick), Tauroneo, Muarim, Nailah, BK, etc in Awakening.

Of course, if you rely on those units in the beginning, you may literally be unable to complete 3-6 and 3-13.

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RD HM has nothing on this. At least, I didn't need to rig precise RNG strings to beat the first few maps in RD. Awakening Ch 2 is just painful.

RD also throws more powerful units at you than Awakening. There's no equivalent for the likes of Sothe (not even Frederick), Tauroneo, Muarim, Nailah, BK, etc in Awakening.

Chapter 2 really wasn't that hard either, but then again many people found Sidequest 1 to be easy and I didn't. All I did was pair Frederick up with Sully and ram with a Bronze Sword and a Silver Sword ramming everything to low HP's while healing with my elixirs, and let Chrom and MU get some kills, it's not hard at all. Also, Frederick is useful for a VERY long time, you underestimate him, or maybe I'm just misinterpreting it, he's still very useful throughout most of the game, although I'm not sure about how useful he is post chapter 16 he is certainly amazing.

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Of course, if you rely on those units in the beginning, you may literally be unable to complete 3-6 and 3-13.

You don't have to rely on them while still making effective use of them.

Chapter 2 really wasn't that hard either, but then again many people found Sidequest 1 to be easy and I didn't. All I did was pair Frederick up with Sully and ram with a Bronze Sword and a Silver Sword ramming everything to low HP's while healing with my elixirs, and let Chrom and MU get some kills, it's not hard at all. Also, Frederick is useful for a VERY long time, you underestimate him, or maybe I'm just misinterpreting it, he's still very useful throughout most of the game, although I'm not sure about how useful he is post chapter 16 he is certainly amazing.

All I'm saying is that Sothe is better (and for longer) in RD than Frederick is in Awakening from my experience.

I don't know, maybe I could have made Ch 2 easier on myself than it was, but comparing my first runs of the two, I definitely had an easier time with RD HM. I think I also had an easier time with Shadow Dragon H5.

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Just curious, OP, what stage are you on currently? I haven't tried solo Avatar myself, but it seems like there aren't too many options near the beginning: giving +Def to Avatar as the asset and pairing him with Frederick seems like the consensus when it comes to making the game as easy as possible. If you indeed are losing simply because of bad RNG rolls, then all that remains is to keep trying until you don't get terrible luck.

Also, Frederick is useful for a VERY long time, you underestimate him, or maybe I'm just misinterpreting it, he's still very useful throughout most of the game, although I'm not sure about how useful he is post chapter 16 he is certainly amazing.

I stopped using him as a lead combat unit after Chapter 12, but he does work well until about Chapter 16 or so, by which time the stat curve really shifts and makes it difficult to justify continued usage of Frederick as anything other than a (really solid) support partner.

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Just curious, OP, what stage are you on currently? I haven't tried solo Avatar myself, but it seems like there aren't too many options near the beginning: giving +Def to Avatar as the asset and pairing him with Frederick seems like the consensus when it comes to making the game as easy as possible. If you indeed are losing simply because of bad RNG rolls, then all that remains is to keep trying until you don't get terrible luck.

Pre-DLC I've gotten along by playing Frederick Emblem and running around the map like a weenie (Chapter 3). I pretty much played normally until DLC opened up so I can grind for the Gold needed to recruit all my Avatars. I managed to get to Chapter 5 (when DLC opens up), and since then I've been grinding to get all my Avatars to lv20 Tacticians, as Second Seals are scarce or non-existent outside of Anna Shops and Renown Awards at this point.

When I went to tackle Paralouge (Paralogue?) 1, I've had my lv14, on average, Avatars handle the stage well enough, but bad RNG rolls pretty much made me restart a few times.

As for my Avatars, I gave them a variety of assets and flaws according to what my friends requested, while my personal Avatar always goes with +MAG and -DEF.

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RD HM has nothing on this. At least, I didn't need to rig precise RNG strings to beat the first few maps in RD. Awakening Ch 2 is just painful.

RD also throws more powerful units at you than Awakening. There's no equivalent for the likes of Sothe (not even Frederick), Tauroneo, Muarim, Nailah, BK, etc in Awakening.

what is this, Lunatic+ when an enemy has Hawkeye/Luna+?

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