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Fire Emblem Fighter

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If we had a fighter for Fire Emblem like Smash Bros. (which I know they wouldn't do for... at least a while, if not ever), what do you think it'd be like?

Personal Theories

Type 1 - take all the people from a game in the series and make it into a fighting game.

Type 2 - take various people from different games and mash them together. (Lords might (not) be required...)

I would guess that for Finale Attacks, the Mastery skills from FE10 or the skills from FE13 could be used...

What do you all think?

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If they made a Fire Emblem Fighter and didn't include at least one Fighter I would be disappointed.

I think it would be neat to see some perhaps more minor characters as playables, though. I can hope it would happen, but at the same time I doubt it.

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If Jagen is not the most over-powered character I will be very dissapointed.

Skills for special moves? One button combination performs astra, another one does sol, ect.

Of course that's assuming it would play like a more traditional fighter.

Edited by RayDavid99
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I'd rather have something like a traditional fighter.

Like Blazblue. XD

Blaz-Emblem. Now with Julian and his talk of justice as Bang Shishigami

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I'd rather have something like a traditional fighter.

I would too, I think having only FE characters would fit better in a more traditional fighting game.


Maybe something similar to Soul Calibur.

Edited by RayDavid99
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there was one post when I started, you guys work fast

I've imagined aspects of the idea from time to time, though less about the gameplay than what the art style would be like. In my head it has 2D sprite art, vibrant colors like this guy's stuff, but character animations more along the lines of Guilty Gear.

The pieces I've imagined only had lord matchups, but I think there'd be room for more if whoever made it felt like it. I think just the lords for a start could be nice enough to make a fwull first game if they really wanted to polish the characters, though.

Come to think of it, Arcsys already did a gonzo-as-fuck (read: painfully amazing) Hokuto no Ken fighting game, not to mention they partnered with Atlus to make Persona 4: Arena.

I wonder. (/Ike-Mike shifty-eyed smile)

Though somehow I'd imagine a Fire Emblem game to be more a footsies single-jump game than a combo double-jump+airdash one, but what do I know. Might need to be Street Fighter itself to get the former to even grab the attention of anybody who isn't into fighters. Or be 3D but nooooooooooo we need this one

I got no beef with you, 3D, and you can have the new Jojo's if you really want it, but 2D needs this one

this hypothetical one, anyway

Edited by Rehab
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I played around with this idea in my head as any FE fan. Though FE13 already mashes all the series characters together in a way, and I'm mostly satisfied already. The first time I played a DLC chapter and music from the old games started playing, it made me smile.

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Played around with the idea before. Take a model character from each FE class, get diverse fighting style options from there. Or build teams around an MU with assist-type famous characters.

(Theme-wise kind of seeing it like Sengoku Basara X)

Edited by Lenh
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Archers to bottom tier. Can't attack at all when the opponent is up close.

Tell that to characters in traditional fighters who do nothing but space you out with projectiles.

Edited by Jedi
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Not to ruin the joke, but I don't think Hawkeye gave much of a shit in MvC3 :p just beat their asses outta there

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If Jagen is not the most over-powered character I will be very dissapointed.

Skills for special moves? One button combination performs astra, another one does sol, ect.

Of course that's assuming it would play like a more traditional fighter.

I'd rather have something like a traditional fighter.

Like Blazblue. XD

Yeah... I can see an FE fighter being more traditional (1v1) than something like SSB... still, it'd be interesting to see what the dev team could come up with. They have 25ish years of FE to look through, after all; 13 games plus the SMT crossover (whenever that comes out).

I mean, if you categorize the lords by class via DLC or how their original class is like, then you have something like:

Marth, Chrom, Lucina - [Classic] Lord

Alm - Dread Fighter

Sigurd, Eliwood - Paladin

Celice, Lyndis- Swordmaster

Leif - Trickster

Roy - Mercenary -> Bow Knight??? [if Roy's style =/= Ike's]

Hector - General

Ephraim - Great Knight

Eirika - Bride

Ike - Hero

Micaiah - Sorcerer

Katarina/Kris/Avatar - Grandmaster

Counting them because

technically they're the Plegian Prince/Princess.

Though I would rejoice at a Fire Emblem x BlazBlue fighter. O_O

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  • 2 weeks later...

A 2D Fire Emblem beat em up needs:


balanced characters

zoning characters

fast characters

footsie characters

gimmciky characters

weird characters (with confusing-random platterns to mess with the opponent senses)

boss characters with a balanced counterpart

I could think of them likewise (following the order of the scheme written above)

Bartre-Marty-Dagda-Tauroneo (Bara feast), each one with diverse specializations (360° ground attacks; defensive air moves; low defense - high offense; high risk/high reward etc...)

Eliwood-Oguma-Marth-Roy (they are different because of various aspects but are balanced all around)

Will-Shion-Wolf-Innes- (they relies on hit and run tactics with the use of other tools along the bow to help themselves)

Ike-Lyn-Asvel-Shanam (they are fast and powerful or faster and weak but with bad defense)

Anna-Matthew-Volke (they relies on costant spacing with the enemy to apply their stealthy attacks)

Shanan(the copycat)-Princy(the morphin manakete from FE1/Fe3)-Fa- (they all have unique abilities despite their sub-par stats)

Geitz(alternate between axe and bow during actions)-The only druid from fire emblem 8 (summons puppets that fight for him)-Roy (terrible at everything but gets a 90% boost in the last 15 seconds of the match)


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I wouldn't worry about it, all things considered there are more fighting game movesets out there to take inspiration from (and of course mix and match) than anyone can count, just for starters. I'd even consider totally reworking the way the smash characters work.

-Lots of characters that don't even have bows have excuses for having projectile attacks

-Lance users could specialize in poking pressure/javelin projectiles maybe

-Some characters would be good candidates for having "super-armor," which is what allows Ike to take a hit without being interrupted during certain moves (though giving Ike everything you could possibly give him, like that super armor and projectiles alongside hitting like a truck, could be a bad idea maybe). Hector comes to mind

-Faster sword characters like Lyn could be based on having combination/pressure moves, say rekkas (which are basically the fighting game's equivalent to Marth's blade dance move), and rely on combos/frame traps (really oversimplifying here, but basically making an opponent think they've found an opening to attack when you can actually hit them before they hit you)

-Axe users seem like good grappler/counter/stun-inducing/nasty-huge-hitbox users, and if guard breaking is part of the system then they could do lots of guard-damaging single hits while sword users have combinations that would do more damage overall to guards but require more input and pressure

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Okay, so here's some ideas if they were just Awakening Characters, SSB Specials:

Kellam (General, heavy)

Center B: Crit Charge (like Marth's B but with a lance)

Side B: Tackle (strike w/ lance, trip downwards)

Up B: Phase Out (how he goes unnoticed, reappears in the direction you aim after tilting up)

Down B: Pavise (hide in armor)

Finale: Lethality (disappears, then crits everyone in the AoE)

Sumia (Grounded Falcon Knight, light)

Center B: Falcon (Knight) Punch [Obvious pun is obvious.]

Side B: Trip (Falls on her face)

Up B: Pegasus (Somewhat like Pit's wings)

Down B: Relief (rest and heal)

Finale: Pegasus Squad (Ylissean Peg Knights fly in, similar to Pit's Palutena's Army)

Avatar (Grandmaster, medium)

Center B: Crit Strike (Sword)

Side B: Rexcalibur (acts like Zelda's Din's Fire)

Up B: Dragon Slasher (similar to Marth's Dolphin Slash)

Down B: Rally Spectrum (Briefly gains power for a short period of time)

Finale: Grima's Wrath (Grima flies in and spews his dragon breath)

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