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Classic Style Hard Mode

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No, I'm not just playing Classic as in permadeath is on. I plan on playing HM with a set of restrictions aimed at making the game a little bit more challenging but not as overbearing as Lunatic.

- Use of the Pair Up feature is forbidden unless it is being used in place of the old "Rescue" command. This limits the hefty stat boosts from Pair Up supports to only the Hit, Avoid, Critical and Dodge bonuses from adjacent units.

- Only Donnel may reclass should I choose to use him and he may only do it once. Second Seals are otherwise to be used as funds.

- Skirmishes, Spotpass and DLC cannot be played EXCEPT by characters I will not be using. (ex. If I wanted some extra gold I can use Spotpass Ike to sweep through Golden Gaffe). DLC chapters done this way may only be attempted once every five chapters.

- I may only forge one weapon per chapter should I choose to do so (Ala Path of Radiance).

- I can only visit each World Map armory once.

- Travelling Merchants are forbidden.

- If a character dies/retreats I cannot restart the chapter. I must carry on without them. (This is a maybe).

- Additionally if one of the parents of a child falls using the above rule I cannot use the child, they are considered wiped from the timeline (1st Gen. Genealogy style without the replacements).

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All I can say is I wish you luck. The no pair up rule is the only one that could prove to be an issue as I have a feeling that it will mean bosses like Walhart will cause you an insane amount of grief.

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I'm playing Hard mode, and have yet to forge at all (except or forging a Log just to see what would happen to it)

No forged = quite doable.

As for no PairUp for combat, eh I can see that adding challenge. Your skills Relief and Focus will be far less effective.

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Yeah No Pair Up is gonna cause you some problems. The game in Hard mode likes to throw things at you with the idea that you are using Pair Up. Particularly bosses and the Paralogues for the kids. (Note: Hard Mode Paralogues throw guys at you with Forges. Beware.)

Good luck, mate!

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Personally, I think you will be fine without Pair Up. My first play through was hard classic and I did very little pair up, except on the final, and is wasn't very difficult. Although I used the merchants, and did the dlc to get the characters, but I also didn't use any children except Lucina, so those kinda balance out. Anyways, good luck!

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You should go with no children too. It will be closer to a "classic" experience tthat way. And I think you should let donny level up fully as long as you don't use change seals. He would be like Ross that way and he is a great classic character

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You should go with no children too. It will be closer to a "classic" experience tthat way. And I think you should let donny level up fully as long as you don't use change seals. He would be like Ross that way and he is a great classic character



at least Ross could promote, Donnel would be stuck forever in a horrible class and his pair up bonuses are still horrible

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at least Ross could promote, Donnel would be stuck forever in a horrible class and his pair up bonuses are still horrible

My apologies, I meant after the initial reclass to merc/fighter you can't then reclass him to get extra xp/skills. He will probably become your best unit, but it will balance out a bit more with the lack of pairing up and children characters.

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My apologies, I meant after the initial reclass to merc/fighter you can't then reclass him to get extra xp/skills. He will probably become your best unit, but it will balance out a bit more with the lack of pairing up and children characters.

Moot point, already decided not to use Donnel but that is an interesting thought.

You should go with no children too. It will be closer to a "classic" experience tthat way.

I have to go with children. As a Genealogy fanboy I would be loathe not to. :P

As of chapter 7, its not too bad. I am playing with the no restart rules and i've had a few close calls but no losses yet! *crosses fingers*

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Moot point, already decided not to use Donnel but that is an interesting thought.

I have to go with children. As a Genealogy fanboy I would be loathe not to. :P

As of chapter 7, its not too bad. I am playing with the no restart rules and i've had a few close calls but no losses yet! *crosses fingers*

Good on ya. I got to chapter 11 with only a handful of deaths in my own hard classic run (sorta similar rules to what you have), only to forget that Gangrel moves. Lost a good chunk of my units in the ensuing madness. I lived with it, but I lost my nerve after that (Hard mode reinforcements are infuriating) and just started resetting cause I couldn't really afford to lose anyone else. One of these days I'll get a no-reset run though. Good luck with the rest of your run.

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