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Has anyone obtained the Ultimate Emblem yet?


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99999 gold for a single item sounds awesome, but getting that very same amount in Renown just to obtain it is too tedious for me, personally. I'm curious to see whether or not there was someone out there with a little more persistance than me.

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I believe they mean going to them, then saying "dismiss", though I didn't know that brings renown, thought you had to fight them. I know you still get renown for buying them out, though. (Just get the Golden Gaffe DLC, then get the cheapest units and hire/fire, I believe is what they may have meant).

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Grinding supports on SpotPass teams works wonders for the first while. Since you have to fight SOMETHING to get them supports, might as well get some renown while you're at it.

But of course, that only works until you run out of supports you want to get. :P

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I have it. Keep hiring and firing Mist[lv1] (FE:PoR), Edward[lv3] (FE:RD), and Florina[lv3] (FE) over and over since they are the cheapest ones.

soon you can also use Fee [lv4] (FE:Holy War Gen2), Nanna[lv3] (FE:Thracia776) and Wolt[lv4] (FE:SoS)

If you have golden gaffe, its easily the fastest way to up your renown. (5000 gold for 150 renown and keep repeating)

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Woah I totally forgot that I signed up on this website lol! Guess I better get to posting haha!

Yeah I have around 8800 renown right now. I've heard that the Supreme Emblem unlocks a FE styled PacMan minigame. Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not? I want to get 99999 renown no matter what the reward is, but if it is a mini game like that then I will work for it faster than if it was just gold or something. For those of you who are super bored grinding for this, it helps if you watch TV or something while doing it. Because after a while muscle memory kicks in and you don't even have to think about what you are doing. I've been watching episodes of Who's Line is it Anyway on youtube while grinding for renown. It helps that there's around 8 seasons of it lol! Gonna be a long ride.

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I've been watching episodes of Who's Line is it Anyway on youtube while grinding for renown. It helps that there's around 8 seasons of it lol! Gonna be a long ride.

You sir have one solid plan with an awesome old show to pass the time.

Personally I'm gonna wait till spring break until I start grinding renown.

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