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i'm new to hacking and really am clueless as to where to start. i wanted to mess around with FE7 and make my own characters stats campaigns ect. i really don't know what i'm doing and to make matters worse there are so many different programs and terms to learn. i already got hexadecimal down thank god, so i consider myself a little lucky. from what i can tell the best way of doing a hack is with nightmare...unfortunately i can't figure out how to get it to even show me the values and such. i'm using version 2.0 and i don't get it at all. i choose my rom, i choose my module and nothing. doesn't even flash up on the screen or give me an error, just nothing. if there is a tutorial on how just to open something in nightmare 2 and to work the program i can't find it. do i have to unzip my rom? does it have to go through another program before it can be used? i don't know and it'd be cool if you guys could help me.

also if there is a tutorial of a program for changing sprites and tiles that you could also direct me to that'd be swell.

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Well, the first thing I'd do is direct you to the Ultimate Tutorial, since it explains just about everything you need to know pretty well.

That being said, I'm not sure what the problem with your Nightmare/ROM is. Which ROM are you using, and which modules? Have you unzipped the ROM, as well?

As for sprites, it does depend on which kind of sprites you want to change. For new graphics pertaining to face sprites and battle sprites, FEditor Adv is currently the best program to use. For other graphics, GBAGE is the way to go, although that can be pretty complicated if you're unsure of what you're doing, so if you need anything, just ask :):

For tiles, you'll first want a map editor, of course. Mappy and Tiled are the most commonly used programs to do this. You'll need a tileset, too; I forgot where to get this but I'll find the link at some point and post it here. For inserting maps into the game, the Ultimate Tutorial and Arch's event hacking tutorial both cover this: Nintenlord has map inserters compatible with both programs. The FE8 tilesets are all in that topic, too. Tilesets are cross-compatible between games for the most part, by the way.

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so i found the problem with nightmare, my modules were for nightmare 1 and i'm using nightmare 2. that was my main frustration and now that that's out of the way i'm looking at this tutorial. although it uses nightmare 1 and the formating and other things are a little weird i get the gist of it. if there is a nightmare 2 version of it that any of you know of i would like to use that, just to get a more exact example with pictures. looking at these modules i can't believe how simple this is. even if i were to make custom animations and sprites this would be suspiciously easy to put together and i'd be paranoid that i was missing some big technical thing. really a great tool to use and i'm sure has made other hacks go so much faster.

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For just plain editing of characters Nightmare can do most of the little stuff and some more essential things other programs can't. For completely customizing from scratch your going to have to learn to use Event Assembler and writing it out yourself. Then FEditor for portrait editing, battle/spell animations and text which is pretty essential.

Looks intimidating at first. But it's not that bad. Honestly the only issue I had was realizing events need their own offset and the space to do everything, Maps need their own offset, world map events need their own offset.

Really it's just memory and data management more than anything. The actual basics are pretty simple.

I was going to suggest finding these threads but hell I have them bookmarked among many others, but those are more specific topics. :

These are mainly Event Assembler but Blazers tutorial covers pretty much everything in general. What those don't cover do a "site:serenesforest.net" search on google.





Oh yeah and try not to use these hacking tools at the same time. IE have Nightmare open while editing stuff with FEditor and such.

Edited by JFierce
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Maybe he doesn't know of FEXP's existance. Maybe people should stop getting so defensive, I just linked a tutorial I spent 45 hours making and has two revisions in its history. Perhaps I should start getting annoyed everytime you link your own ultimate tutorial.

Edit: 25 known FEXP users =/= "no one", not to mention multiple projects in progress.

Edited by Klok
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