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Something that bugs me about SwordMasters

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It's cool how Lethality won't work on the final boss, but Astra will..

Just Saiyan

actually you know what... that IS pretty cool, since lethality on the final boss would make the fight pretty damn boring and uninteresting

from someone like that i would prefer a challenge

so im actually glad it dose not work lol.


Is Luna on a mage equally hilarious? xD

well one of my mages had lethality, and Elfire its so bad...

screen goes red and the silhouette catches fire, and blood flys it looks so cruel, lol

Dunno. None of my magic users have it. I do love the animation on a wyvern rider/lord using Luna though. Twirly dragon move! (lol Cynthia)

agreed it looks so epic

Yeah, I think that would be fine. Although they would still have to pay attention to weapon balance (as in symmetrical balance), it'd be hilarous to see someone wielding Ragnell in their right hand with a Levin Sword in their left hand. XD

well like i said the other one would just look like a regular sword like a steel sword or so

(Edit: On a side note, im trying Infinite Regalia on my lunatic file and.... my recation is... " WHAT THE HELL!!!!? ")

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It's not the first time an apparently dual-wielding class can only use one weapon.

Case in point: GBA Assassins.

YES!!!!!!!!!! You are completely correct. I am glad someone else noticed that.

Also, the official artwork for Lyn (swordmaster) has her wielding two swords.

Not sure why IS and Nintendo screwed up there.

To address The Astra/Lethality Debate: Do both. 0.0

One of my Morgans has both Astra and Lethality, as

well as Ignis. He is amazing. (Son of Lon'qu)

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To address The Astra/Lethality Debate: Do both. 0.0

Yarp. Lon'qu fathered Gerome has Lethality and i reclassed him to a swordie. Hes amazeballs....Married to Lucina and raping shit with his Astra/Lethality combo.

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Yarp. Lon'qu fathered Gerome has Lethality and i reclassed him to a swordie. Hes amazeballs....Married to Lucina and raping shit with his Astra/Lethality combo.

"hey ruffles!" lol.

who is child is Gerome?

i forgot

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I don't really think they needed two swords. One sword would have been a nice touch (and fitting since their signature weapon is a killing edge. Killing edges look more japanese style swordish in this game.)

I'm a bit bugged they removed their passive crit bonus but I still would choose swordmasters over Tricksters or assassins. Although that isn't to say I won't use skills from both those trees if I want a more thief style of play for the character.

And in general the high speed and astra allows for some interesting crit abuses.

Assuming no galeforce. Gamble, Zeal, Astra, Wrath, Swordfaire + high crit weapon.. Or if you can get focus on there that works too. (I dislike skills that activate if the person is by themselves though, Traveling as a group tends to be a lot safer for me and has backup plans)

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Yarp. Lon'qu fathered Gerome has Lethality and i reclassed him to a swordie. Hes amazeballs....Married to Lucina and raping shit with his Astra/Lethality combo.

My Morgan is like that. Even married to Lucina. We must be cousins.(lulz)

My avatar just has Lethality, but that is because I am too lazy to get her Astra

as well. Her other skills are: All stats +2, Locktouch, Ignis, and Veteran.

When I put her and Morgan together... You best be on the other side of the world.

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