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Palette help


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I'm working on some sprites for weapons (just for practice) using the GBA color palette, but I could use some help. Does anyone know the coordinates for the colors on the custom colors menu in MS Paint? I could really use them, as I don't want to mess this up.

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I'm working on some sprites for weapons (just for practice) using the GBA color palette, but I could use some help. Does anyone know the coordinates for the colors on the custom colors menu in MS Paint? I could really use them, as I don't want to mess this up.

I'm not sure quite what you're getting at. Is this what you're looking for?


You can input the RGB values for the color you want into the boxes on the bottom right (circled.)

If you are asking which colors are useable for weapon icons, I believe you can use any color with RGB values divisible by 8.

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If you're trying to insert the icons into a ROM then there's a specific palette that gets used


Paint will provide you with RGB values but the GBA doesn't use RGB values unfortunately. However, if you divide each RGB value by 8 and then convert that number to hexadecimal you'll have the value the ROM uses (Just have to remember to flip the bytes).

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Hm... I've been trying to get this working, but so far it's not letting me open it, even after getting Mircosoft .NET Framework 4. Apparently I need WinZip to open up the file for FE Recolor because it's a compressed RAR file, but that's almost $30 (and I already busted out $70+ on FE: Awakening and a new copy of SSBB. <_<).

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You can download the trial version of WinRar, and never have to pay for it :V

The only thing that will happen is there will be a pop up whenever you leave a zip file open that will say either buy it now or continue unregistered. You never actually have to pay for it.

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You can download the trial version of WinRar, and never have to pay for it :V

The only thing that will happen is there will be a pop up whenever you leave a zip file open that will say either buy it now or continue unregistered. You never actually have to pay for it.

Really? Well, that's a major relief. Thanks for the insight!

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