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When you read text in a video game do you read it in the characters' voice?

Gold Vanguard

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Hmm... in Awakening, the little grunts and short phrases is actually kinda distracting and they often say different (but similar things) than the written dialogue. Kinda hard to gauge what I hear inside my head. In other games, no, because they never really have voice acting in the first place. And if they do, they have no text <_<

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Yeah I pretty much imagine the voice inside my head. I mean come on, Sugita's voice for Chrom isn't that hard to imagine while reading the Japanese.

Older games that have zero voice acting are a little harder to imagine.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I just... read the text.

No tones, really. Maybe mine, but not other characters'.

But that's mostly because I never really played games with voice acting.

So that could change.


But I'm used to "just reading"... -_-'

^ Yeah, I'm the same. I don't hear character voices inside my head, just my own internal voice.

Same here. My voice is my own.

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Yep. And if they're not already voice-acted, I assign them each an accent based on either where they come from or their appearance. For example, in my latest run of Sacred Stones, I gave most characters from Renais and Frelia various English accents; if they were from Grado they were Scottish; Colm, Neimi, Lute, Artur, and everyone from Jehanna were Irish, and characters from Rausten were French. The few Carcino characters were Italian. Interestingly, in FE12, I haven't given Kris my own voice. Instead I have him sounding like your typical young adult protagonist from every American bildungsroman film ever. :P

I do the same thing when I'm reading books. Maybe it's because I'm an aspiring novelist, but I need to get to know characters intimately, and giving them their own voices is one of the most important ways of doing that.

I've always read Volke's dialogue/text in Solid Snake's voice.


Oh, and I always read the narration in every Fire Emblem game with the voice of whoever did it in Radiant Dawn. I try to imagine the same intonations and stuff. It makes the story infinitely cooler.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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I tend more to pay games without to mxuh story stfu and i oftem skip tsxta nd all that

Games like traume centrr manage to habe voice acting and te text so i listen to shm whilr readint kt

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Hmm. I actually can't seem to do this without having to concentrate and recall a character's voice, which sort of breaks my attention on the text being read. So no, I don't really read text in a character's voice. I guess it's from years of growing up with games that had 0 voice acting ;;

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