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Poll: Joshua's Wife

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103 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your personal pick for the wife of Joshua?

    • Joshua x Natasha
    • Joshua x L' Arachel
    • Joshua x Marisa
    • Joshua x Eirika
    • Joshua x Tethys
    • Joshua x Lyndis

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Hi. This is a poll. It is about the Sacred Stones. Joshua and his potential (and not) wives. If you want to gripe about Joshua, leave. Unless you are a mod. In that case, gripe away. Just don't hurt me, please.

So... Yes. I like Joshua. I think he has the potential to be the bossest of all the royal people. That was rather... indelicately put, but it gets the point across.


A) There will be no incest (glares at Raven)

The rule will not be Broken, or else. If you break the rule, then I will find you and I will...not kill you. I will... glare malevolently.

May the mods strike me down with their power of infinite edit if they feel otherwise.

On the subject of Lyn: Sorry. She is my OTHER favorite swordmaster. Considering that I am the worlds premier (and only) expert on the interdimensional teleportation between Fire Emblem Universes, you should just trust me.

Edited by MasonTheTactician
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It seems that I have already been outvoted. So be it.

In game, I go with x Natasha, usually. It just doesn't seem right any other way.

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2) There will be no homosexuality

This thread already sucks. >l

But actually I don't see much point since the only female that he gets a romantic ending with iirc is Natasha.

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Hi. This is a poll. It is about the Sacred Stones.

okay sure

Joshua and his potential (and not) wives. If you want to gripe about Joshua, leave.

Wow, that was to the point. Protip: You can't tell people not to post in your topic, it's a public forum.

Unless you are a mod. In that case, gripe away. Just don't hurt me, please.


So... Yes. I like Joshua. I think he has the potential to be the bossest of all the royal people. That was rather... indelicately put, but it gets the point across.

Fair enough, Joshua is pretty cool.


A) There will be no incest (glares at Raven)

How the hell is Joshua even supposed to incest in this game? The only character that he's related to is his mother and they talk like once ever and then she


2) There will be no homosexuality



I really hope you realize how terrible this sounds. As a bisexual man I find this offensive, that you're not allowing homosexuality, without even giving a reason. What the actual fuck dude.

D)I am willing to take suggestions

Here's one, get rid of your stupid second clause.

These rules will not be passed, or else. If you break these rules, then I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL KILL YOU.

Uh, doesn't that seem a bit extreme for a FE board. It's all a game, what's the big deal if someone likes a pairing that you don't?

May the mods strike me down with their power of infinite edit if they feel otherwise.

I hope they do

On the subject of Lyn: Sorry. She is my OTHER favorite swordmaster.

but she's a LORD totes different :P:

Considering that I am the worlds premier (and only) expert on the interdimensional teleportation between Fire Emblem Universes, you should just trust me.



you've played every FE then and know all the backstories and all that?

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A) There will be no incest

2) There will be no homosexuality

i support joshua/ismaire/gerik threesome OTP in the dimension where gerik is joshua's father always

get the fuck at me bro

Edited by CT075
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i support joshua/ismaire/gerik threesome OTP in the dimension where gerik is joshua's father always

get the fuck at me bro

Cam is the best.

I guess Joshua/Natasha pollwise, but I ship Joshua/Innes 5ever.

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Edited some of your 'rules' to removed the no homosexuality one and your death threat. Death threats and quasi-prejudicial comments are not a laughing matter so I would suggest you not joke about them.

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Why are so many posters on this board blatantly homophobic? Christ.

Joshua x Natasha is my pick, but damn, guys, check your bigotry at the door.

"so many?" I count zero. Being homophobic is not the same thing as not wanting homosexual pairings in your own threads. Isn't it funny how the people that preach tolerance are the least tolerant about other people's views and call them bigots and homophobes at people presenting their opinions?

edit: also, why are so few standing up for incestuous couples in these threads?? We should edit out these anti-incest sentiments, too.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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see us joshua/ismaire supporters (also joshua/his brother) need more numbers

also narga i'm mildly disappointed that you didn'tt ake the opportunity to edit ravenXpriscillaXlucius into the poll

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"so many?" I count zero. Being homophobic is not the same thing as not wanting homosexual pairings in your own threads. Isn't it funny how the people that preach tolerance are the least tolerant about other people's views and call them bigots and homophobes at people presenting their opinions?

Well, if he would actually say a reason as to why he doesn't want homosexuality in his thread I would probably be less offended by it. However I think arbitrarily saying "oh, no homosexuality allowed here" is really terrible, and since he did that, I don't think he should be let off easy. I spoke my mind, I guess. I couldn've toned it down, but I was offended, so I spoke up instead. Though I never did say homophobe or bigot so.

edit: also, why are so few standing up for incestuous couples in these threads?? We should edit out these anti-incest sentiments, too.

so right

up with joshua/ismaire

EDIT: spelling, I dont

Edited by Frog
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"so many?" I count zero. Being homophobic is not the same thing as not wanting homosexual pairings in your own threads. Isn't it funny how the people that preach tolerance are the least tolerant about other people's views and call them bigots and homophobes at people presenting their opinions?

edit: also, why are so few standing up for incestuous couples in these threads?? We should edit out these anti-incest sentiments, too.

Half of these threads explicitly ban homosexuality for no justifiable reason. You'd have to be willfully ignoring the obvious not to see it. Fact is that several Fire Emblem characters are clearly written not to be cisgender and it's ridiculous that so many people on the forum are too uncomfortable with the concept to allow it.

I should clarify, though, that this is less a critique of this particular thread (as Joshua is quite certainly not one of aforesaid several characters) and more of the trend in general.

(And technically the same thing goes for incest, though I haven't observed as much pushback against it as against homosexuality, which is surprising in and of itself.)

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also narga i'm mildly disappointed that you didn'tt ake the opportunity to edit ravenXpriscillaXlucius into the poll

Didn't my mod-edit poll result in lots of people stating that they only want that type of thing in FFTF? Some even said they don't want it anywhere. I have to respect my adoring public.

Though I never did say homophobe or bigot so.

Why do you think I didn't quote you? :P:

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Haha, I just wasn't sure where exactly you were getting at. I wanted to back myself up, just in case, because I do feel I might have been a bit much there.

what am I doing

dont back down now


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Half of these threads explicitly ban homosexuality for no justifiable reason. You'd have to be willfully ignoring the obvious not to see it. Fact is that several Fire Emblem characters are clearly written not to be cisgender and it's ridiculous that so many people on the forum are too uncomfortable with the concept to allow it.

I should clarify, though, that this is less a critique of this particular thread (as Joshua is quite certainly not one of aforesaid several characters) and more of the trend in general.

What is your definition of homophobe, anyway. We'll start there. Clearly you don't agree with dictionary definitions that say things like hatred and stuff, so state your definition and then I might have to agree that, under your definition, they are being homophobic.

(And technically the same thing goes for incest, though I haven't observed as much pushback against it as against homosexuality, which is surprising in and of itself.)

Actually, based on my incest thread there's like a 50/50 split on this board (rough estimate, sue me if I'm wrong) and homosexuality is like 90/10 in favour, so my observations seem different from yours.

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What is your definition of homophobe, anyway. We'll start there. Clearly you don't agree with dictionary definitions that say things like hatred and stuff, so state your definition and then I might have to agree that, under your definition, they are being homophobic.

I think you've got that backwards a little bit. A strict dictionary definition doesn't (or shouldn't) imply hatred, just fear, in the same way that being an arachnophobe doesn't imply hatred of spiders but simply fear. Granted that the two oft go together, but I think it's clear that there's no hatred present here (and I don't generally observe hatred, just an irrational fear or uncomfortability). It's still annoying, though. I can understand wanting to ban inane pairings that don't make sense that happen to be gay (e.g. Joshua x Cormag), but the issue there isn't that the pairing is gay, it's that it makes no sense and is clearly only done for sake of cheap fan service. My thought is that if the OP wanted to ban stupid pairings that the OP would simply move to ban stupid pairings and not a general ban on homosexuality; so, clearly then, the OP is quite uncomfortable with homosexuality, for no discernable rational cause. Hence, homophobia.

Actually, based on my incest thread there's like a 50/50 split on this board (rough estimate, sue me if I'm wrong) and homosexuality is like 90/10 in favour, so my observations seem different from yours.

lawsuit forthcoming, ready thy bank accounts

I was imprecise in my wording there, my apologies. I'm referencing the threads being started and not the population en masse. I'd assume the general trends are as you state them, but despite this there's an annoyingly high number of threads unnecessarily restricting the creative potential of some of these characters' developments by banning some forms of romantic relationships, which is, at least for me, rather frustrating.

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In order to necessitate sexual orientation equality for all the boys and girls of the cul-de-sac, I formally request a homosexual option in the poll. May as well eliminate cacomorphobia while we're at it (op clearly has this as well, since there's no Joshua x Meg option), so obviously the most logical choice is Joshua x Gheb.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I think you've got that backwards a little bit. A strict dictionary definition doesn't (or shouldn't) imply hatred, just fear, in the same way that being an arachnophobe doesn't imply hatred of spiders but simply fear. Granted that the two oft go together, but I think it's clear that there's no hatred present here (and I don't generally observe hatred, just an irrational fear or uncomfortability). It's still annoying, though. I can understand wanting to ban inane pairings that don't make sense that happen to be gay (e.g. Joshua x Cormag), but the issue there isn't that the pairing is gay, it's that it makes no sense and is clearly only done for sake of cheap fan service. My thought is that if the OP wanted to ban stupid pairings that the OP would simply move to ban stupid pairings and not a general ban on homosexuality; so, clearly then, the OP is quite uncomfortable with homosexuality, for no discernable rational cause. Hence, homophobia.

If your definition is uncomfortable with homosexuality = homophobe, then fine. Personally I disagree on the definition because homophobia should parallel arachnophobia, like you said at the top. To be an arachnophobe, you can't merely be uncomfortable with the thought of spiders, you'd have to be uncomfortable with spiders themselves. To quote google "Extreme or irrational fear of spiders." Now, I'm not saying that a homophobe has to be terrified of a gay person like if they get near one they'll run away screaming fearing they'll get hurt or whatever. That might be too narrow a definition of "parallel." However, a homophobe should get squigged out just being near a person they know is gay. Not, like, uncomfortable with having to watch it or hear people talk about it. Calling that last bit homophobic is, imo, going overboard.

Anyway, hatred is actually there in a bunch of dictionary definitions. eg dictionary.com.

Yours is a bit closer to merriam webster

irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

So, fear is out because the TC hasn't shown fear. Also, "homosexuals" is out because he hasn't indicated he has an aversion to the people and isn't discriminating against the people. He didn't say "no gay posters". So Aversion and Discrimination against homosexuality are basically the options. But the problem is it needs to be "irrational." In the case of pairings, for some people it is quite rational. Let me explain. Some people, maybe the TC, go beyond the names and start picturing the pairings together. Who knows, right? Now, as a straight person, I'm clearly not interested in men that way so I don't get my jollies picturing two guys together. I think it's perfectly rational for a straight person to feel aversion to picturing two guys together in the act. So the aversion is rational and the discrimination is rational, since it's his thread and he doesn't want to picture two guys together. Hence, not homophobic.

Still, depends on your definition. You could find a dictionary that supports yours, as there are lots out there. Also, terms are getting re-defined by the dominant voice in culture, so any excuse to use insulting words against someone with a disenting opinion means that these definitions get created before long. Anyone remember when tolerance was simply not objecting to practices you dislike? Now tolerance is apparently supporting and encouraging those practices. Not in dictionaries, of course. Not yet anyway. But in the media you see intolerance as anyone who stands up and says "I will do nothing to stop this practice and encourage other people not to get in the way of this practice, but I am stating I am against this practice."

Why do I bring up tolerance out of nowhere, you ask? Because you also complained about bigots. Most definitions of bigots involve the word intolerance, so we can't discuss bigotry without discussing intolerance. Let's go with merriam webster because it was the loosest definition of homophobe and most like your definition.

bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

So hatred is out, so we are left with intolerance. Is saying "I don't want to see homosexual pairings in my thread" intolerant? Pop culture would have you believe it is intolerant. Dictionaries, however, would require a little bit more before it becomes intolerant. Say that I go into a thread like Frog's in fftf and don't complain about how filled it is with incest and homosexuality. I talk like I'm having fun in that thread because I am. Clearly, I am tolerant. But then I make my own thread and want straight pairings. Am I then intolerant of same-sex pairings? But I didn't have a problem jumping into a thread and talking with people encouraging same-sex pairings. I just wanted to have a straight thread. Yet some would have you believe that this is bigotted. That's the notion I'm trying to dissuade people from having.

lawsuit forthcoming, ready thy bank accounts

I was imprecise in my wording there, my apologies. I'm referencing the threads being started and not the population en masse. I'd assume the general trends are as you state them, but despite this there's an annoyingly high number of threads unnecessarily restricting the creative potential of some of these characters' developments by banning some forms of romantic relationships, which is, at least for me, rather frustrating.

Granted. The recent pairing threads have frequently been created by the 10%. Why the 90% hasn't bothered making pairing threads recently I have no idea. Anyway, there are very few pairings in FE that are actually non-straight. Granted, this is a set of E games, right? I'm almost surprised Heather made it past the sensors, actually. Probably because nobody reciprocated her feelings. But let's assume that hidden in some of the same-sex support convos there is hidden hints at what the designers had in mind. I highly doubt there are dozens of these pairings in the games. 10 max. Yet if you listen to the majority of people on this board, there's like 100 potential same-sex romantic pairings. Some people read into stuff what they want to read into it.

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It doesn't really bother me if people wanna exclude t3h g@y from their polls and stuff. If they want to do it they should be free to do so, and I will not judge them for it~

Should I be bothered? It doesn't seem like it's worth the energy to get worked up over it.

Anyway, JoshuaxNatasha!

I think they were the second pair I made on my first play-through of sacred stones, sometime after ColmxNeimi. Their affinities definitely don''t mesh as well ColmxNeimi, but who cares? The d'aww factor is just too strong.

i'm not very creative lol, I just go with whichever pairing is shoved in my face first

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