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Class design


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I really, really like the Troubadour/Valkyrie clothes. In fact, the the only person doesn't look good in them in Maribelle. Battlle Cleric and the Thief line look nice, too, though only Anna and Gangrel can pull off the Trickster. Grandmaster is also awesome, as are the two DLC classes.

As for things I don't like:

Knights and Generals - If I wanted huge shoulder armor, I'd play World of Warcraft.

Dark Knight, Wyvern Lord - They look okay from the front, but then you see them in the barrack and BAM--battle panties.

Warriors and Cleric - As already stated, everyone is blatantly wearing Basilio and Liz's outfits.

Sages - All sage outfits are inferior to Celica's.

Manakete and Taguel - Nowi's outfit is silly and it looks like a diaper on her battle model; why couldn't we base FeMorgan's outfit off of Nah's? They were probably raised by the same foster parents, right? And I will always hate those grown-on booty shorts the Taguel have.

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I wasn't crazy about the Heroes when I started, but the design has really grown on me. In fact most of the classes in this game have impressed me after taking a second look.

Probably my favorite thing about the new looks is the approach they took to classes that have two classes promote into it. For instance, the Fighter has pretty much one piece of armor, that gauntlet, while the Mercenary has that large shoulder pauldron/small shield. Their shared class, the Hero, combines the full arm gauntlet with the small shoulder shield to create the Hero's massive iconic shield in the form of a two piece shield-gauntlet combo.

The Warrior draws on the Fighter for it's gladiator slave-esque collar and the Barbarian for the fur on the neck and shoulders. Other classes do similar things, and while Sacred Stones had split promotion as well, the designs there weren't as clearly a fusion of two other classes as they are here.

Edited by KrayDay
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My favs:

Troubadour and Valkyrie - Finally, modest riders! The generic headgear is cool too.

Thieves, Assassins, and Tricksters - Especially females, but I like em both. There's a lot of spikes on the assassin but otherwise I think this is probably the coolest thief line I've seen in the series. For the people who complain about thieves with large boobs... most of them barring Cath have been pretty busty. Heck, Leila's wearing garters and a mega short skirt in FE7. Generic trickers have the best hat.

Clerics and Battle Clerics - Yay hoopskirts

Noire and Virion's archer outfits - Way better than the default that everyone else gets.

Dark Mage - Equal opportunity skimpiness that doesn't actually feel out of place with the characters who start in it. It's weird in that I don't reaaally like skimpy outfits but Tharja pulls it off. I think it's that gloomy look and the long dark hair and yandere persona that sells it to me.

Not so favs:

Knights, Generals, and Great Knights - Excessively bulky. Kjelle is frequently drawn without the oversized shoulderpads and is much better for it, but sadly you always see her with rocketshoulders in-game.

Female cavalier - Aka Sully's battle panties on a horse. And that's a shame, because I love the rest of Sully. I don't even mind the toilet bowl armor... much.

Dark Knight: Love the collar, love the armor... and then bam, battle panties. I guess Tharja looks fine though

Generally I dislike people who ride on horses in bloomers. For whatever reason it's less distracting when it's a wyvern knight or a pegasus knight, though, probably because the wings obscure your view of the character. I like pegasus knights dark fliers the most of the mounted classes for females aside from troubadour/valks, but not falcoknights.

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I simply adore the mage-hats, they're adorable. X3 I hope they come back next game, I love wizard hats.

I also like the archer outfits, even the female ones with the ridiculous cleavage window.

The lord and tactitions outfits are great, but the great lord and grandmaster is a bit much. I wish female grandmasters had pants too. >>

Outfits I dislike:

OLIVIAS. The dancers are always skimpy, but it has never been this disgusting before. Olivia's official art has her flashing you for goodness sake. She's supposed to be shy and timid? Bull. Shit. She wouldn't be wearing something so damn revealing if she was so modest and didn't want people to stare. The hypocrisy of her outfit and her "shyness" just ticks me off. I'd have been fine with just a simple bra and puffy pants like Lalum or Tethys; hell, she could have been modest and beautiful like Ninian or a heron (the latter doesn't dance but they have the same function). But nooo, nobody would use her if they didn't see her ass in the official art. Just...GRAH. Makes me mad they sacrificed a potential good outfit for something gross like this.

...and wow, that is my rant for the day. ._.;

I dislike a lot of the female outfits in this game, actually. The cavalier and dark knights and paladins don't need pants, nooo, not at all, I'll stop there.

I also dislike Hero outfit because the armor and ridiculous arm-shield thing is hideous.

And Knights and Generals are also fugly, I can't stand Kellam and Kjelle's sprites because of it. Dear god what were they thinking when designing something so fugly?

Edited by Faye
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Well... yeah. I like how everyone's head covering(if they have one) stays with them no matter what. I spotpassed a Warrior Laurent (LOLwut) and he still had the FF hat.

Also, I really wish the armorknights still took off their chest for no apparent reason to attack. Stuff like that.

I really like the swordmaster, as well as the Great Lord.

Lucina's shield is a big version of her mask, if anyone cares.

Warriors? Too. Much. Latex. I really don't care about Basilio's "sweet brown arse" enough to want to see it.

I REALLY like the neutral (green) sprite for the male trickster. It is sweet.

eh... I agree that Grandmaster/Tactician is awesome.

Taguel? They're growing on me. I used to hate the whole big bunny look, but now... not so much.

I will remember other stuff later. Just wait.

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War Monk looks so cool I refused to reclass my Libra and now his stats are so bad he gets two rounded by everything (and that's even when he's paired up). I regret nothing.

NPC tricksters have an obvious red mage thing going for them, and that's awesome.

Poor Libra. I intend to Dread Fighter him so hes gonna look sexy as fuck!

My favs:

Noire and Virion's archer outfits - Way better than the default that everyone else gets.

Dark Mage - Equal opportunity skimpiness that doesn't actually feel out of place with the characters who start in it. It's weird in that I don't reaaally like skimpy outfits but Tharja pulls it off. I think it's that gloomy look and the long dark hair and yandere persona that sells it to me.

Noire's archer outfit rocks. Argyle for the freaking win! And Virions. *salivates* If only he kept it when reclassing....

Tharja's butt shots dont bother me anymore really. When shes paired up with Henry...it fits! Fanart on the other hand....

I also dislike the mage hats.

You. Out of the blankie fort. I freaking LOVE those hats!

The battle panties...Sure they are ludicrously ineffective, but really, i dont have THAT much of a beef. Mostly cuz i dont usually see them unless i get a hind shot of the character or in barracks or whatever. So i figure: "How are her legs protected? Oh yeah. A wizard did it."

As for Olivia, shes basically got Tethys' design but her MC Hammer pants are see-through. I dont find it gross or anything.

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I don't like how bulky Sages, Priests, and War Monks look.

I adore Nah's outfit.

I like Warriors, Barbarians, and Fighters because shirtlessness.

I'm fond of Female Heroes & Anna!Trickster.

Nowi is still as skimpy as possible, which I don't care for, but unfortunately Manakete!Morgan is too. Real bummer.

Edited by Chidokyo
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My all time favorite is the dread fighter, the red aura is just awesome.

Swordmasters and archers are also quite nice looking.

As for the ones I don't like, generals and sages just look..... weird.

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Eh, I am not a big fan of some of the more over-the-top designs. However, I think I want to violently and repeatedly smack whoever came up with the generic Great Knight. Eyes go on the face - not on top of the head!

But it's okay, because the Revenant and Entombed designs make up for all the other bad designs. (Plus, you can see the crotch area under the loin cloth if you watch the animation carefully.)

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I wish they based the class designs on old Heroes of the series for example having Heroes have Ike's vanguard armor (it's only a wish it was such a badass armor, my only gripe is such a badass armor lacks a badass artwork)...

anyways my favorite class design is the Dread fighters, if my memory serves me right they are the third stage for Heroes in Gaiden amirite? anyways and I really like the hero design except I wish all the heroes had the Design of Priam armor...but it's awesome, and I really like the mageknight design.

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I don't like the claw things on the Wyvern Lord's shoulders. Every time my Avatar raises her arms, those things make a pincushion out of her head.

Shellfish Knights. That goes without saying.

The neck brace things on Heroes.


I thought the Roman numeral design on Sages was a nice touch.

That's all I could think of at the top of my head.

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I like the Trickster Class' look (Most specifiacally Anna <3)

Grandmasters look awesome (Especially Grandmaster Lucina)

Swordmasters...hell yeah.

And Dark Fliers look badass (Dark Flier Cordelia reminds me of Dark Tsubaki from BlazBlue)

I dont like the look of Bulky classes like Knight/Great Knight. The Knight's look like they're gonna fall over from how big their upper body is compared to their small legs.

Watch this post be ignored. I am Kellam.

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dont get why everyone is in a tiffy about sexualized female units. i love the female sorcerer look, only wish it had a flap of fabric in the front of the skirt too, for more dramatic swooshing. not a big fan of the daek mages metal short shorts but they grew on me, really dont like the generic sage looks, it just looks like a bishop to me. love dark knight designs and also the sword master myrmidon class, assassin is a little bit silly but i can live with it

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dont get why everyone is in a tiffy about sexualized female units.

They think its in bad taste. But theres a healthy dose of slut shaming going around too. D:

I dig Lissa's Sage outfit because it looks a lot like Emmeryn's dress. Makes me think shes gonna be Emmeryn 2.0 for Ylisse and i get the warm and fuzzies.

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Battle bikini/skirts (unless there's shorts/tights under) on riders = chafechafechafe and if you're gonna pass it off as "magic" why can't we get dudes in them too

I'm cool with equal-opportunity fanservice which is why I have no qualms about dark mages 'cuz they're both skimpy but I'm very uncomfortable when riders have nothing covering their inner thighs and especially if it's only one gender and not the others

And like, I personally feel sexy designs are fine if they fit the character, like Aversa wouldn't be the same if she dressed modestly. Just a lot of these designs here is pantyshot for the sake of pantyshot and that's what I have qualms with

This is me personally tho

can't speak for others

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I actually really like the Dark Mage outfits. They're silly and look nice. Although the Sorcerer outfit... No, just no.

Lon'qu and Owain's Myrm outfits look really nice too.

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Tharja's Sorcerer design is nice because she looks a bit more modest in it but still has that vampy look to her.

I'm cool with equal-opportunity fanservice which is why I have no qualms about dark mages 'cuz they're both skimpy but I'm very uncomfortable when riders have nothing covering their inner thighs and especially if it's only one gender and not the others

I get ya. Pantsless Virion would have been pretty damn great. :awesome:

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Tharja's Sorcerer design is nice because she looks a bit more modest in it but still has that vampy look to her.

I don't think we're looking at the same Sorcerer outfit.

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Ack, i cant find a screenshot. But when she promotes, the smallclothes portion is less revealing in the front. She gets a cloak with sleeves that is rather long and covers the arse area. The front boob area is still a bit scantily though. But compared to the dark mage model, its more modest.

I still want some pantsless Virion...

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Ack, i cant find a screenshot. But when she promotes, the smallclothes portion is less revealing in the front. She gets a cloak with sleeves that is rather long and covers the arse area. The front boob area is still a bit scantily though. But compared to the dark mage model, its more modest.

I still want some pantsless Virion...

well that's a given lol

also you're not Basilio, stop using "arse"

hey chill, just messing around

also generals and their fail tackles are lol-worthy

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