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My Lunatic tier list (with comments)


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Just done with my first play through ever and beat Lunatic/Classic. Want to share some of my thoughts on the tier list, give comments on all chars - so discuss on!

Few things first

1. No grinding, especially DLC maps. Obviously if you grind, any char can be godlike and Lunatic loses its purpose.

2. This is my own tier list. Different person can think differently. Discuss on but be polite.

Here goes....

GODLIKE - built the team up

Frederick - 20/10

He single-handed brings you over the first 4-5 chapters. In the next 10 chapters or so, I got him S-support with Sumia, pair them up, put them on a fort or something, and strip his weapons. The enemies will surround him and I lure them out 1-by-1, that way the XP is shared very well between my chars. So Fred can be said to build up my whole army. In the remaining chapters, he is not as outstanding as he was due to others got stronger now, but still a solid place in the whole team. Besides, he is cool and loyal, I like loyalty.

EXCELLENT - guaranteed a place in the team

Avatar - 10/10

Chrom - 9/10

Lissa - 9/10

Avatar is very good, no doubts. Being any class you want, support with anyone you want. Should have good stats. Can really be a game-breaking if you have a Nosferatu-using Avatar paired with Chrom.

Chrom is RNG-blessed in my game. His unlimited Falchion is a big plus too especially you have it since beginning. He is always paired with my Avatar and always does his job to defend or follow up attacks.

Lissa is my first and long-term staff-user. No need to say how useful she can be in many situations.

VERY GOOD - solid place in the team - 8/10

Sully - solid, good Speed

Virion - deadly with his bow

Vaike - I always like axe-user. Start with a bit low Speed but can be very strong later

Miriel - my first magic-user. Good at offensive. No one talks about a mage's defensive.

Sumia - she can be hard to level up especially I always got her paired with Fred. Even if she can level up, her Strength might be quite low. She is quite RNG-blessed in my game so I get myself a very good flier, mage killer. Anyway, just because she helps Fred to tank with +Speed and +Res, she already deserves to be here.

Panne - reclassed as a Wyvern Rider then Wyvern Lord. Did exactly what is expected out of this route - a tank flier.

Nowi - Manakete is always good if you can level her up.

Tharja - Dark mage is quite unbalanced in this game due to Nosferatu, especially she is so well-made for the role with high Magic and Speed.

Anna - a capable thief, this all I need.

Olivia - some people hate Dancer but I always love them in my play style.

GOOD - used in few chapters - 7/10

Kellam - he can be an excellent tank but I can not level him up. Too many axe enemies in the first few chapters, and he usually got paired up to give +Def to someone else.

Lon'qu - again, can be a good char but I don't like sword-user so I never level him up. But in the few chapters I need him, he did his job with some deadly crits.

OKAY - 5/10 - never used but may have potentials

The rest of the 1st-generation chars.

BAD - 2/10 - just get them for the completion sake

All the children (yes, Lucina too)


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Oh snap I just realized that every h it is 5+ (bar Children and The Don). That's kind of bad

It implies that you have difficulty assigning value. Honestly it sounds like not a single unit that you used was low tier trash, or even lower mid. That doesn't tell us much ya know.

Try reassigning units that you used and set up a sort of point scale. If you used 20 units for instance, rank each at a sort of 10, 9.5, 9, etc scale, to show us how much you really value X, Y and Z, while leaving unused units off the tier list entirely (or rather, in a ln "Unused" Tier)

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No grinding

Grinds with Fred

I don't get that

To me, grinding means you abuse DLC maps (or Wireless teams/Skirmish in Normal? Hard? ) to earn shit loads of XP and gold, use that to level any char you want, have best items and no need to worry about XP-sharing. What's wrong if I use Fred to do his job as a tank when I play a main-story chapter? It's his destiny to tank and let other chars earn the XP, my friend...

Lon'qu should be on excellent as well as with Panne. They are just, too good. If not, AT LEAST LON'QU needs to be bumped to Very Good.

Very fair point. Agreed with Panne, I'm moving her up to Excellent, she is damn good.

I honestly don't know about Lon'qu.... As I said in my original post, he "can be a good char". It's my 1st play... I will try him in my next and he should have a better ranking. I heard he and Panne paired up is pretty bad-ass.

It implies that you have difficulty assigning value. Honestly it sounds like not a single unit that you used was low tier trash, or even lower mid. That doesn't tell us much ya know.

Fair point. I glad you brought this up. Yes, when you play Lunatic, it's kinda you have to stick with all the chars you're given earlier. So they are all good. Some of them can be exchangeable though - Miriel/Ricken, Sumia/Cordelia, Tharja/Henry,....

The rest like all the children are quite unusable. Level 10 unpromoted at chapter 20 or so? No thanks. Not much support? No thanks. Had to grind so that you can pass down useful skills to them, so that they might be a bit useful? No thanks, this is no-grind tier list.

That may not tell you much, but actually tell you everything. Stick with the parents who you get in first 10 chapters, they are all quite good. Stay away from the parents after that, and all children. And Donnel...

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