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Internal Level

luigi bros

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One thing that keeps coming up in my google searches for FE Awakening is the term "internal level".

What exactly does this mean? As I understand it, using a Change Seal adds to the value, which slows EXP gain, even at level 1 unpromoted. But how much does the value increase? Is there a limit to how high it can rise (I seem to remember 20 in NM and 50? in LM/+ Mode). And if it does cap out, does that mean that a level 1 unpromoted unit will be gaining EXP slower than a level 19 promoted unit?

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Internal Level, as I understand it, is like the background level.

Say, you have a unit who is a level 18 Hero. Assume they were a level 1 mercenary when you got them, and got them to level 20 before promoting them to Hero.

So, their actual level is 38 (20 from Mercenary, 18 from Hero), even if only "18" is shown. So, if you use, say, a second seal and become a Paladin, and then to level 5, you are actually level 43 (20 Mercenary, 18 Hero, then 5 as Paladin). I don't think there is a cap, but the amount of EXP you start to get slows down considerably.

I could be wrong, though. That is just how I understand it.

Edited by Kirokan
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Levels before using a Master Seal don't matter; you just get set to a class level of 21. When using a Second Seal, however, the game takes your current class level, subtracts 1, and cuts it in half, then adds it to your internal level.

So a LV16 Hero who's never reclassed will be counted as LV36 no matter what their level was before promoting, and if they reclass, they'll be counted as 18 levels higher than their new class level. So if they become a LV1 Cavalier, they'll count as LV19; if they become a LV1 Paladin, they'll count as LV39.

Meanwhile, these internal levels stop counting at a certain point based on difficulty level: 20, 30, or 50 for Normal, Hard, and Lunatic, respectively. So if you've reclassed a character a bunch of times on Hard, then when they end up back as a LV1 Hero, they'll count as LV51; if you do the same on Lunatic, they'll count as LV71 as a LV1 Hero.

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Levels before using a Master Seal don't matter; you just get set to a class level of 21. When using a Second Seal, however, the game takes your current class level, subtracts 1, and cuts it in half, then adds it to your internal level.

So a LV16 Hero who's never reclassed will be counted as LV36 no matter what their level was before promoting, and if they reclass, they'll be counted as 18 levels higher than their new class level. So if they become a LV1 Cavalier, they'll count as LV19; if they become a LV1 Paladin, they'll count as LV39.

Meanwhile, these internal levels stop counting at a certain point based on difficulty level: 20, 30, or 50 for Normal, Hard, and Lunatic, respectively. So if you've reclassed a character a bunch of times on Hard, then when they end up back as a LV1 Hero, they'll count as LV51; if you do the same on Lunatic, they'll count as LV71 as a LV1 Hero.

So somebody class changed several times and made a level 20 class 2 on normal mode would have an overall level of 60?

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So somebody class changed several times and made a level 20 class 2 on normal mode would have an overall level of 60?

Yes, exactly. Of course, it'd be irrelevant since they wouldn't be gaining Exp at that point, but that's the "new" maximum they'd approach in promoted classes.

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