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Chrom's Ending: Avatar Family Quote Thread


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...I forgot about this thread. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif -goes to add quotes to wiki-

Thanks for helping, everyone. :3

No problem!

I'm trying to finish Sumia's one as soon as possible.

I'm in love with your sig.

I married Cordelia and I see she and Severa are up already.

Haha, sorry. I took that one.

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Haha, sorry. I took that one.

Haha no need to apologize! I thought Cordelia's quote was sweet, it restored my faith in our marriage after being annoyed at her still being hung up on Chrom hahaha.

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Haha no need to apologize! I thought Cordelia's quote was sweet, it restored my faith in our marriage after being annoyed at her still being hung up on Chrom hahaha.

Indeed, best wife ever. Though you know, her event tile quote with Severa is pretty nice too to reassure me. Plus she has the best daughter too!

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I have Cherche's laugh.gif

Cherche: Minerva would be heartbroken to lose you... Allright... I ... Would be heartbroken to lose you...

Gerome:You showed me we all have the strength to best our fates. Don't tell me now that it was all a lie, Father!

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Here's Maribelle and Brady.

Maribelle: That's right. You don't get to die until I say you can!

I was promised a lovely future, and I intend to collect.

Brady: I promise to f-fight, Dad.

D-don't look at me l-like that! I ain't cryin'! *sniff*

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Used my empty save to finally beat the game. Here's Gangrel's:

You seriously considered ending your own life to save...them? Grgh. What book of fairy tales did you pull THAT idea from? You are mine, Robin, and I will slaughter any who try to take you!

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Updated with Cherche/Gerome and Maribelle/Brady. Spouses here. And children here.

I'm still trying to get to Brady and Laurent... They'll be next, maybe I'll get these up tonight sometime. Procrastination!

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Adding Sumia and Cynthia (daughter)!

[spoiler=Sumia]If you had met your end atop that dragon, I...I could not bear it. I need you here, with me! We have so many more books to read!

[spoiler=Cyntha (Daughter)]Father! Promise we'll be together always! Pinky-swear it! Come on!

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For some reason, Inigo's conversation isn't there while Olivia's is.

Inigo: Smile, Father! Think of all the women left to woo in the world. Ha ha ha! I jest, I jest! ... But seriously. Do try to smile.

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For some reason, Inigo's conversation isn't there while Olivia's is.

Inigo: Smile, Father! Think of all the women left to woo in the world. Ha ha ha! I jest, I jest! ... But seriously. Do try to smile.

Hey thanks!

Shadowofchaos posted a lovely pic of Olivia's words, but didn't put Inigo's. That's why.

At least now I don't have to muscle through the final chapter just for that.

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Now for Nowi and Nah as family


You're not going anywhere unless you take me with you! We belong together!

Nah (Daughter)

I don't feel it's my place to make demands. But I wish you would stay alive for me, Father.

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Just went through yet another file. Got Sumia and Cynthia this time.

Sumia: If you had met your end atop that dragon, I ... I could not bear it. I need you here, with me! We have so many more books to read!

Cynthia: Father! Promise we'll be together always! Pinky-swear it! Come on!

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Just went through yet another file. Got Sumia and Cynthia this time.

Sumia: If you had met your end atop that dragon, I ... I could not bear it. I need you here, with me! We have so many more books to read!

Cynthia: Father! Promise we'll be together always! Pinky-swear it! Come on!

Haha, I actually finished that one a few days ago.

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Wierd... I married Lucina on my run and didn't let anyone die, but I got the Chrom conversation instead?

Whoops, didnt fully understand how the ending dialogue in Chroms ending worked, never mind

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And now for Say'ri's


Come with me to Chon'sin, Robin! Let us watch the blossoms return. We have many years yet to fill with happy memories.

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And now Tharja and Noire's final words.

Almost done with all of the children. Just Yarne is left.


Forget saving the world--I just want you. Gods have mercy on anyone who interferes!

Noire (daughter)

*Sniff* *sob* *cry* Father! Fatheeer!

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Just finished my Male Avatar playthrough, so here's Tiki's final words!


I love you, Avatar. And I would have both you and our world safe and at peace.

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Why don't we travel the world together? You might find the answers on the way. Oh, and don't worry about the cost. I'm independently wealthy.

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Last two non-child wives.


If you're dreaming of sacrificing yourself, you'd damn well run it past your wife first! ...I'm actually a surprisingly good listener.


I care not for any of the other pitiful creatures of this world, my love. Only you. I would never forgive you for leaving by choice. I would chase you to the very hells!

I'll do my best to grab Panne and Yarne whenever I can.

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