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Risen AND Legacy Characters?


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An enemy spawned on the map right where Marisa's team is located. Her team is now green units, therefore it is all 22 of us versus...14 Risen. (Location: Valm Castle.) ...Not that I have 12 units I want to deploy. >_>;

Has this been noted anywhere on the site? I didn't know it was possible for them to spawn on the same spot. I just knew about the merchants+Risen.

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It is mentioned on the site, yes. And the Legacy characters will help you defeat the Risen. After the challenge, you can handle the Legacy team however you'd like.

I've only had it happen once, myself, but it was really fun to team up with Ike's crew. Poor, poor Risen.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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Had this happen with Sanaki against a Risen Sage... at the Sage's hamlet. I stayed back and watched the fight from the edge of the map just for teh lolz. (Sanaki's team had higher stats-no risk if they lost, I could just respawn them)

Edited by Melonhead
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This just happened to me with Lute's team. The only ally who died was Lute (of course), so the spotpass team disappeared after the battle. Is that only because the 'boss' died, or will having any allies die also make the team disappear?

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It can happen with Streetpass too. Which is crazy. ESPECIALLY when a L15ish Streetpass MU spawns.... on Para 19. And then this happens.

I had that happen, it was fun in an emergent way. I had to protect the hopeless Avatar who naturally started in the middle of all the Risen.

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Risen + Risen can get challenging since both armies can be surrounding your army... It sometimes greatly out numbers like 22 Risen against your army of 14 (or even less).

I wouldn't pity the Risen since it's somewhat the same when you team up with a Legacy team.

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Risen + Risen can get challenging since both armies can be surrounding your army... It sometimes greatly out numbers like 22 Risen against your army of 14 (or even less).

I wouldn't pity the Risen since it's somewhat the same when you team up with a Legacy team.

Especially if they're both on a lategame map.

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