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Can you edit status effects?


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Ok I'll make this simple. Basically I added the patch to allow status effects on weaponry. Works fine. But some things are a bit nuts. Like 5 turn sleep. I was wondering if there's some way to edit status effects, create new ones in general or at least edit their durations and such.

I've searched every keyphrase I can imagine. Change status effects. Edit. Duration etc etc etc. Coming up with nothing though I thought I saw someone mention it in a thread once I was reading.

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ASM hackery. The bits that control how long it is are easy to edit but to make the standard duration longer you'd probably need to hack the ASM. Also for the status effect weapons or w/e I'd imagine it uses the same standard durations as the original effects (though I'm not sure, it's something you could look into at the ASM if you understood it or Camtech could since he made it). If this is the case, changing the duration of status effects would change them for both weapons and staves. Which could be circumvented, but again, would require ASM hackery.

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Ah gotcha. Haven't messed with ASM based hacking. Not sure if I want to delve into there just yet. At least not just to shrink sleep effect from like 5 turns to 3 or something fairly small along those lines.

Edited by JFierce
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if you have $10 to spare you're willing to wait like two weeks while i unwind from school and finish all of my other commissions i could screw with the routine to get you some more customized stuff

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