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I can't decide the last skill for Olivia


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So I have so far:

- Special Dance

- Astra

- Rally Love (For when it comes out)

- Bonds (For when it comes out)

Now for the last one I can't decide between Galeforce or Swordfaire.

Also just thought of this one while typing this. Is Lethality good on Panne?

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So I have so far:

- Special Dance

- Astra

- Rally Love (For when it comes out)

- Bonds (For when it comes out)

Now for the last one I can't decide between Galeforce or Swordfaire.

Also just thought of this one while typing this. Is Lethality good on Panne?

Sorry, but I can't be of any help with regard to Olivia. As for Lethality, I'd say no - its activation rate is too low to be worth it.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Given the choice between the two, I would also go for Galeforce. However, I feel like Swordfaire is very important for Olivia to deal damage (and activate Galeforce.) Personally, I would consider replacing Bonds or Rally Love for it.

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don't worry, you'll eventually have Limit Break to replace Bonds (honestly, i'd rather have Pass for now regardless)

e: wait what, why would you limit the people who get Limit Break

Edited by shadykid
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don't worry, you'll eventually have Limit Break to replace Bonds (honestly, i'd rather have Pass for now regardless)

I'm going to save Limit Break for people I believe are like lords and rules and special people. Like Gangrel, Walhart, Emmeryn, Aversa, Priam, Tiki, Basilio, Flavia etc.

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Get rid of Rally Love, she should spend her time not attacking for dancing and Special Dance gives plus 2 to all stats anyway

Nope. +2 to Str, mah, def and Res. not speed or skill or luck.

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But the point is that Rally Love is not passive, so you're using up a turn of using Olivia to dance to use Rally instead. Granted there are times where she can't reach an ally and Rally affects multiple units, but Rally Love is better combined with multiple other Rally skills. I personally would make room for Swordfaire because with her low strength cap, she needs the extra attack for those times when she needs to counter. Galeforce is also helpful in that you could use Olivia to kill something, and then use the refreshed movement to give another unit a refreshed turn. Personally I would either get rid of Rally Love or Bonds to make room for both Galeforce and Swordfaire.

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But the point is that Rally Love is not passive, so you're using up a turn of using Olivia to dance to use Rally instead. Granted there are times where she can't reach an ally and Rally affects multiple units, but Rally Love is better combined with multiple other Rally skills. I personally would make room for Swordfaire because with her low strength cap, she needs the extra attack for those times when she needs to counter. Galeforce is also helpful in that you could use Olivia to kill something, and then use the refreshed movement to give another unit a refreshed turn. Personally I would either get rid of Rally Love or Bonds to make room for both Galeforce and Swordfaire.

Here's my skillset for her.


I took out Love Cry for Sword Expert/Swordfaire and put in Lightning Speed/Galeforce.

BUT WHO CARES? I'm never gonna streetpass anyone with my Japanese copy.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Do NOT take Rally Love. Rally skills are not that good, period. If you're going to have Olivia as a Dancer, then keep Special Dance, otherwise you won't need it. So you've freed up slots for both Swordfaire and Galeforce. Bonds is...well, it could be better. Keep it for now, but then replace it with Paragon or Limit Breaker later.

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Rally skills are not that good, period.

Rally Spectrum is the best skill in the game. Love Cry (Rally Love) is the next best thing giving +2 all stats and +1 movement to stack with that.

Limit Breaker obviously has more of a use for taking on the Final DLC... but you need Love Cry on someone else OTHER than the Dancer.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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