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Healing tiles (and a map limits question, though more so confirmation)


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Is there a way to change what tiles heal a character on them?

I have an idea on how to create a 'home castle' where enemies as long as there aren't any villages closer will head for a castle as long as it has a village tile instead of a castle gate tile. (Then using an AREA code which activates upon the specific enemy unit number landing on it triggering game over). Some castles look similar so it's not too bad graphically. But the problem is leaving a unit to protect it is kind of silly if the unit can't heal. Can't hold off hordes of enemies if the only thing you can rely on to heal is a vulnerary which is limited and costs money.

Is there any way (that's feasible without ASM or something I can't handle) to edit which tiles heal? (and maybe by how much)

My other question, I know map limits are 43x36 I believe. I remember reading someone say you can adjust this accordingly so say 40x39, but they weren't sure if it was true. Can anyone confirm if this is true, or done it? Or.... could this cause glitches in the game? I don't want to end up inserting a map like this and later find out "Oh look my game is screwed up.... wonderful...." lets see where the last backup was and redo all that work.


Searching for any clues on healing tiles but finding squat and I only found one instance of someone mentioning changing the limits like that.

Edited by JFierce
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For some reason I had it in my head that 'glitches the game out' would effect other data. Don't know why I thought that. Doesn't make sense. Going to experiment next chapter with sizes. Doubt it will go past the limits though. FE4 sizes are a pipe dream.

I'm guessing Healing effects on tiles are hardwired into the game as opposed to changing a line of hex and messing with pointers like the usual stuff.

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krad uses some pretty big maps for epic-scale chapters in FE forever

if you design a map properly, it can definitely feel much bigger than it actually is. a good example is FE12 chapter 3, where the map isn't huge, but it requires 17 turns to complete if marth visits both villages. there's also a lot of walking around, too, which is a weak point in the map's design.

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I've got a 21x37 map in Elibian Nights (that's after I cut down the height, it used to be taller and it still worked). Essentially, the "limit" isn't a hard limit, it's a limit on the number of tiles the game can display at once (if I recall correctly; I'm not generally a buff when it comes to the more technical aspects of hacking). Take out columns to allow yourself more rows. The minimap scrolls, so that part works out just fine. I've had no issues at all, really.

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43*36 = 1548

Essentially, if the number of tiles on the map is less than this, you should be fine.

1500/20 = 75

hypothetically you should be able to have a map that is 20x75 (40x39 = 1560 tiles I think which is slightly more but might still work but 43x36 is more optimal because maps have the basic ratio of 240:160 or 3:2 and 43:36 is closer to 3:2 than 40:39*)

Also good map design can make a map longer by not making it linear or giving the map multiple routes etc

If you think about it a 43x36 map is only 43 tiles wide, that's 43/7 = ~6 turns to get from one side to another with a Paladin or something

but most maps aren't that linear, thankfully

As for changing what tiles heal, that's hardcoded. Same with how much. There is no magical easy way at the moment.

*Just some theorizing if one is looking for a map ratio of 3:2 (or 1.5:1) with a tile limit no greater than 1550 then

x = width

y = height

x*y <= 1550

x/y = 1.5

Maximizing this, looking for values of x and y which hit 1550, pretty much

f(x,y) = x*y = 1550

g(x,y) = x/y = 1.5

x = 1.5y

(1.5y)(y) = 1550

1.5y^2 = 1550

y = sqrt(1550/1.5) ~= 32

since x*y = 1550, x(32) = 1550 and x = 1550/32 ~= 48

Thus if you're looking for a map with the same aspect ratio as the screen, 3:2, the biggest map you can make is one of size 48x32 (48*32 < 1550, check, 48/32 = 1.5, check).

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Well that's good to know. Yeah I was looking at FE4 maps and they tend to twist and wind around with stage design. Then have cut off points where you can't proceed without achieving something here and there. Good maps generally aren't linear.

Good to know about the maps thoughs. For a home castle healing I'm going to have to think of something. There's work around like using the tiles to design an odd castle which is bigger than normal and has a fort in front of the door. Though I think I thought of an issue in my plan "MAYBE". I notice often enemies don't go after villages if they're inaccessible for instance someone standing on the tile. So it will depend a lot on the stage design. So hopefully if there are no villages near them at all they would just attack the unit at the castle anyways and head the same path.

Edited by JFierce
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