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Unused character entries in FE7?

Topaz Light

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Hey, I'm working on a little project regarding FE7 and I was looking to add a few characters without removing anyone. In particular, I noticed the large number of "civilian" entries; are all of these used? Would it be possible to edit them into playable characters and bosses without screwing over some event midway through the game (or causing that event to screw up that character's presence in your party or something)? Also, is there any way to edit entries 0xFE and 0xFF? They're just hanging out there at the bottom of the character list, completely blank, but they're unselectable when a ROM is loaded. What's the issue there?

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I was going to go into how to repoint to free space. but actually... I don't know if you can go any higher. I remember someone mentioning in the thread I made on asking the limits for expanding classes, items etc. that the limit was 0xFF aka 255. The Character editor uses 254. So hmm... my solution probably on expanding it probably won't work.

Makes me realize I guess I gotta not use characters carelessly in my hack.

Sadly I don't know what characters aren't used in the actual game. I imagine most of them probably are though sadly.

Edited by JFierce
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technically yes you can expand to get one more slot

it's not very pointful though, as in you'd have to be pretty desperate

what most people do, to my knowledge, is just rework the generic "character" slots (more like unit slots) however they like and rework the events so that it doesn't break the game

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Yeah, I see. I've kinda got my eye on the "Citizen" slots, since those are likely far easier to replace, being swappable with other various generics. (For instance, Ephidel can become a random Morph, since his stats are never viewable anyway) Although, part of me wants to use that last little slot just because I can, although I can see where that'd be sort of ill-advised.

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