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Name Pronunciations

Lord Raven

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Heya everyone, so I do talk about this in small spurts with people but now I want to officially make a thread about it. Because we didn't really have voice acting until FE9 and full VAing until FE13, I just wanted to know how you guys pronounced the various names. I'm thinking that the way we do this is that we go through the list of names - by game - on vocaroo and record our clips and post them here.

I'll be doing them game-by-game, but I will start with FE13 and work my way down to FE4.

http://vocaroo.com/i/s1VmikXZuoaN <- FE13

http://vocaroo.com/i/s1TIRov1DOxV <- FE1/3/11/12

http://vocaroo.com/i/s1yDeep5pblO <- FE9/10

http://vocaroo.com/i/s1iBQuwLto7g <- FE8

http://vocaroo.com/i/s04bsfsoFQDx <- FE7

http://vocaroo.com/i/s1cllcgiuYP5 <- FE6

http://vocaroo.com/i/s0DG2i7vMHgA <- FE5

http://vocaroo.com/i/s0WjFyA2zXAk <- FE4

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Ah, I see. Well, I'll do my own some time as well. I won't say every name though, only ones I feel aren't obvious or that I prefer different pronunciations to the ones I've heard in-game.

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I don't have a mic.

But here's the ones from FE7-8 and 11-13 that I pronounce differently from you.

  • E-lie-wood
  • LOO-shus
  • Barter
  • Leg-ALT
  • Ka-RELL
  • ATH-ohs

  • EFF-raym
  • INN-ess
  • TETH-iss (although I'm pretty sure I'm wrong here, I just like this more)
  • La-rack-ELL
  • DOZZ-la
  • Sall-EH
  • RENN-ac
  • Sir-RENN
  • DESS-el

  • Mal-E-see-uh
  • LIND
  • RISS
  • KAY-duh (although I think it's "SEE-duh", but I've pronounced the former so long that it's habit.)
  • FRAY
  • Na-VARR
  • Ell-er-RAYN
  • MAL-iss
  • LAY-denn
  • ZANE (although I think it's "chain", but see above)
  • Ma-SELL-an
  • To-MOSS
  • SHAME-uh
  • Rosh-AYA
  • Ih-MEER
  • El-ISS (like "Ylisse")
  • Lor-ENZ
  • GO-toh

  • VEER-e-un
  • KELL-am
  • MARE-ih-bell (which doesn't help the whole totally-not-rarity thing)
  • Say-REE
  • Loo-SEE-na
  • Seh-VARE-uh
  • NAH
  • EMM-err-inn

Edited by Iridium
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Okay, here's mine. I also did some that I pronounce differently from you, Lord Raven, but not all. For ones I did not do, mine are pretty much the same as Iridium's. xP Also, I apologize for the bit of stuttering I did in the third one. I tend to do that when I speak, but it's not very often. Buuut, at least my voice doesn't sound like a little girl's anymore. lol

Blazing Sword: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0BDGn9wRnxB

Sacred Stones: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0msCLHYoxV2

PoR/RD: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0iN5Vy4uDGy

Awakening: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1gKDsMMLTGt

I would've done older games and the remakes, but I don't know many characters from them that I don't think have obvious pronunciations.

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Do I need to speak into a mic to do this?

I've tried it and it doesn't record my voice. It does pick up sounds that occur when the laptop is moved or tapped though. It's weird.

edit: I just read my question back to myself and it sounds really silly lol, lemme clarify

I know that my laptop can register my voice without a mic because I've used it for voice chat before, but does this specific program require that you speak into a mic?

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I don't exactly have a good computer for something like vocal recordings, so I'll just type it out and hope it comes across.

















































That's all I have at this point.

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Alright, I'mma just do some of the non-obvious ones from the games I've played and some legacy character names, too.


Eliwood - EHL-ih-wood

Bartre - BAR-tee (I know this is wrong, but I had a friend who pronounced it this way and it just sort of stuck. This is not said like "Barty", by the way; the "t" is more emphasized and the "ee" sound is a bit longer)

Canas - CAN-iss

Athos - AH-thoce (I had a bit of trouble transcribing this; "Ah" as in the vowel sound in "bag", and thoce rhymes with dose)

Klein - KLYNE (FE6; this is spelled as "Klane" in katakana for some reason, even though "Klein" is actually a real name)

Zealot - ZEE-lot (Actually, his name is a real word, pronounced "ZELL-uht" by most, but I say it differently in his case to differentiate the two)

Boies - Boh-EESE (The "eese" is pronounced sort of halfway between "ease" and the end of the name "Reese")

Nergal - NER-gull

Ninian - NIHN-yan

Nino - NINE-oh (Even though I know it's wrong)

Priscilla - Prih-SILL-uh (I've heard some people pronounce this one wrong, but it's pronounced "Prisilluh")

Vaida - VYE-duh

Geitz - GEETS (It's actually kinda partway between that and "gates")


Malicia - Mal-EE-shyuh

Kleine - KLYNE (FE12; Katakana confirms that I'm wrong but the real pronunciation (something like "Klyneh") sounds silly to me)

Ymir - YIH-meer

Gotoh - GO-toe

Xane - ZANE

Cecil - SEH-sull

Draug - DROGG

Lena - LEN-uh

Roshea - RAW-shee-uh (Even though I know it's "Roshay")

Vyland - VILL-ihnd

Sedgar - SED-ger (Almost exactly like Edgar, plus that S at the beginning)

Macellan - Muh-CELL-ihn

Tomas - TOM-iss (Literally exactly the same as "Thomas")

Astram - AH-strum

Midia - MIH-dee-uh

Nyna - NEE-nuh

Medeus - MEE-dee-us (Even though it's suppose to be "MED-ee-us")

Virion - VEE-ree-on

Panne - PAN

Yarne - YARN

Say'ri - SIGH-ree

Tharja - THAR-ee-uh

Cherche - SHAERSH (Like "Share" but with a "Shh" sound immediately afterwards)

Owain - OH-win (Same as Owen)

Kjelle - SHELL-uh (I remember reading somewhere that this is correct?)

Basilio - Buh-SEE-lee-oh

Walhart - VAWL-heart

Gangrel - GANG-grull


Greil - GRAYL (Rhymes with "rail")

Lethe - LEETH (Rhymes with "teeth")

Sothe - SOTH (Rhymes with "moth")

Mia - MY-uh (I know it's "MEE-uh" but that name just sounds like a bad fit for the character to me)

Titania - Tie-TAN-yuh

Mordecai - MORE-dih-kay (Pretty much "more decay" but as one word; probably this is incorrect)

Shinon - SHINE-uhn

Gatrie - GAH-tree

Muarim - MWAW-rim

Naesala - Nay-ZOLL-uh

Reyson - RAY-zon

Caineghis - KAY-nuh-giss

Deghinsea - Deh-GIHN-see-uh

Kurthnaga - Kurth-NA-guh (Sometimes "Kurthn" rhymes with "Earthen", but not always)

Geoffrey - JEFF-ree

Nailah - NY-luh

Vika - VYE-kuh ("Vye" rhymes with "die")

Volug - VOLL-uhg (Because VOH-loog sounds stupid to me)

Rhys - RISE (I know it's "Reese" but I just like "Rise" more. Besides, it's just a habit at this point)

Ashera - Ah-SHEAR-uh

Yune - YOON (I know I'm wrong. I just don't care)

Ashunera - Ah-shoo-NARE-uh


Eirika - AIR-ih-kuh (Actually it's literally just "Erika")

Ephraim - EFF-ruhm (My dad confirms that this is correct, but he could be wrong)

Saleh - SALL-aeh

Duessel - DOO-cell

Innes - INN-iss (This is a real name, this being its pronunciation)

L'Arachel - LAR-ih-chul

Lute - LOOT

Syrene - Sigh-REEN

Gerik - GAIR-ick (Think Gary+Rick)

Tethys - TETH-iss

Marisa - Muh-RYE-suh

Ismaire - IZS-mare (I have no idea how to write that sound that's halfway between S and Z)

Fado - FAY-dough

Vigarde - Vih-GUARD

Lyon - LIE-on / LEE-on (Used to be the former, but I'm training myself to say the latter instead)

Caellach - KAY-latch (His name is too Gaelic for me to be right)

Riev - REEVE

Fomortiis - Fuh-MORE-tease


Alm - ALM (Rhymes with "balm")

Celica - CELL-ih-kuh

Jesey - JESS-ee ("Jesse")

Luthier - LOO-thee-air ("Thee" as in the first syllable in "Theory")

Duma - DOOM-uh


Seliph - SEH-liff

Julia - YOO-lee-uh

Julius - YOO-lee-us

Altena - All-TEN-uh

Evayle - Ee-VALE

Havan - Huh-VAWN

Azel - AH-zell (Just a side note, but this is very similar to how I pronounce Azelf)

Larcei - LAR-say / LAR-chay

Ares - ARR-ess (Because of how it's spelled in katakana: アレス as opposed to エリーズ, which is closer to how Ares/Aries is actually pronounced; sometimes I just say his name like "Aries" though)


Archanea - Arr-KAY-nee-uh

Altea - ALL-tee-uh

Dolhr - DOLE-uhr

Pyrathi - PIE-ruh-thee (Once again, "Thee" as in the first syllable of "Theory")

Aurelis - Aw-RELL-iss (Even though the fact that no one anywhere ever called it "Aureluan" pisses me off, because that's what the katakana says)

Macedon - MACK-eh-don

Valentia - Val-EN-shee-yuh

Rigel - RYE-gel (Rhymes with Nigel)

Elibe - EE-libe (Again, I know this is probably wrong but I don't really care 'cause it's a habit)

Sacae - SAY-kay (Still apathetically wrong)

Ilia - Eye-LEE-uh (See above)

Etruria - Eh-TRUE-ree-uh

Nabata - Neh-BAW-tuh (I always pronounce it as though it were spelled "Nebata", even though it isn't)

Arcadia - Arr-KAY-dee-uh

Lycia - Lie-SEE-uh

Caelin - KAY-lihn

Pherae - FAIR-ae

Ostia - AWSS-tee-uh

Laus - LOWCE

Magvel - MAHG-vell

Renais - REE-nace / REE-naze ("Nace" rhymes with "ace", "naze" rhymes with "maze"; it sorta varies between the two)

Frelia - FREHL-ee-uh

Grado - GRAY-dough

Jehanna - Jeh-HAN-uh

Rausten - RAW-stihn

Carcino - Car-SEE-no

Crimea - CRIHM-ee-uh (Knowingly wrong)

Gallia - GAL-ee-uh

Goldoa - Gull-DOUGH-uh

Begnion - BEHG-nee-on (Also knowingly wrong)

Daein - DAY-ihn

Ylisse - Yih-LISS (Even though Sumia confirms it as "Ee-LEASE")

Plegia - PLEA-jee-uh

Regna Ferox - RENG-nuh FAIR-awks

Valm - VAWLM (Rhymes with "balm")

Manakete - MAN-uh-keet

Laguz - Lah-GUHZ (Law-GOOZ sounds stupid)

Edited by Starlight36
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I must be the only person who doesn't pronounce Eirika like the name Erica and doesn't think it should be. xP

But whatever, lol.

In Japanese her name is pronounced like AE-rick (sort of), so AE-rih-kuh might be right. I dunno, I'd just feel silly saying it a different way. Eirika just looks like a fancyish alternate spelling of Erika to me.

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But then why add the extra I if it's supposed to be Erika/Erica? I don't see any point. That's why I believe it should be pronounced differently. xP

Plus, the "ei" sound is often pronounced like a long I or long E, and imo a long E sound would make the name sound silly, so I go with the long I sound.

EDIT: CR-S01, I can hardly hear you. xP

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idk man Ana, don't ask people why they spell names weird, you're talking to someone that's been a victim of a nonsensical name spelling his entire life (i'm pretty sure both the vowels in my name should be a's, or at least the first one)

Also: http://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Eirika it's a norse name/spelling so it may follow a different pronunciation pattern than a conventional english name or something (idk). It keeps the game in tune with the norse elements it has throughout the game.

CR - your voice is beautiful...............

I was also about to re-record, but my house is too echo-y (my laptop isn't right in front of me at all) so my voice is a thousand times louder than it should be. I'm definitely going to go through again when I'm back on campus.

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