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Do you name your forges?


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Last game every weapon I crafted to level up a weapon rank was related to sunlight.

Day Breaker

Axe of Dawn

Enlightening (thunder tome)

Sunspear etc

But I always name my uber weapons after the forum names of my old buddies back when we had our own forum.






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I like to name my weapons after food

like on my Lunatic run of FE12 all three Kleine's Bow forges I made Navarre are called Burger (followed by a roman numeral) and I remember a Javelin called Cake on my H5 run

Haven't gotten far enough in FE13 to use the forge but it will be most likely more food

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Hooo yeah. Most forged swords are Needle. If not that name, they are Ice.

Lances tend to vary. Henry did have an axe named Murder (you know, cuz crows...) as a Dread Fighter.

Wind magic gets called Winterfell a lot.

Gerome had a sword simply named: Woooo.

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I take all my tome names from Shin Megami Tensei elements..

Fire - Agi

Elwind - Garula

Arcthunder - Ziodyne

Nosferatu - Mudoon

Bolganone - Maragidyne

And so forth. 3:

When it comes to physical weapons I name them based on the character's personality. For example I forged a few Brave Swords for Anna with all of them called "Money Maker," and her forged Killing Edges called "Price Cut." I also give her forged Levin Swords called "Zio Blade."

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Oh, yes. Everyone knows that the RNG prefers weapons with names.

Some examples...

Lucina's brave sword is Illuminance (a play off her name, due to her forge quote)

Caelestis, Lunaeris, and Astraelis, a forged Alm's Blade, Killing Edge, and Superior Sword

Arcanus and Stargale, a forged Aversa's Night and Celica's Gale

Nothing fantastic, but... meh. I like 'em.

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screw naming an Aversa's Night after another dark magic tome, i just randomly decided to call it Starlight


Anyway, I always name my forges. I usually always forge a particular type of weapon the same way, (and it usually involves +15% Critical), so they'll stack in the inventory.

Lessee here...

Wooden Stick: Magic Herb/Fantastick

Log: Yggdrasil

Ladle: Greatspoon/Godspoon

Slack Bow: Treant Bow

Brave ____: Starlit ____ (Sword becomes Edge and Lance becomes Pike because letter limits)

Glass ____: Crystal ____ (See Brave series forge note)

Miniature Lance: Pointy Spike

Imposing Axe: Crushing Axe (The +25% accuracy makes it a LOT more useful)

Wyrmslayer: Old Falchion (Unique, for DLC Marth)

Dying Blaze: Candle Light

Aversa's Night: Heartbreaker

Hector's Axe: Wolf Beil

Ephraim's Lance: Reginleif (As soon as I actually forge one...)

Beast Killer: Qilin Claw

Shockstick: Lightningrod

Levin Sword: I think Plasma Sword? I could be remembering wrong.

I enjoy forging weapons; it's fun.

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When I was training Nowi as a Mage I forged her a Thunder Tome called Thundragon

I forged a few Wind Tomes called Sylph and Gale

Olivia's currently got two Killing Edges called Melody Blade and Harmony Edge and a Silver Sword called Rhythm Sword

Lissa had a Wing Spear for a while when she was a Pegasus Knight

And I gave Donnel Awesome Axe and Super Axe to build up his Axe rank

And I always name Owain's weapons, because you just have to. So far he's had:

Saint Sword

Demon Blade



Ama Murakumo (not enough room for the no)

High Seraph




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Thunder -> Lightning [it irks me that they call that spell thunder when Lightning fits into the character limit.]

Arcfire -> Flamestream [or obvious reasons]

Bolgonome -> Volcanis or Eruption

Wyvern Slayer -> Wyvern Wing [look at the sword design, lol]

Killing Edge -> Lethal Edge (max crit)

Ephriam's Lnce -> Reginlief

Wilderwind/other wind spells -> Air Cutter

And since I can't seem to be able to snag an Excalibur from Infinite Reglia, I forged a rexcalibur to have similar stats to its FE8 variant, and renamed it to Excalibur.

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I named a max-forged Tomahawk Tom, a hawk. (punctuation included). I couldn't tell you why, but my friends cracked up about it when I showed them. Then I named a max-forged Spear Livestrong since it's a lance on steroids.

Also I named a forged Celica's Gale Broken Wind because I am five years old.

I can't print what I named a Noble Rapier, but I can tell you it didn't trigger the profanity filter for some reason.

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I named Gerome's weapons Batarang, which I'm sure many others have did too.

I reclassed Gerome to Dark Knight for the lols

I do sometimes. I made Severa a Bow Knight and made her a killer bow (I think) and called it the Bitchy Bow

If only we could create our own descriptions....

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I almost always do, and I name it based on the character I'm giving it to.

Hero Severa has Tsuntsun (Brave Sword), Deredere (Silver Sword), Twintails (Killing Edge), and B-baka... (Tomahawk).

Grandmaster Morgan (male) gets Oedipus Rex (Brave Sword) and Dr. Freud (Killing Edge).

Assassin Noire gets Blood (Brave Sword), Thunder (Brave Bow), Repent (Killing Edge), and Despair (Killer Bow)

For no logical reason, Great Lord Lucina gets RaisingHeart (Brave Lance) and Bardiche (Spear), and to go along with that, I get Laevateinn (Brave Sword).

I'm going to name some dance-related ones for Inigo, and some things that sound like Sonic OCs for Owain. Then maybe some business buzzwords for Anna.

Pointy Demonspanker unfortunately does not fit.

A friend of mine also gives some weird names. Like "water". Just so that he can read something like "Cherche's water broke".

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A friend of mine also gives some weird names. Like "water". Just so that he can read something like "Cherche's water broke".

You know, I can't be the only one who thought of a much dirtier alternative....

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I do, usually for the purpose of making StreetPass teams. I used to have names like "I'm just a sword" (despite the stats say otherwise) and "not shield" to either fit the user or make the name sound somewhat misleading.

More recently, I name my stuff after FE12 weapons (Cecil's Sword, Rody's Lance...) and Pointy Demonspanker (shortened to "封魔剣Xブレード").

I have started naming weapons ever since FE10, by the way. I got FE9 after FE10.

[spoiler=Large images]AEPJPhJ.jpg


Cynthia: It's a cool lance

Chambray: Strong axe, Gromell only (annotation: From Blue Flame (FE9), "General Boltaxe" Gromell's beloved axe)

Azur: I'm just a sword~ (the actual weapon is very powerful)

Degel: Not a shield

Lucina: Shock! Bzzt bzzt!

Serena: Rexbolt mod (annotation: From Blue Flame and Dawn, the ultimate thunder tome)

Reflet: Resire+



Reflet: Grafcalibur

Liz: FE Awakening setting collection (the art book)

Myriel: H-Heavy...!

Mariabell: Licht Killer

Tiamo: Handmade divinelance

Henri: Luke's Sword, Rody's Lance, Cecil's Sword, Raian's Bow, Katarina's Book

Lucina: Demon Saler Exblade (Pointy Demonspanker)

Denis: Farm Bow, Sturdier-than-cookware Sword

Noir: Sallya's Curse

Nn: (4 weapons forming one sentence) Does father like none other than young girls? (which happens to be my favourite game quote of all time, found of course in her C support with her father)

Forgive me for the Japanese names, but I much prefer direct translation, especially when translating my own words.

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I rename my forges in accordance to who is using what items just so I don't get mixed up by the massive amounts of braves/killer forges I have. The only exception is tomes and weapons used by my avatar and Morgan where I name them after summon spirits after Tales of games. I wanted a Gnome and Undine tome ;A;

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I name my tomes after Final Fantasy spells, like Firaga and Gravity.

For other weapons, all E-Rank weapons are named after the person who's wielding it. Since they're for training, and I won't remember who I'm forging the sword for. So I get things like Gerome Sword, or Inigo Bow, or Morgan Axe. In fact, except for tomes, ALL forged weapons are this formula: character name + weapon. It's kinda lame, isn't it? 8D;

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I was going to make weapons with numbers in their name, but I found that numerals are offensive as well, for some dumb reason.

Usually, I personalize the weapons depending on the unit I'm level-collecting, like "Krom no Sordo", or "Hedy's Axe". Other times, I do names that have a biblical theme, such as "JHVH T'sur", "JHVH Rapha", "God's Word"...

One exception, however:

[spoiler=SpotPass Character-related]Emm's weapons are named "McKay's ____", a mini-reference to a Stargate Atlantis episode, "The Shrine", where McKay gets the Second Childhood and temporarily goes through a process similar to Alzheimer's. Watching the episode reminded me of Emm, and the rest is history.

Edited by Tiaramaki
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About the only name I can think of is Double Cyclone for Celica's Gale... (Would that even fit?)

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Used Dime Thunder once for Superior Bolt because DAMMIT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE GAME!

Usually name swords Narsil simply so that when the message comes up that they have broken I can say "It shall be remade" :P

Ephraim's Spear - Reginlief

Hector's Axe - Wolf Beil

Finn's Lance - Hero Lance

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This is what I named my weapons for streetpass:

Brave Lance -> Bronze Axe

Brave Sword -> Bronze Lance

Brave Axe -> Bronze Sword

Not very creative, but should mislead people (until they see the icon and read the descriptions) for a bit in regards to the weapon triangle.

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Generally, it's trying to name spells after their FF equivilents if it's a tome. I also named Hector's Axe the "Lupine Axe", called Alm's Blade "Save the Queen", Micaiah's Pyre "Cometo" (Because of the meteor thing.), and Aversa's Night "Nightmare". (Because there was no room for something else.)

I'll admit. I'm not that good at weapon names.

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I also tend to name them after mythological weapons that FE hasn't used yet

Blessed Lance - Brionac

Beast Killer - Longinus (Looks ALOT like the lance from Evangelion)

Seliph's Blade - Claihm Solas

Alm's Blade - Kernviter

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