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Which GBA FE had the best cast?


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  1. 1. IYO which GBA FE had the best cast (in terms of personality/development)?

    • FE6: Sword of Seals
    • FE7: Blazing Sword
    • FE8: Sacred Stones

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We do not mention it-that-must-not-be-named when discussing story elements.

As for reason to join, it's not as important as other character aspects, but it is something interesting to discuss, since it ties characters to plot and is the first impression we get for them. Not giving us a reason to care about why they join us leads to less inclination to care about them. Since Fe7-9 are usually considered the best in the series when it comes to character development, it's something notable to compare.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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It's just speculation ultimately, yeah, but I think it's a reasonable enough assumption that it's at least a possible secondary (or unspoken) motivation for Karel. He does at least pay Dart to supposedly find him some strong people to fight, and we might be able to speculate a bit deeper into that reason he gives for joining, that he's so intrigued by someone's potential- one assumes that doesn't happen every day for him, and I have to wonder if that didn't also mean he was interested in just who someone with so much potential could be fighting, that they were growing so skilled.

And like half his supports have him constantly on edge, implying he's only a few steps removed from killing strangers or even allies where they stand, moreso the more skilled they are as a fighter. On its own, that could just mean he's a really, really cagey fucker, as might be partially implied to be the case in his Karla support, but IIRC he also sometimes mentions "bathing [his] sword in [their] blood" or something like that a couple times. I think even if he's not exactly totally axe-crazy (please forgive the repeated use of tvtropes buzzwords), it's probably pretty safe to say the dude's looking for a fight, and he wouldn't be around if he didn't think he could get a good one.

Also, though final battle quotes aren't generally the pinnacle of characterization, his does happen to go:

As long as there's someone to cut, you will have my aid.

A little on-the-nose there, I think

It's also implied he's getting a little bit tired of it by the end of some of his supports, Lucius' in particular (otp), but it's still all hella convenient for Karel. Given the implication that he's just going around killing to whet his appetite, and that he didn't sound like he had many sanctioned outlets for it before.

This is just even more speculation, but Karla might have found it rational to join, or at least stay with the group because she thought it was getting into the kind of conflict Karel might be drawn towards. In fact does her recruitment mention something like that? I forget arr

Edited by Rehab
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oh my, no love for sword of seals at all? i seemed to be interested in some of it even most of it sounds lame.

didn't karla join the army because she were interested with how much bartre had come stronger?

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Karla joining speech was pretty much how she find Bartre's growth to be interesting, and after asking him how he manage to grow like that, she does the same by joining the team.

So, yeah, its just a simple ship tease beetwen both

Also i love how Karel did not make any appearance before that chapter, yet Harken does.

It kinda make me feel that Karel is only there just because he is in FE6 you know.....

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All dem explanations

Ultimately, though, it gives no reason for Karel to join Eliwood's group. In fact, it makes even less sense for Karel to stay with the group, since (assumedly) he's just going to go around killing everything he finds worthy (quite inconvenient for Eliwood and pals, and Guy). The whole half-assed "let me join you to see your potential" thing, I bet, was just put there to give some rational reason to make Karel join you, but it ultimately falls horribly flat, since it doesn't really fit with his character and comes off as lazy writing. Karel's still a great character and all, but his reasoning for joining is almost as weak as Geitz's.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tend to quit playing FE6 by 1st branching part of the story, something about everything just ends up feeling like im only playing to see the layout and difficulty of the next map. Huge turnoff honestly.

FE8 was great as far as the characters go, but FE7 was simply breathtaking.

FE7 for sure, add another vote for a major fan of Ostia and all things Bern.

Also... Dorcas and Bartre for the win!

Edited by Juice el Savior
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FE8 > FE6 > FE7 imo

I don't see how FE6's cast is better than FE7's. Especially considering stuff like this.

I like the cast of FE7 and FE8 equally. I'd say FE6 had the worst cast, as out of like 50 characters I felt like only 10-15 of them had thought put into their characterization.


For me, the casts of FE8 and FE7 (Barring the Lords) were equal. The only redeeming value the FE6 cast has is the developed lore explored in FE7. It's like "Oh cool, X is Y's daughter/son".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

FE8's cast is horrible, why is it even remotely close to FE6 let alone 7

Man Syrene and Forde and Kyle and Knoll and Vanessa and Colm and Moulder and Artur and Natasha and Tethys and Myrrh were all such amazing and fleshed-out characters I had to look up half their names while typing this post

100% this.; The cavaliers were so boring I couldn't remember who they were or what their existance was until my third playthrough. I used knoll, obviously, because he was a dark mage, but he was bland as fuck. Artur had good Lute supports though. Pretty much 100% agree with all the others you mentioned.

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  • 1 month later...


They all have their bland characters but six is the greatest offender with a large amount of the cast being totally forgotten after a few chapters. FE8 and FE7 seem really close but I think in the end the cast of seven is just more memorable on the whole especially the lords. Also a few character moments with say Matthew's character and how that small arc moves along. Oh and the villains, the four fangs and what not are kinda of cool when most of the time the enemy in fire emblem games are just evil noble wanting use an ancient power or something along those lines. Admittedly Nergal was the main villain and that was kind of his goal but still I found the agents of his evil to be interesting.

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FE8's protagonists and FE7's villains made it an equal tie for me. I keep quitting FE6 halfway through because the characters are honestly the most boring and bland I've come across in the series so far. After playing Super Smash Bros Melee I thought that Roy would be some god-like uber warrior of unparalleled excellence and an epic history but nope, he's just some generic white knight who just happens to be Eliwood's son with a non-existent personality and shitty stats.

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IMO most Awesome character from FE8: Garcia, Ross, Forde, Joshua, Ephraim, Tana, Innes, Gerik, Marisa, Dozla, L'Arachel, Cormag, Duessel. Total 13.

IMO most Awesome character from FE7: Serra, Erk, Wallace, Lowen, Hector, Raven, Canas, Legault, Heath, Jaffar, Renault.

Total 11.

FE8 win in both number and quality!

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I think what elevates 8 for me is mostly that a lot of the cast have some pretty good interaction with the enemies, and are fitting to use as well. 7's enemies are rather bland until you go through all the extra effort and gaiden chapters to get the backstory, or go to the effort of using Black Fang related characters like Nino and Legault (who are pretty mediocre combat units without tons of investment). If you do all that, the gap isn't so big, Nergal turns out to be sympathetic in his own right, and I like Nino a lot, even with her low recruitment level.

Meanwhile, Grado characters are mostly stalwart combat units, and in both routes of 8 have a lot to say that expands the story beyond the usual "bad guy wants power". You even get considerably more time and ease of access to the supports with skirmishes and the tower. In Eirika's route, something of a rarity in Fire Emblem, non Lord characters get a veritable amount of time dedicated to developments, and the Lords themselves have a far greater level of personal investment in what's going on (Lyn is seriously borderline irrelevant most of the time in 7, and Hector is mostly just tagging along with Eliwood). In general there is a greater sense of urgency because of the apperance of monsters and the destruction of the stones. Whilst the climaxes are really similar between the two games, 8 has the whole continent involved and it "felt" like a more spectacular scene to me. Athos showing up was really cool, and so was all of the Lords getting special weapon animations, along with a gauntlet of previous bosses, but it felt like there was more behind 8 I guess?

Admittedly that's not directly related to characters and development I suppose. I'd still give it to 8 though, moments like having Joshua and Cormag face down Caellach and Valter were just fantastic, they even had special music.

Edited by Irysa
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

FE6 had quite a good varried, balanced cast for the most part. Outside of the two Fighters, Armor Knights (lol Wendy), Sophia, Cecilia and well, the thieves and NM Klein, there aren't that many characters totally unusable, or even bad. Most characters join at reasonable time to. Troll growths can break or make any character though, but I feel people overlook the cast of 6 a lot. Multiple playable Nomands and a playable Brigand already make the cast quite unique from any other Fire Emblem game. And I don't really think that outside of the Lords, the personalities of characters get much better in the other 2 GBA games.

I think it'll get much better respect if we get a full, proper translation going. Still, I think Zephiel is probably the most interessting GBA villain.

Edited by Diddy Kong
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Outside of the two Fighters, Armor Knights (lol Wendy), Sophia, Cecilia and well, the thieves and NM Klein, there aren't that many characters totally unusable, or even bad.

Lott isn't really bad. His grown is kinda lol, but his bases and promo gain help him. IMO he is usable in any part of game.

Cecila also isn't bad. His speed is kinda lol, but he is 8 mov healer with aricalibur and restore at start. For some chapters it's just helpful.

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Well, Wade can also turn out good. I actually used him last playthrough. He's a lot better with Bows though. And with his Speed, he needs to be incredibly lucky, or need at least one Speed Wing. With two still being preferble.

Cecilia joins in a desert map... Aircalibur is also better used for Lugh or Lilina. But it's nice of her to bring her tome and staff for others to use I guess.

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Cecilia joins in a desert map... Aircalibur is also better used for Lugh or Lilina. But it's nice of her to bring her tome and staff for others to use I guess.

Cecilia is much less of a PITA to train and comes with good ranks straight out, whilst Lugh and Lilina are much more of a pain to train with marginal returns at best for doing so. Your argument that she joins in a desert chapter is dumb, pretend that she joins in the Gaiden after if it really changes your opinion about her.

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Cecilia is much less of a PITA to train and comes with good ranks straight out, whilst Lugh and Lilina are much more of a pain to train with marginal returns at best for doing so. Your argument that she joins in a desert chapter is dumb, pretend that she joins in the Gaiden after if it really changes your opinion about her.

IMO her joining chapter is actually an advantage, since it's full of wyverns, that will come to her if not killed, and she starts with an aircalibur.

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