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TRS soundtrack


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I've managed to rip MIDIs from TRS for use in some GBAFE hacks, but now I've realised that since I've never played this game beyond the first chapter I've got no idea which songs play where. I have some idea of what each track is used for by virtue of the song itself and its length, but I'm not a psychic and I can't be bothered playing the game myself. I wondered if someone could do me a huge favour and go through this list and tell me which songs are battle songs/player map themes/enemy map themes? It would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by Agro
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Just those three types of music, right?

Well, my memory is pretty rubbish, but here goes:

Prelude to Battle: First player map

Ruler of darkness: Enemy map

Trial: Enemy map

Army of Darkness: Player battle

Endless Battle: Some sort of battle... I think for the NPC heroes?

Sorrowful Soldiers: Enemy map

Victory is Ours: Player map

Soldiers of Granada 01: Player map

Village of Swordsmen: I think this is the player map for one map

Theme of the Arena: Arena battle, I think

Overlord: Enemy map

Dawn of Canaan: Enemy map?

Duel: Player battle?

Altar of the Dark God: Enemy map?

Red Mercenary: Sounds like a map theme

Winds across the plains: Ditto

The Northern Continent: Player map

Darkness of the Heart: I *think* this is the final enemy map

Underground Labyrinth: Map theme

4th Corps: Map theme

Night Raid: Enemy battle?

Final Battle: Final player map

Reseda II: Final boss battle

Hmm, that was kind of rubbish; I may have missed a couple too ^^;;;

Oh yeah, maybe check if there are any playthrough videos?

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well I guess you could label the entire thing if you feel like it

I don't really know the soundtrack well enough to be able to actually recognise stuff in PT vids, but this'll do just fine for now anyway. Some of the songs sound pretty obvious anyhow (like Knights of Razelia as a player map theme) but yeah, thanks Vincent!

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Tapestry : game intro

Warriors of Utna : title screen

Knights of Razelia : Runan world map

Ruler of Darkness : enemy phase in monster maps

Army of Darkness : boss battle

Endless Battle : I think this one is for the extra maps, such as the 2 player part of the game

Sadness and fright : a terrible event happens, usually a plot twist

Tragic Decision : I think this theme appears often when the scene is about Canaan generals

Oath to Victory : after the end of a map if something good happened

Unknown Reality : something mysterious or involving the enemy, though there's a few exceptions here and there, such as when two player characters are about to fight

Revived Memories : you often hear this one when one the priestesses is talking

Reminescense : kinda like the one above but not limited to priestesses, usually has a better connotation too

Dangerous Omen : A dragon appears, sometimes used with the final boss IIRC

Crescent Hill : Holmes enemy phase fight theme.

Morning on the Battlefield : kinda like Oath to Victory

A Smile : Katri's theme

Tea Time : plays when you visit some houses or when something funny and lighthearted is about to happen, except Plum's kidnapping

Old man at the armory : armory theme

I'll give you courage : dancing theme

Distant Feelings : Epilogue theme

Legend of Utna : Played often in the epilogue, but a few more times before too. Think Oath to Victory but with a bit of history behind it.

Night before the battle : Plays really often when you see the enemy strategize

Victory is Ours : Player map theme around Selba and Salia, land of horsemen and pegasus knights. Used as an NPC theme there too.

Swordmaster : I think this one is for some kind of dangerous event that happens on Holmes' group.

Soldiers of Granada 01 : Holmes player phase theme

Great River Reeve : when your teams can combine and trade, this theme should play

Village of swordsmen : used exactly on one map, which happens to be where Julia and Shigen lived. There's NPC swordfighters and some trainers around that teach skills.

Lights of the city : when you visit most villages

An old legend : Ancient story time.

Colosseum : arena lobby

Theme of the arena : arena fights

Riviah : you hear this theme in Oaks when you're getting five items for free that you must choose.

Charge : Lighthearted theme. Plays when Arkis fools around IIRC.

Pastorale : I think this is when you need to have people replace a shopkeeper on one map.

Warm sunlight : same as above, but with an armory.

Eternal friendship : usually plays with Holmes, mostly when Runan, Katri or Shigen is around.

Overlord : enemy phase theme with the Wellt.

Dawn of Canaan : same as above, but with the Empire.

Conquest : kinda like a Holmes victory theme.

Victory song II : actually plays for Sun and Frau's introduction too.

Sword of Oath : recruitment.

Duel : Runan player phase fight theme.

Siege : A lot of enemies around.

Battlefield Storm : I think this one plays when a dragon's around.

Diversion : when you choose one of Marlon's men in Verge/Welt.

Wounds of the Heart : some bad shit happens, can be used to show some enemies fight reluctantly.

Warm feelings : You hear this one really late in the game and it has to do about the priestesses IIRC.

Ocean : Holmes' map theme.

Marlene : shop theme.

Search in the darkness : usually it involves a thief sneaking around.

Conspiracy : random enemy plotting.

Altar of the Dark God : enemy map theme with the Garzel Church.

Girl of Leda : Richard/Tia theme.

The Dotars : Another lighthearted theme. Often plays with Narcus.

Red Mercenary : another recruitment theme.

Agents of Darkness : Garzel Church shows up.

Winds across the plains : enemy phase map theme around Selba and Salia.

Northern Continent : player phase theme when fighting against the Empire with Runan.

Blood Knight : rare enemy phase theme that plays when a dragon is around.

Proof of Bravery : Promotion.

In the tiny village : good event happens to your characters after a map.

Sorrowful parting : someone died on your side.

Darkness of the heart : enemy phase theme on the final maps.

Underground Labyrinth : player phase theme on the last ten chapters or so when the Garzel Church is involved, except the final map.

Light and Darkness : Plays at the beginning of the final chapter.

4th corps : Player phase theme against the Empire.

Hero of Canaan : that's a heavily remixed Holmes player phase fight theme, but I don't see it attached to Sennet.

Departing : when you load a game.

Uneasy afternoon : when an eerie event happens. Doesn't play very often, and almost only at the end of the game.

Gatherine of Heroes : usually plays when several of your own units talk.

Terror of Gerxel : Another enemy phase map theme, this time the Garzel Church.

Night Raid : Enemy fight theme when Runan's troops are attacked.

Final Battle : Final player phase map theme.

Reseda II : Final boss.

Never Ending Dream : Epilogue theme.

Hope this helps.

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