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I got good weapons too like.. Dunno their english names :S but lv A and B tomes and weapons, and of course no one but Fred could use them :(

I wonder how the italian Donnel will sound like, if it's roman dialect that's gonna be awesome, like Cinna (or should I say "Er Cina") from Final Fantasy IX (darn I wish games will get more "dialectal" like in FFIX from time to time).

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While I can understand your point of complaining about those choices because there might be better ones, I don't see what's the big deal with it. Personally, I think it would have been much more distracting if they broke the continuity by using the terms that you suggest instead of going with the established ones that exist since the first German translation of a Fire Emblem game.

Well now I feel a little stupid...

I played all the other FE games in english, because tp me it feels like the language is better suited for fantasy settings. So I didn't even think about the possibility, that these names might have been used before.

So it's the fault of Blazing Swords' translators.They are still weird and I think they should be changed.

And the elf thing is stupid too. No matter the continuity, this should be fixed.

Ha ha, talking about event tiles, I had a lot of good weapons sometimes ^^ Like Aversa's Night, Superior Lance, Alm's Blade, Seliph's Blade, Wolt's Bow, and a Catharsis. And a reeking box, but who cares

Yeah, me too. Too bad many of these can't be used. I got Eirika's Blade, but nobody had a C rank in swords.:(

Frederick with Log and Glass Lance was hilarous though!

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And the elf thing is stupid too. No matter the continuity, this should be fixed.

I don't know, I actually really like the "Elfen" prefix in the German version. "El" sounds stupid in my ears, especially Ellight.

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I'm such a child.

Chrom won't react differently if you name yourself Chrom? Haha, I had a good laugh out of these!

that EU spelling, it's practiced not practised

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i'm not really bother by the Baladin. It's a Middle Age word for itinerant artist. But at that time, the world of itinerant people were quite different. It's remind me of The Hunchback of Notre Dame with the people of "La cour des Miracles". A world where farce rhymes with knife on your throat giv'me da money.

And it's i the same thematic that the Troubadour class in Fe7.

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Well then, I guess that it's just me complaining about my native language again ^^'

However, I don't understand why Validar was changed to Valldar. What the heck ? Well, it's not that big of a deal, but still...

However, Paladin noir is... I don't know... inapropriate ?

And I wonder how Grandmaster is going to translated... maybe Grand Stratège ("Great Strategist") or Maître Stratège ("Master Strategist")...

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And I wonder how Grandmaster is going to translated... maybe Grand Stratège ("Great Strategist") or Maître Stratège ("Master Strategist")...

Maître Stratège according to the official site.

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Maître Stratège according to the official site.

Can't seem to find a class list. Do you have a link ?

Paladin sombre could be a nice alternative, too.

But ARRRGH, I'M SO ANGRY, WHY COULDN'T WE HAVE ACCENTS TOO. Some of us would've abused the heck outta acute ones, umlauts, etc. I mean, aren't they using it for the Legendary weapons?! *Fums*

This is weird. Are you talking about the english version ?

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I can really do without accents.

I still remember Dragon Quest IX and the village where everyone spoke with such a thick accent, that I hardly understood a word.

Mind you, seeing a giant whale speak in a Frisian accent was comedy gold.

Still, I would prefer to understand what is going on.

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Seen the clips on Youtube on the European channels. Because I like learning new words and I kinda wished there was a French translation in Canada.

Things I liked in the French translation-

Saint-Royaume d'Ylisse? Les Veilleurs? The French Translation makes me wish there was a French translation here in Canada! And according to the French info, Pair Up is called Duo. Brave weapons are Héros weapons, is that constant with French translations? And hey, I kinda expected Clerics to be called Soeurs! Also, the Master Seal is called the magister... *looks up Google* Oh hey, that is awesome! More reasons why I could've liked a French translation around here! And the Second Seal is scholaris... Here's from wiktionary. Why does the French version has the cooler names?! ...Also, were Priests always called Vicaire in French translations? ...Moine Guerrier? YES. And Baladin for trickster? Works with the jester motif of the clothing. Were Swordsmasters always called bretteur? *The word fits.* And Dark Knights are Paladin Noir? SEXY. Crochetage... I didn't knew the French work for lockpicking! Tantivy is Indépendance... I could work with that. Quick Burn is Adrénaline- why didn't they used that?! Swordbreaker is Anti-Épee, that's pretty cool. Healtouch is Main guérisseuse and the Rally skills are Raliement: ___. Kinda like that. Also, ___faire is art des ____. More on classes... Tacticians are Stratège, which means strategist. ...Taguel is Tagüel, looking pretty metal to me. Villager is of course villageois... Did I ever said French language is awesome? Also, they're using the Walkyrie spelling. More metal.

Dude, seriously, I'm french. Some of those translations sound just weird. Especially Baladin... Seriously, NoE, Baladin ? I played the demo yesterday and Veteran became Harmonie. Don't why, but meh... And Outdoor fighter became Guerrier des plaines (literraly Plaines warriors). And tha'ts all I know for now ^^'

Also, I completed the demo in lunatic mode and Chrom reached level 5, while MU almost get to level 3... Did I play right ? ^^'

Baladin is manily weird because it's sound like Paladin. Scholaris is really cool, I like this. But A lot of them sound weird. Paladin noir, what? Anti-épée sounds ridiculous xD

Vicaire is an unused word, so the french translation suxx even if few sound cool(I remember of Lord Equus for Knight Lord, Lors spatha for blade lord, but they are also a lot of english names who are not translate and haven't the same meaning in french like sniper).

Can't seem to find a class list. Do you have a link ?

This is weird. Are you talking about the english version ?

Page officielle> gameplay> progression des personnages> Changer de classe> tout en bas

I forgot I juste posted, but as I've seen new posts >< Sorry

MODEDIT: let me merge those for you french bro dude! :D

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This is weird. Are you talking about the english version ?

I can really do without accents.

I still remember Dragon Quest IX and the village where everyone spoke with such a thick accent, that I hardly understood a word.

Mind you, seeing a giant whale speak in a Frisian accent was comedy gold.

Still, I would prefer to understand what is going on.

...I looked up Google. This is what I mean.

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Yeah, well... I don't know, maybe it does appear in some countries. I just checked ; French has accents (but that's not surprising).

Btw, thanks, dym ;)

Wait... Chevalier pégase noir ?! Oh Come Oooon ! It's way too long. Pégase Noir would have been way better...

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Chrom won't react differently if you name yourself Chrom? Haha, I had a good laugh out of these!

that EU spelling, it's practiced not practised

As I understand, and as makes the most sense, 'practise' is the verb and 'practice' is the noun, like 'advise' and 'advice'. Though considering Google Chrome's American English dictionary is currently underlining the former in red, I guess you're not wrong. Hm. Silly America :P.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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I made the DEMO Avatar Asset PV and Flaw Luck, I've got a Level Up with 2 HP raised, but his percent growth with Asset PV is 95%. Has this happened to someone else?

It has happened before. The growth rates on the site are not entirely correct. That's why we're collecting level up data in this thread, to see if we can get more accurate values.

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I made the DEMO Avatar Asset PV and Flaw Luck, I've got a Level Up with 2 HP raised, but his percent growth with Asset PV is 95%. Has this happened to someone else?

I made the same post two days ago dude, we sure got lucky considering that Avatar's HP growth, even if not 95%, must be pretty close to it :D

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Well, that means that his HP growth is as least 105, so 90 without HP asset. Though are we sure about the modifiers. For example, if I make Asset Mag and Flaw Def, are we sure his speed growth will also be a bit higher ?

Just a bit earlier, I had two Roy's Blade in the same chapter. What the heck ? ^^' And I got some crazy level up. I hope I also will when I get the game. Come on, only three more weeks...

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It has happened before. The growth rates on the site are not entirely correct. That's why we're collecting level up data in this thread, to see if we can get more accurate values.

I made the same post two days ago dude, we sure got lucky considering that Avatar's HP growth, even if not 95%, must be pretty close to it :D

So it has to be more than 100%... Maybe 105%?

Well, that means that his HP growth is as least 105, so 90 without HP asset. Though are we sure about the modifiers. For example, if I make Asset Mag and Flaw Def, are we sure his speed growth will also be a bit higher ?

Just a bit earlier, I had two Roy's Blade in the same chapter. What the heck ? ^^' And I got some crazy level up. I hope I also will when I get the game. Come on, only three more weeks...

I got 3 Micaiah's Pyre in a single DEMO run, crazy, isn't it? Micaiah's Pyre was also the first weapon I got in the demo

I'm wondering if the weapons and items you get in Event Tiles have a percent of finding them

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