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So what did you name your avatar?

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I named her Kelli. It's my own name too, only spelled with an I instead of a Y. I just prefer it with an I.

Huh. I knew a Kelli back in the day.

But back on topic, my female Avatar was named Iris.

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Robin. Because:

1. I am boring and don't enjoy coming up with names.

2. I am not naming the character after myself since the character isn't a no-personality zombie like in Pokemon. (Plus, the game won't let me marry Vaike)

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I named my first (and currently only) Avatar Gorgar, 'cause that's my nickname and I like it better than my real name...

But when I eventually do a run with a female Avatar I might use my real name 'cause it's unisex, apparently and I'm bad with names.

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Whenever I get my hands on the game I'm probably going to go with one of my default names for male characters in a game I can name but not want to be "me", Gawain, Magnus or Zevain, and for a female probably like Lily

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Peoni for female avatar. I like flower names and thought it fits her appearance (purple peonies are my favorite.)

Male avatar has a name closer to mine, actually. I can't do Yen because of Yen'fay, so Yan it is. I'm weird that way.

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My name for the first one, random ones on almost all others, past, present, and future. An exception will be when I make a file that uses a female avatar and I want to keep (like my first one), and then I'l just have a female version of my name (like Connie or something).

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My own name for my first run and for a guy. I went with Timandra on my second run basically because I was trying to play around with the name "Tima". I seem to be growing fond of the latter, but I maight make another play with a variation on a future Female Avatar PT. (Maybe name her Fatima, or Ultima, or just simply Tima.)

Edited by Little Al
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(Plus, the game won't let me marry Vaike)

Wait, why wouldn't it? Unless you mean as a male avatar.....

Anyway, my first and current play is Shirley as it's my (unofficial) English name. And after I saw how hot Chrom is, lol.... reminded me of Ike. Was gonna name her Risette from P4G. After I beat the final chapter, I might start a new game with a male avatar named Jaejoong. At least I think so, I'm not so good with male names.

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