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ITT Trivial disappointments

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Generals not being able to use swords, meaning that I can't give the Black Knight a forged Silver Sword named Alondite.

And I was so looking forward to kick Grima's scaly arse with it, as well...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Anna not having a child of her own.

That would have been amazing. Any of the 1st Gen male character could be her husband and they'd have a daughter named Anna.

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Generals not being able to use swords, meaning that I can't give the Black Knight a forged Silver Sword named Alondite.

And I was so looking forward to kick Grima's scaly arse with it, as well...

make him a Dread Fighter instead

you know you want to

Edited by shadykid
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Hmm? I like that because some character depth is cool.

Well, the past story is interesting but something is off from there. He doesn't seem as religious as he used to others(and the reasoning is out of selfishness which makes it even worse). Also, he seems to not feel bad about it. Truly weird for a holy man like him(and that's why I decided to avoid that pairing).

Also, no Lon'qu/Libra support. Imagine the hilariousness.

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Well, the past story is interesting but something is off from there. He doesn't seem as religious as he used to others(and the reasoning is out of selfishness which makes it even worse). Also, he seems to not feel bad about it. Truly weird for a holy man like him(and that's why I decided to avoid that pairing).

Also, no Lon'qu/Libra support. Imagine the hilariousness.

what, it's just reflecting reality Kappa.png

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Loss of custom colors on promotion. :(:

You mean custom models? The colors are kinda the same... But yeah I agree.

Generic character endings. Whatever happened to each pairing being unique, and not just a condensed version of the solo ending? T_T

Innes' hair being lime green. <<

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You mean custom models? The colors are kinda the same... But yeah I agree.

I meant the colors. Take Cordelia, for example: red all over the place as a Pegasus Knight, but as soon as you promote her, only her hair is red. Unacceptable.

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I meant the colors. Take Cordelia, for example: red all over the place as a Pegasus Knight, but as soon as you promote her, only her hair is red. Unacceptable.


Being guilt-tripped by legacy characters.

EDIT: The fact that legacy characters don't even get written speech outside of DLC. I mean, sheesh, they could have gathered a bunch of generic remarks and assigned each character to a set. >>

Edited by MagicLeafy
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  • None of the three natural Pegasus Knights in this game really appeal to me. This kind of disappoints me, because I've been really, really trying to like Pegasus Knights more, and let me tell you, Awakening's not making it easy.
  • There isn't a third Cavalier. Even in Sacred Stones, with its relatively small roster, you got three cavaliers. In Awakening? Just Sully and Stahl, and that's it for the rest of the game without reclassing (or marrying one of them to your Avatar). Hey, on this subject, if Anacybele or someone else whose girl Avatar married Frederick comes by, does he make Morgan a Cavalier or a Knight?
  • No second Fighter. Same basic problem as the above; I am just generally not too fond of the recruitable unit base class distribution in this game, including...
  • No recruitable Barbarian, and Soldiers are once again enemy-only despite Tellius proving that they are very workable as a player-controlled class. What gives?
  • The way Paralogues work. I mean, I kind of understand why they'd do it the way they did, but it makes it feel a lot less special if the requirements for unlocking them are just, "Clear Chapter _" Or "Clear Chapter _ and [female character] is Married", and then you're able to challenge the chapters whenever the heck you want. It's a lot more interesting if you have to actually earn the sidequests and it's possible to miss them forever.
  • Manakete and Taguel mastery skills only being usable in their native classes. Perma-supereffectiveness against 85% of mounted units WOULD be a good skill to have, except...
  • You can't pass down DLC skills. So no girls with Aggressor or boys with Bond. Looks like only Brady, Seliph and Jaffar (and maybe Jamke?) will be able to pull of that Aggressor+Galeforce+Lifetaker combo I had in mind... Actually, I'm sure Inigo and Owain can, too, with the right fathers, (ones that give them access Dark Knight through either Mage or Dark Mage). And, of course, a male Morgan can pull it off if he inherits Galeforce from dear old Mom. ...Okay, mostly I just wanted some of the girls to get to use that skill combo, too. But I'm sure I can work out equally (or even more) powerful skill sets for them, anyway.

Edited by Starlight36
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[snip] if Anacybele or someone else whose girl Avatar married Frederick comes by, does he make Morgan a Cavalier or a Knight? [snip]

Frederick has Cavalier skills, so I would assume Frederick!Morgan would be a Cavalier.

Edited by JamesBCrazy
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Well they could've coded a condition that if father is Chrom (or Lucina) the children can use Falchion. Lucina can still start with it.

I mean even with Balmung if you do HolynAyra you /can/ use a glitch to get the Balmung to one of the twins and the twins can use it, and it's more of a case where trading isn't a thing in FE4 and holy weapons can't be sold. It's a different case with the other Chromkids not being able to use it even if it's traded to them in a sword-using class.

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Being guilt-tripped by legacy characters.

^ This.

I really, really wanted to see the characters and be working with them, fighting exclusive bosses in cool scenarios and all that, not killing them - the characters who I frankly like a lot more than the motley crew that you get to recruit in this game. Not only are you attacking them, but you're being jerks about it too. (Female MyUnit and Nanna's convo.)

Really, taking down Mist several times was just nearly too much for me to handle. I usually have to let her shred up the competition (she's finally using tomes for goodness sake) and hope an Ally gets her so I don't have to.

Another disappointment for me would be how they chose to do the DLC characters in general. They don't speak outside of a few quotes, and after that they blend in perfectly with the rest of the army - but can't be used in Streetpass teams, which in my mind, nearly negates them as grinding subjects. I had really hoped that the characters would still be the characters themselves, not some eerie ghost imitation of them. The outrealm gate could easily make time-travel possible between worlds, so I don't see why you couldn't have just nabbed a character at the end of their quest, so they could be alive and talking in Awakening. If they fell, they would simply retreat and return to their time, as to not screw up the timelines if someone got Marth killed, or something of the like.

Even if they were to keep the card motif, if the phantom was channeling the soul of the person it would make it slightly better, but Tiki's card explodes that theory as well. So they're just weird.

I would like to list the Bride class as a disappointment for me as well, but it was really Eirika's random placement in the chapter, her recruitment conversation, and her being the example that just felt so under-done.

I was really hoping IS would play up the 'blessed' bit of the class. I honestly expected her to be like Celica on Alm's map - as in, to be a reinforcement not visible from the preparations screen - and have a dialogue with Ephraim about being on the battlefield when she is to be espoused. And of course she would counter with her needing to support him and her husband (as Innes and Seth would be stationed next to her, so it's up to our shipping fancies) and talk about spreading her blessing with them. So, she would be in a clump of enemies right near the boss (Ephraim) so Bonds would be a pain in the behind and we could really see the potential of the class.

But no. She's randomly placed in a room with no potential husbands and has no really special dialogue, and her recruitment conversation just makes the class look like more a joke. Because she definitely hates the class she somehow gained 23 levels in.

I honestly think someone who is canonly married at the end of their game would have been a better example, and if the class could use tomes (which it really, really should) I would have said Celica or Micaiah would have been the perfect example. But the fact that Eirika is in a class that uses none of her original weapons ground my gears as well.

Phew. That felt good.

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