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Planning my all-MU run or something


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hi guys as I have clocked over 100 hours on this game and gotten more galeforced/armsthrifted units than I could have ever wished for I am looking for something new to try

I've decided to run with an all-MU playthrough which will no doubt be boring and soulless due to no S-support

wait I can actually do that, right?

The plan is to not use any grinding at all, and only play through the main story chapters

It will be done on hard mode because I'm still a child and not grown-up enough for psychiatricward mode

Some stuff I'll be doing:

  • Getting each MU to level 10 and T1 reclassing them first before they get Spotpassed
  • The primary MU will be married to Chrom
  • I will be using Lucina and Morgan because I am a rulebreaker
  • I'm not sure if I'm able to delete save files and still hold on to their respective avatars; if yes, then I will only recruit them when I am able to afford them. If no, I'll have to make an exception and use non-"drafted" characters in the Gold and Silver DLC
  • Only one sorcerer!!! >:[[[[

With that in mind, what kind of avatars do you guys think I should run with? feel free to throw out hair/face combos, asset/flaws, class pathways, etc. I'm all ears and can't be bothered planning this shit myself

Edited by Agro
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Doing something similar to this, except I'm on normal mode, something I'm regretting as my level 8 reclassed units are ORKOing pretty much everything. Yeah, you will probably need the gold DLC to pull this off. I just keeped my original MU as a tactican.

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I'm doing the exact same thing, except I'm grinding cuz I'm cheap. Actually its mostly so I can tackle the hardest DLC with them.

I'm about 4 characters away from finally getting all my planned avatars into the logbook. It is tedious and grueling work, but it pays off. I will be making one of each promoted class with every avatar. And even though it is technically avatar only, I'm including Chrom (who will be married to primary avatar as well), Lucina and Morgan, who will each fill in for the classes that I can't cover with an avatar since you can only have up to 20.

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