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Why is the Class Called "Dark Knight"?

luigi bros

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This class in FE13 fits all the parameters of the Mage Knight from Jugdral. And yet it is called "Dark Knight". I can understand if it could use Dark Magic, but the class can't and in fact Dark Mages lose the ability to use Dark Magic.

I can't seem to figure this out, since there is nothing dark about it. Maybe it's outfit, but that could be modified to resemble a Mage Knight.

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I think they're sort of disregarding most of the classes that were introduced prior to FE6 (that weren't carried over there) in favor of a sort of consistency.

The only Mage Knight from then onward is Magvel's, which uses staves and not swords, and also doesn't look nearly as menacing.

Edited by Iridium
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you also have to realize the Jugdral Mage Knight was a fan translation and not official

except it literally reads "mājinaito", which is the most common way of rendering "mage" and "knight" and precisely matches the FE8 Mage Knight's Japanese name

yes I know katakana is a tricky business and it's silly to take anything for 100% fact, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

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"Dark Knight" sounds much cooler, since it makes me think of black knights in lore and mythology, and also makes me think of them as counterparts to the Paladin class. Also, given the Dark Flier class, I hope they use "Dark" for all promotions that are hybrid weapon+offensive magic classes from now on.

I have a feeling (or maybe I'm just hoping) that if Jugdral ever gets localized, they will call the Mage Knight "Dark Knight". I'd kind of like it that way, as the Magvel Mage Knight was a pure mage (just with a mount) and would fit the name better than the Jugdral Mage Knight.

Edited by Folt
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I'm going to say that they're named more for their foreboding aesthetic than their actual function as a class. (That and no one would use Sorcerers if they had the option of Sorcerer ON A HORSE WITH SWORDS right next to it, although Aversa and DLC Micaiah and Katarina actually do have that option. Then again, they can also be flying Sorcerers with Lance access (Dark Flier), or horseback Archsages (Valkyrie), so...)

Also, I would've translated "mājinaito" as "Magiknight" because puns and also I enjoy poking fun at phonetically-incorrect spellings of loanwords/names in Japanese.

And before it's brought up yes I know the "k" in "knight" is silent don't ruin my pun.

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Probably because of the design, like some others said. I doubt about the skill thing, since life absorption isn't exclusive to or even prominently used by them.

Though because of the name, I think they should retain dark magic. Their relatively low stats means Sorceror is still the better class. Or maybe give Sorceror some Summoner-like function to distinguish them apart (although that would probably make them even more broken).

Dark Flier doesn't cause as much confusion because it's not a promotional branch of Dark Mage. And personally, I like the shaman/druid/summoner names more, even though it might sound offensive to practicers of shamanism (but hey, this game already coined the term "Holy War"...).

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because the designers/translators couldn't come up with a better name... Sad thing too the affected classes Dark Knight and Dark Flier are of my favorite classes in awakening... (HYBRID IS AWESOME but only when they can pull it off growth wise)

Edited by Dragrath
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I think it was called dark knight just because of the dark look that comes with it, and a mage who brings a sword to a magic fight obviously thought ahead of the game.

I do wish they could use dark magic though, with such a misleading name on that the first time I changed to that class and learned they couldn't use dark magic I was really disappointed.

I can come to believe life taker also had a part in the name but who can be sure, I mean stealing the health of a defeated enemy to heal yourself would classify as dark to me, just like how in infamous if you chose the path of evil you could drain the life out of civilians and enemies alike to restore your energy.

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