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Characters that got screwed for you somehow?


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So yeah, topic is basically what the title says. Tell us whenever one of your Awakening units got screwed in their stats.

I think the RNG turned Virion into a very fragile glass for me. He's a level 3 Bow Knight and his defense is 12! And his res is even worse, but that's not much of a surprise. His only high stat is skill. He's still helpful against wyvern riders and Peg knights, but not enough because the RNG hates him in my file. And he was going to be part of my team of Bow Knights I planned to make...argh. DX

Sully's screwed for me too. She's also too fragile and SLOWER than my Great Knights, yet is of a similar level and a Paladin. Ugh. I wasn't going to use her a whole lot at the end of the game anyway though, thank goodness.

I WOULD have liked to use Virion though. >.>

Donnel is also currently strength-screwed somehow, but I think he's going to turn out better than the two above, so his situation's not as bad.

Edited by Anacybele
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Right now Sully is pretty bad on one file even though on the other she was always one of my best units. She can't double, has terrible resistance, and her strength is meh. My female avatar is sadly pretty much in the same boat :/

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Chrom is strength screwed. Level 17 Lord with like 12 strength. Luckily for him he got a STR-asset 18/3 MU taped to him so he still onerounds things as of chapter 8. But MU has like, twice his strength and Sully is several points ahead of him in strength with similar speed, skill, and defense at the same level. Chrom pls.

But maybe he'll unscrew his strength later, since this is still pretty early on. I hope he does.

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Viron has never not been screwed over for me on both of playthroughs usually he gains one stat point on level up(normally skill) and every few levels might see 2 stats increase (normally skill and luck) however on rare occasions he has gained 3 points in one level up. Only once have I ever seen Viron gain more than that ( 4 stats... at a time). Its bad when an enemy 3ish levels lower is statistically superior to him in all stats except skill and luck which appear to be the only stats he ever gains...

after 3 reclasses(going to 20 and promoting each time of course) he finally managed to reach 15 strength... and 12 speed and 38 HP (well, he did cap skill which counts for.... something?) would have given up a long time ago if I wasn't so determined to cap everything on all characters....(yes even that files Ricken... ) (He is actually a bit better on my 2nd playthrough but is still behind everyone else for his level...(along w/ Ricken...)

my personal experince I think he could be one of the worst units in Fe history... with a silver bow he couldn't even harm my Ricken... heck even Maribelle(unlike Ricken she could OHKO him...)!?!

while I have never had any unit in Fe do that bad except for my 1st playthrough of RD Ike... (thank god for the bonus stats from POR... ) or well any character from shadow dragon Fredrick failed me on my first playthrough by not gaining a point of defense through Great Knight general and about 7ish levels through Wyrven lord... yes... FREDRICK

otherwise I haven't had many problems...

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My magic users seem to have forgotten that speed exists. Lissa has 9 speed as a level 17 cleric (And every stat except luck is below 15), while Miriel ended up with 18 speed after speedwings and promotion at level 20.

This was after I restarted because Chrom ended up with something like 9 strength by level 15 and -str Avatar ended up with that stat higher than her magic. In both files, the likes of Sumia, Lon'qu, and Virion ended up almost game-breaking.

Edited by Alg
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On my newest file, Inigo (his father was Gregor) had the worst defense EVER. After getting him up to a level 20 hero, then a level 30 dread fighter, plus two dracoshields, his defense is ONLY 34! And Stahl just had terrible growths overall only maxing out the strike and the speed.

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I think the RNG turned Virion into a very fragile glass for me

Virion loves being reclassed to a Wyvern Rider for defense and strength. He also LOOOOVES being a Dread Knight after all is said and done.

I think it was my second run that had No Speed Libra. Like the dude had maybe a 17 in speed as a level 17 War Monk. D:

Reclassed Froderick of Ass in my very first run. I was like "HEY LETS RECLASS THE JAIGEN AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" *reclasses Fred to Wyvern Rider*

"Hi im Fred. I have no HP. My Speed is ass and i think my defense took a hit. I dunno but im getting ORKO'd. Put me out of my misery!" :(:

Last (Normal mode) run had an Avatar with low ass speed and his modifiers were not anywhere near speed. It was like +magic -luck or some shit.

Dueagh. Lots of Speedwings...

"Hai im Sumia! I cant proc strength worth shit. Even as a Dark Flier, my magic is so bad that i just have to rely entirely from the buffs i get from Pair Up. Sucks to be me."

"Hai im Henry from the last Hard Mode run. I have absolutely no speed! AHAHAHA isnt that great?"

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Chrom is strength screwed. Level 17 Lord with like 12 strength. Luckily for him he got a STR-asset 18/3 MU taped to him so he still onerounds things as of chapter 8. But MU has like, twice his strength and Sully is several points ahead of him in strength with similar speed, skill, and defense at the same level. Chrom pls.

But maybe he'll unscrew his strength later, since this is still pretty early on. I hope he does.

Considering Sully's strength has some issues particularly early on, this is...alarming. Dat pewr Chrom.

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Chrom is basically the weakest of my central team right now, what with all of MU, Sully, Fred, and Panne being stronger. Sully has 15 or 16 right now right after chapter 8 though with Fred supports so she's pretty golden.

Chrom do you even lift

Edited by Thor Odinson
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ugh.... do you even have to ask?....

Chrom.... all day screwed and bish is forced!

lon'qu aswell

and sully is just.... not fast....

on the UP side.... you would think my Vaike was the son of Donnel or somthing!

Dude rages through Lunatic right now

Chrom do you even lift


thats what MU, Nowi, and Lucina are saying to my chrom right now

Edited by Shikihime
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Virion loves being reclassed to a Wyvern Rider for defense and strength. He also LOOOOVES being a Dread Knight after all is said and done.

The Dread Fighter sounds cool, admittedly. But I still wanted him to be a Bow Knight in the end, so if I do your suggestion here, it won't be permanent...lol.

Reclassed Froderick of Ass in my very first run. I was like "HEY LETS RECLASS THE JAIGEN AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" *reclasses Fred to Wyvern Rider*

"Hi im Fred. I have no HP. My Speed is ass and i think my defense took a hit. I dunno but im getting ORKO'd. Put me out of my misery!" :(:

Yeah, when I sent Frederick back to lv. 1 Great Knight, I noticed he wouldn't really do as well in any other class except General. But I didn't want to risk screwing over his already-decent speed (he's my fastest Great Knight, I think), so I was like "Sorry, Fred, but it looks like you're just going to be stuck with four skills. You gotta have your awesome stats!" lol

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I drafted Henry in my first Awakening draft. If I'm remembering correctly, dude never got a single point of speed until I promoted him. So, he was at base+promo bonuses.

I think my Libra in my first file was screwed. He didn't get a lot of speed. All of my other Libras after him don't have much problem with getting speed, so perhaps I had bad luck the first time around.

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My +Mag/-Luck Avatar only had 10 speed when he first reached level 20. 10 speed.

Although, my Sully was like "Do you even lift?" to everyone and had 20 or more STR, SKL, SPD, and DEF at level 20.

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so if I do your suggestion here, it won't be permanent.

I find Dread Fighter/Bride to be a good finishing class. DF has a level cap of 30 and EXP gain is good. Note that the skills you get from those classes do not get inherited. So like, if Maribelle is a Bride or Libra a Dread Fighter and both marry, Brady will not end up with Rally Heart or Bond. Nor will he get Aggressor. I believe. I usually just reclass to Dread Fighter/Bride after im done getting the skills i wanted out of a character and hit that particular character's level cap. (also the growths of those classes are nice.

My +Mag/-Luck Avatar only had 10 speed when he first reached level 20. 10 speed.

Poor you! [/Cherche]

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...I think I have the opposite problem, because I can't think of one. My +Luck/-HP Eowyn did had some speed trouble, but I had quite a few Celica's Gale and Pairing Up with Chrom fixed that up.

Then in the "WTF that's so crazy" version of screwed... Well, taken from the link below...

Melanie, lvl 8

HP: 22

Str: 8

Mag: 9

Skill: 8

Spd: 9 <-- Yeah, still trying to figure that out. It's my flaw.

Luck: 7

Def: 13

Res: 6

Melanie- Lvl 10 Tactician







Def-14 (I'm starting to suspect I chose Def instead of Mag, because OMG WTF.)


I'm pretty 100% sure I choose +Mag/-Spd... so why is this happening to me?!

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