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Fire Emblem Artstyles


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Which art styles of the various Fire Emblem games do you like/dislike?

I like the Awakening and Tellius character art and battle models and the GBA ones I don't mind.

I'm not a fan of the DS character art and battle models and they practically ruin the game for me. I haven't played any of the first 5 games.

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Well which one are you talking about? I think since the topic's just about art styles it can probably apply to both, anyway.

FE8, FE9/10, and FE13 styles are nice. FE7 is okay on a case-by-case basis. FE12 OA barring some of the faces are pretty nice. FE11 ingame art is pretty good too. FE5 is alright except some of the anatomy was really weird.

FE6, pre-FE5, and FE11 OA (aka Masamune Shirow whyyyyy) are all terrible.

I like SS and Tellius art the best personally, though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm actually really partial to the art done for Thracia 776 and most of the artwork done for the TCG after the first series of cards. After those, Awakening and Tellius (RD being substantially better than PoR for me) are my next favored ones. I find FE6/7 particularly lackluster considering their place in the series, although 7 is still a good ways above 6.

FE8 and FE11 I don't like or dislike much either way, but I appreciate how distinct the art is for those entries.

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I liked the FE5 portraits. As much as I like FE4, its portraits aren't great. FE9 isn't too shabby either, I like the bold lines.

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Oh, portraits? Again, RD's and Awakening's. lol

They're just so beautifully done and they have so much character and emotion to them. The GBA sprites are awesome too though.

Edited by Anacybele
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I love the half body portraits.

I initially didn't like Awakening's style when they first presented it on the Japanese pre-release trailers. It reminded me too much of the generic JRPG artstyle.

And then it grew on me for obvious reasons.

Hey. Someone. I'll pay you to make Ninian half body in FE13 artstyle.

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I like RD's art style (and to a lesser extent PoR's).

As for Awakening's art style, I have to say that I really don't like it, as it's too anime-looking.

Then again, most of my team will consist of Spotpass characters, so it doesn't really matter..

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I like Shirow's CGs, though I think his Official and Character Art's hit or miss, and his portrait art is a bit dull. I'm still a bit amazed that he got involved in a FE game at all, regardless.

On reflection, my gut reaction to the art styles of all the other entries in the series are so colored by nostalgia that they're probably just totally corrupt. FE10 and 12 do have some really damn nice CGs, though, even I must admit.

Like I consider FE8's art something of a refinement of FE7's overall, but I still personally prefer FE7's art, because something about that palette of FE8's just makes me hnrrrrrgh

not even mad, just slightly irked, like everything is just the littlest bit sickly-green, even when it isn't and my brain is fucking lying to my face

When I think seinen, I think like Berserk and Vagabond, haha. My brain associates Awakening more with shonen than those, but my brain does a lotta tings

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I really enjoyed Path of Radiance's art style. Radiant Dawn's was good, too, but I think the more realistic approach took away from some of the character of the characters (I really disliked Ike's new design).

Awakening's art is pretty great. There's not really a character design in that game I dislike. In fact, the children have some of the best art in the entire series.

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I really like the Awakening portraits. They're so bright and expressive compared to every other game, since they took a lot more posing liberties than previous games that typically went for a static 3/4 view. Odd artistic choices aside on some of the armor, I think the actual art style is my favourite in the series. But as far as outfits go, Tellius will always win for me. The GBA portraits are really charming in their own way, but FE6 has some pretty sloppy work that I don't like. Personally I don't think the other eras were particularly special compared to their generational counterparts.

As far as the official art goes, again, Awakening has some nice work but some of it is a little inconsistent, and I prefer the Tellius work here. Mostly because Tibarn is probably my favourite OA in the whole series... Thracia 776's art is also exceptionally good, and subsequent art books don't have that same quality that I like from the original Thracia art. Sacred Stones is pretty good too. Blazing Sword has a couple nice pieces but there are some glaring anatomy issues at times with popped out shoulders and stuff that bug me nowadays. FE1 and 2 are good for a laugh, because it's just so bad. I don't really like every other game, because they're not so tragically bad that it's funny like the first two games, but they're just sort of mediocre compared to other games that came out at the same time. Shirow Masamune stands out as my least favourite OA artist, because even with all the high res detail in the Shadow Dragon art, it looks pretty crummy printed out in the manual, followed closely by the FE6 artist.

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I like the colors and shading of FE8, the designs of FE4-12. As for proportions, I think I like FE13 best, since it's the most realistic and least anime-like. But FE6-10+12 were good, too, despite being rather anime.

Edit: That's mostly in regards to out-of-game art.

Edited by Crixler
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Quality is one. I'm personally very big on quality, and I'm fairly critical of art made by professionals. Most of my previous post applies to OAs and out of game art, but as far as ingame goes I like the fact that they're halfbodies vs mugs since it shows height differences between characters better and it shows more of/ more details on their clothing. Which is cool. And as a GBA spriter I can say that GBA mug limits are very constraining and it really fucks with proportions or you'd have to squeeze them into certain angles I'm not quite fond of from a costume designer's point of view. Tellius and Awakening doesn't need to care about these constraints so they can have a bigger range of poses with more accurate proportions while still being able to show off their outfits well.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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RD for both portraits and art. Awakening's style grew on me though I didn't like it originally, and as far as portraits go the only thing that really bothers me about them are the ears... Specifically the big black earholes. They look so bad, especially in the critical cut-ins. And I miss the blinking/mouthing!

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I hope I won't be haunted by knowing about the big black ear holes now o.o

I prefer the short audio phrases to the eyes and mouth movements, if I had to choose.

How about battle animations? Of course Awakening and Tellius triumph with being in 3D. I do prefer the GBA battle sprites to the DS ones and like to watch them while fast forwarding.

Edited by BlueFire
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