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Chapter 5 on Lunatic Mode

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I need help. I have not done Donnel's chapter yet because of the enemy density and Chapter 5 looks like a pain to get through when I need that Rescue staff because I'm playing on Classic.

Then there's the 2 Thieves on the map that I have to chase after and as most of you who have played this mode before know, speeding through the chapter is not the greatest idea.

So what would be the recommended strategy for getting all of the chests and recruiting Donnel? I don't really care about the chests if it's not gold but it's still nice to have all chest items because it's free stuff.

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Speeding through the beginning part can make it a bit easier to get the Killer Lance. Running Frederick (pocket Sumia) through the beginning wave of enemies puts you in position to secure the thief with Frederick while also getting your other teammates enough breathing room to handle the three enemies who start near the upper-right of the map. Giving Chrom or Lon'qu the Killing Edge can help get things started.

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I need help. I have not done Donnel's chapter yet because of the enemy density and Chapter 5 looks like a pain to get through when I need that Rescue staff because I'm playing on Classic.

Go do Chapter 5 first. It's easier than Paralogue 1.

Then there's the 2 Thieves on the map that I have to chase after and as most of you who have played this mode before know, speeding through the chapter is not the greatest idea.

So what would be the recommended strategy for getting all of the chests and recruiting Donnel? I don't really care about the chests if it's not gold but it's still nice to have all chest items because it's free stuff.

This is a Paralogue 1 question, right?

I used Frederick with Kellam. That gave them enough defence to take the hits they had to. If you trained MU before, make Donnel pair up with MU for protection and use MU as the magical shield of the team.

Don't worry about making Donnel get to level 2. The upper-left archer will be (not) glad to help him do so.

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The 2nd Thief in Paralogue 1 doesn't move until you bypass a certain point on the map, I think its the 1st wall to the left of your starting position. Knowing this you can take care of all the enemies that rush towards you in the beginning, including the 1st Thief, as well as possibly get Donnel his level. It's not the absolute best in terms of turn count efficiency but it helps to evenly distribute EXP and you probably won't need Frederick to kill anything and can save him for rushing towards the chest after.

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I need help. I have not done Donnel's chapter yet because of the enemy density and Chapter 5 looks like a pain to get through when I need that Rescue staff because I'm playing on Classic.

Then there's the 2 Thieves on the map that I have to chase after and as most of you who have played this mode before know, speeding through the chapter is not the greatest idea.

So what would be the recommended strategy for getting all of the chests and recruiting Donnel? I don't really care about the chests if it's not gold but it's still nice to have all chest items because it's free stuff.

Check out my walkthrough: http://serenesforest...dpost&p=2294782

It's actually for Luna+ but the general strategies should apply to Luna too if you ignore all the stuff about skills.

If you don't feel like reading all that (which I strongly recommend if you want detailed info, especially if you are considering Luna+) then I guess I'll just put a brief description of each of my successful strategies here:

Paralogue 1: Send everyone north except Lon'Qu and his pair up partner. Have Fred and Chrom mop up the northern guys while Lon'Qu blocks the south and mass slaughters barbarians. The rest is really easy and consists of Fred baiting people for mooch kills (after he races to kill the killer lance thief).

Chapter 5: This chapter is much harder. You are probably gonna need to have Fred hold off the northern people (and kill the myrm on the first turn unless you did Paralogue 1 first) while Chrom runs west with the killing edge (Lon'Qu can help if you have been neglecting Chrom). Aside from that, lure at least one of the initial dracos with falchion chrom and let Freddy tank the rest of the initial onslaught. After that, heal up and proceed carefully not to aggro the dracos without positioning your units correctly first.

Edited by Walhart
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The main use of doing P1 first is for the Rescue staff. To do Ch5 without it, you'll want to get Ricken and Maribelle out of the way on the first turn. First, eliminate the Myrmidon near the starting point: you can have Fred do this with his Silver Lance with someone backing him up for a Str bonus. If you had someone jump on Fred, you'll then need to have someone else come from behind and grab the backup unit, leaving Fred open so Maribelle can immediately jump on him. This leaves only Ricken, who can jump on Sumia if you move her up while taking care to keep her out of enemy range.

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