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Elieson says Screw You to Master Seals! [Completed]


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Heh I kept playing and I'm actually having a slightly hard go on the ship -ch14. I died like 5x (well I lost Lucina because I wanted to train her a bit). What'd I do? Exited and bought like 7 javelins.

I reclassed Morgan to Myrmidon mid-Gangrel, and she ended up gaining enough exp to reclass in ch12, so she's now Cavalier (I want Outdoor Fighter), romping around with 2 range Levin Sword. As a lv7 Cav, she max'd Str, Mag, Skill and Speed. Lol.

Donny Married Panne exactly after ch13 was completed. Sweet. I'm gonna see if I can get Yarne at ch15.

Reclassed Chrom to Cav too. Because hoarses are horses. Lissa is a 20/2 Valk and had 14 speed....GAIN ONE MORE POINT BITCH.

LonQu, Vaike, Cordelia and Tharja are all 16+ in their base classes. Cherche and Sully are 13. Gaius trolls for treasure.

Woah I married Vaike and Sully. Lets go get KYJelly. Then I'll get Yarne, and attempt ch15.

Yarne's Paralogue ?16? Scares me...all dem 44 atk generals. Looks like Elly gonna roflsolo it :/

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Felt like I should say this seperately too.

Not being able to promote is starting to worry me. I'm not skirmishing (except for that one Brave sword skirmish), and Valm arc is kinda intimidating to those without flee. I'm trying to use Cherche (not workin out so far), and L19!Vaike is hovering at 11 speed, sully at 12.

I'm nervous guys. I don't wanna drop em if I can help it.

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Pretty much. Chrom is pretty close to cap'ing all around as 20/13Cav.

Gotta prep hard for Morgan, and I need one more Second Seal before I can do anything with Yarne(husbando).

On a related note; I had a second seal and completely fucking derped and gave it to 19!Vaike to have him go Barbarian. Now I have no second seals.

Wtf was I thinking? Arggggghhhh

<Classes left to prioritize Elly in for skills>


I'll probably dump her back to a Wyvern Rider for a while, because axes on the Valm arc are too important. I'll throw her as a Myrmidon for LATEGAME.

I want Yarne. :(

Oh! -edit-

Reclassing Donny to Fighter could prove useful. I got him Patience as a Merc, so now he will have extra Avo during his banishment to Hand Axesj

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Sorry for the lack of logs. I've been stranded without SF access for a few days.

Elly married Yarne, produced a high speed Morgan.

Brave Sword/Exalted Falchion on Myrm/Lord Elly/Chrom did 0/17 damage per hit, while Barbarian/Barbarian Morgan/Yarne helped clear a path with Helswath/Hammer time.

I didn't do anything else with Anna or skirmishes all game.

Watched Anna and Libra die. It was glorious.

Recruited Vaike!Kjelle, and it was entirely useless. That was a waste of time.

Avoid+10, Tantivy, Patience, Armsthrift and Indoor/Outdoor Fighter are amazing skills and add 40 Avoid to you when you're charging through as a cavalier with an A-S support in tow (which gives like another 10 avoid). Grima, at best, had 38%(PlayerPhase, 28% EnemyPhase) hit on me (granted that was +spd/-def Tonic'd Avatar with Cap'd Lord Chrom support, and might have been better if I had Yarne/Morgan on her instead).

Mistakes I made that cost me time/effort/headaches:

Didn't get enough support points to marry Yarne and get Morgan until Ch19. That. Was. Awful. Morgan's Weapon Rank got hurt badly, which cost me a lot in endgame as it forced me to rely on Elly/Chrom for any form of strong offense on Grima, rather than Elly/Morgan with Forges.


Going Wyvern Rider first for Elly. She should've taken Myrm/Merc early on and saved Axes for Valm arc (plus flying).

Not going Cavalier sooner. Forged Javelins help so god damn much.

using too many units. I probably could've done well without using much else, but I tried to use Vaike, Sully, Lon'Qu, Tharja and Cordelia a whole lot, and the yield wasn't as much as I thought it'd be. Donny reclassed to Fighter, while good with 2 range, tapers quickly with a 24 speed cap. Even though he married Panne, he dropped off in usefulness around Ch20, and I could never really bring him back. Lucina was alright, but slowed down due to a natural limit on avoid boosting skills, and Aether proc'd twice all game for me even though I reclassed her like 4x.

Tantivy is useless when your supports are standing next to you. How did I forget this?

Defeated Grima in 5 turns.

I'm going to attempt this again, only next time I'm not gonna grind out stats and chests and crap that I don't need. Honestly, Donny helped a lot with Midgame, Lucina with Mid-Late, and Yarne/Morgan were always helpful. Cordelia helped with flying Donny around like in Ch12 and shit. Other than that, everyone else was essentially /ok/.

Turncount coming later, but it's not as good as it could've been. I'm going to roll out a LTC of this though. I'm certain that if I apply the boots to Elly and keep her as a Myrm in endgame (so she has enough speed with supports/tonic to Double with a Brave weapon for Exalted Falchion hits) that I'll be alright. Cap'd Str Tonic Lord Chrom in a saddlebag hits for 17 Dmg, but Cavalier Chrom would've hit for 18. I need to run some calculations and see if the speed difference really makes a big deal, and if

Oh! Also, it sucked that I spent so much time giving Morgan sword classes then reclassed him to Barbarian on Ch25, which I blazed through and only got him to D-rank in Axes. If anything, Morgan gets any future Arms Scrolls, and needs to spend more time as a Barbarian (meaning, I need to marry Yarne sooner).

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Dunno, considering I only have CoY 1-3 (easier modo) and various others, I'm not sure.

No way could I conquer the R&R line (especially 3, god), but with proper planning, I'm sure that my team could handle grinding DLC the entire Lost Bloodlines line (Fort-camping ftw, it's how I train my lesser units in my Lunatic file), and I think with a few Elixers in storage, I could conquer the Smash Bretheren trio.

Considering I haven't got a clue on the newer stuff like anything in Season 2, I'm not sure. FoD and the Whitewings set, I'm not sure how reasonable that would be. Really it depends on if enemies in those have under 150 hit or not. If they don't, then it's chancy.


Avatar!Chrom pairup and/or Morgan!Yarne pairup going camptastic with proper equipment (Balmung is a surprisingly headlining weapon), Amatsu, Brave Forges and probably a Tomahawk forge, can handle most of what comes at me. I was surprised to be as successful as I was relying primarily on dodgetanking, but I didn't need to worry that much about healing after I got my primary skills (Tantivy, Patience, ID/OD Fighter, Armsthrift and Avoid+10). I'm never banking on the Sol sword being of any use, but I might be able to work in a Dark Mage/Nos tanking if need be. It's not like I get hit that often, but considering Def caps for me are hardly ever even 25, hits hurt man, hits hurt.

Amatsu is beyond incredible, btw, because I'm pretty reliant on using Sword Classes for max speed.

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