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I've come to the conclusion that I'm terrible at FE.

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The fun part about Awakening (At least on hard) is that once you get past the first couple of chapters you can get DLC and grind until you break the game gee_wiz_emoticon.gif taking 95% of the skill out of it.

I assume this strategy doesn't work on Lunatic and +? xD

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The hardest part is the first few chapters. It'll get easier as you attempt it.

If you can't get to Anna fast enough then use the rescue staff on her. She'll still go out of her way to attack enemies, so try to get her to an area that's as far from them as possible. I don't think you get anything for keeping her alive in paralogue 2 so don't stress yourself over it.

Edited by Pikachu
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This is very easy! You just need some experience, and after that, everything will be no difficult. (Above lunatic! x))

Don't do this.

The fun part about Awakening (At least on hard) is that once you get past the first couple of chapters you can get DLC and grind until you break the game gee_wiz_emoticon.gif taking 95% of the skill out of it.

Do this.

IMO you should wait on that Anna paralogue until you've got a handful of promoted units or high-leveled mounted people that can reach her quickly. Otherwise she just suicides on those archers :X

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The archers won't attack Sumia if Anna is in range, so pair Frederick with Sumia and fly her up to Anna's aid ASAP.

I'm pretty sure that's not true. Unless I'm completely mistaken, the barbarians are set to charge the village and the archers just attack whatever. I've had my units targeted over Anna many times.

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I'm in the same boat. I don't even know why I even bother with harder difficulties - I'm too impatient and I usually prefer to the play the game as if it's Pokemon (gotta train 'em all). But I'm sure I'll get bored sometime before my fourth playthrough and then start listening to reason.

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I tried grinding bonus character battles on lunatic mode and I only got 1 EXP per kill. WHAT A GYP. But someone here said DLC so that means once I get past chapter 5 I will get actual good experience from the DLC maps?

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Skirmishes are useless in Lunatic and +. They're harder than the chapters, and the chapters are... hard. Even with grinding until I got super annoyed with it, the chapters around Walhart and anything after that were still challenging. I can't imagine trying Lunatic and + without grinding. Also, the last chapter... beware of the laaaassstt chapter... oooooooooo.....

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Haha Donnel on Lunatic+.

The realist in me says to ignore his Paralouge.

The completionist says DO IT.

But neither of those matter if I cant do it.

Honestly I felt like a wuss for settling on Hard mode, but after seeing that EVERYONE has a problem with Lunatic, its not so bad.

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